姓名: 曹礼云
英文名: Liyun Cao
职称: 副研究员
职务: 专业: 固体力学,波动力学
所在机构: 力学系 个人主页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Liyun-Cao-2
邮箱: liyun_cao@tju.edu.cn 办公地点: 北洋园校区力学楼36教学楼501
传真: 办公电话:
主要学历: 2016.2-2020.10 西北工业大学,固体力学,博士
2018.9-2020.10 法国洛林大学,波动力学,联培博士

主要学术经历: 2025.1-至今 天津大学,机械工程学院,副研究员
2020.11-2024.12 法国国家科学研究中心CNRS,Institut Jean Lamour,博士后及研究员

主要研究方向: 弹性波/声波超结构波动力学及航空航天装备结构的振动与噪声控制


主要学术兼职: SCI 期刊《Frontiers in Physics》(IF:3.718) 客座编辑(2022.9),SCI 期刊《Symmetry》(IF:2.94)客座编辑(2022.2~2023.9), Int. J. Mech. Eng. Appl. 编委, Adv. Mater.、Nat. common., Phys. Rev. Lett.、J. Sound Vib.、Phys. Rev. Appl.、 Phys. Rev. B等国际知名期刊的审稿人。

主要学术成就: 2025年,中国力学学会“青年人才蓄水池”储备人才
2023年,固体力学旗舰期刊J. Mech. Phys. Solids最高引用奖“Most Cited Paper”

主要科研项目: 2025.1-2028.1 国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持
2022.1-2025.12 XXX创新局重大项目(AID),参与骨干
2019.1- 2023.12 XXX重大项目FA9550-18-1-70**,参与骨干
2019.1-2020.12 西工大博士论文创新基金项目,主持

代表性论著: 1. Liyun Cao*; Sheng Wan; Yi Zeng; Yifan Zhu; Badreddine Assouar*; Observation of phononic skyrmions based on hybrid spin of elastic waves, Science Advances, 2023, 9(eadf365)
2. Liyun Cao; Yifan Zhu; Yanlong Xu; Shi-Wang Fan; Zhichun Yang*; Badreddine Assouar*; Elastic bound state in the continuum with perfect mode conversion, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2021, 154(104502)
3. Liyun Cao; Zhichun Yang*; Yanlong Xu; Shi-Wang Fan; Yifan Zhu; Zhaolin Chen; Yong Li; Badreddine Assouar*; Flexural wave absorption by lossy gradient elastic metasurface, Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 2020, 143(104052)
4. Liyun Cao*; Sheng Wan; Badreddine Assouar*; Locally Resonant Metagrating by Elastic Impedance Modulation, Advanced Materials. 2025, 2408237.
5. Shuowei An#; Tuo Liu#; Liyun Cao#; Zhongming Gu; Haiyan Fan; Yi Zeng; Li Cheng*; Jie Zhu*; Badreddine Assouar*; Multi-branch elastic bound states in the continuum, Physical Review Letters, 2024
6. Liyun Cao*; Yifan Zhu; Sheng Wan; Yi Zeng; Badreddine Assouar*; On the design of non Hermitian elastic metamaterial for broadband perfect absorbers, International Journal of Engineering Science, 2022, 181(103768)
7. Liyun Cao; Zhichun Yang*; Yanlong Xu; Zhaolin Chen; Yifan Zhu; Shi-Wang Fan; Krupali Donda; Brice Vincent; Badreddine Assouar*; Pillared elastic metasurface with constructive interference for flexural wave manipulation, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2021, 146(107035)
8. Liyun Cao*; Yifan Zhu; Sheng Wan; Yi Zeng; Yong Li; Badreddine Assouar*; Perfect absorption of flexural waves induced by bound state in the continuum, Extreme Mechanics Letters, 2021, 47(101364)
9. Liyun Cao; Zhichun Yang*; Yanlong Xu*; Badreddine Assouar; Deflecting flexural wave with high transmission by using pillared elastic metasurface, Smart Materials and Structures, 2018, 27(075051): 75051
10. Liyun Cao; Zhichun Yang*; Yanlong Xu; Steering elastic SH waves in an anomalous way by metasurface, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2018, 418: 1-14
11. Liyun Cao; Zhichun Yang*; Yanlong Xu; Shi-Wang Fan; Yifan Zhu; Zhaolin Chen; Brice Vincent; Badreddine Assouar*; Disordered Elastic Metasurfaces, Physical Review Applied, 2020, 13(014054)
12. Liyun Cao; Yanlong Xu; Badreddine Assouar*; Zhichun Yang*; Asymmetric flexural wave transmission based on dual-layer elastic gradient metasurfaces, Applied Physics Letters, 2018, 18(183506)
13. Yifan Zhu#; Liyun Cao#; Aurélien Merkel; Shi-Wang Fan; Badreddine Assouar*; Bifunctional superlens for simultaneous flexural and acoustic wave superfocusing, Applied Physics Letters, 2020, 116(25): 253502
14. Yifan Zhu; Liyun Cao; Aurélien Merkel; Shi-Wang Fan; Brice Vincent; Badreddine Assouar*; Janus acoustic metascreen with nonreciprocal and reconfigurable phase modulations, Nature Communications, 2021, 12(1)
15. 曹礼云; 徐艳龙; 杨智春 ; 弹性波超构表面设计及应用(学术专著), 西北工业大学出版社(中央级出版社,航空宇航科学与技术一流学科学术著作), 2023年出版 (书号: 978-7-5612-8762-0)
16. 曹礼云; 杨智春; 徐艳龙 ; 弹性波超构表面研究进展(EI综述), 中国科学: 技术科学, 2021, 51: 1 (9)

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