姓名: 梁存满
英文名: LIANG Cunman
职称: 副研究员
职务: 专业: 机械工程
所在机构: 机构理论与装备设计教育部重点实验室 个人主页:
邮箱: lcm@tju.edu.cn 办公地点: 天津大学北洋园校区37南楼344
传真: 办公电话:
主要学历: 2008.09-2012.06 天津大学,机械工程学院,学士
2012.09-2015.01 天津大学,机械工程学院,硕士,导师:张大卫教授,王福军教授
2015.09-2020.01 天津大学,机械工程学院,博士,导师:张大卫教授,王福军教授
2017.09-2018.09 Northwestern University, Center for Bio-Integrated Electronics (CBIE), 联合培养博士,导师:John A. Rogers教授

主要学术经历: 2020.08-2021.04 香港中文大学,电子工程系,博士后,合作导师:赵铌教授
2021.04-2023.08 香港心脑血管健康工程研究中心,博士后,合作导师:赵铌教授,张元亭教授
2023.10-至今 天津大学,机械工程学院,副研究员

主要研究方向: 主要研究方向:微纳操作、微纳机器人、柔性电子、可穿戴传感器件。


主要学术兼职: 担任《IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics》、《Sensors and Actuators A: Physical》等国际权威期刊审稿人。
担任SCI期刊 Micromachines(Q2, IF:2.89) 客座编辑和主题编辑(Special Issue: Micro/Nano Manipulation Technologies for Flexible Electronics);
担任SCI期刊 Sensors(Q1, IF: 3.57) 客座编辑(Special Issue: Recent Advances and Future Trends in Flexible Robots)。

主要学术成就: 本人长期从事微纳操作、微纳机器人、柔性电子、可穿戴传感器件等相关领域研究,在Nature Electronics,Nature biomedical engineering,IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics,IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics等高水平期刊共发表学术论文30余篇,其中第一作者或学生第一作者论文11篇,受邀撰写一作英文专著-章节1篇,申请专利10余项,其中美国专利一项,授权第一作者发明专利5项;获得2016 IEEE 3M-NANO最佳学生论文奖,谷歌学术总引用1700+,H因子19(截止至2023年10月)。

主要科研项目: 1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,柔性电子主动智能微转印机理与操控技术研究,52305611,主持。
2. HKSAR Innovation and Technology Commission (ITC)COCHE,Flexible and Stretchable Technologies for Monitoring of CVD Risk Factors: Sensing and Applications, 12/2020 - 11/2025, 参与。
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目, 柔性器件主动可控超声微转印关键基础问题研究, 2017/01-2020.12, 参与。
4. 欧盟2020地平线项目,面向单细胞操作的微纳操作机器人,2017.01-2020.12,参与。
5. 特种车辆及其传动系统智能制造国家重点实验室课题,主动轮齿圈激光涂覆基础科学与关键技术研究,2016.03-2017.12,参与。

代表性论著: 1. C. Liang, F. Wang*, Z. Huo, B. Shi, Y. Tian, X. Zhao and D. Zhang. A 2-DOF monolithic compliant rotation platform driven by piezoelectric actuators, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, 67 (8): 6963-6974, 2019.(Q1,TOP)
2. C. Liang, F. Wang*, Y. Tian, X. Zhao and D. Zhang. Development of a high speed and precision wire clamp with both position and force regulations, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 44: 208-217, 2017.(Q1,TOP)
3. F. Wang*, C. Liang, Y. Tian, X. Zhao and D. Zhang. Design of a piezoelectric-actuated microgripper with a three-stage flexure-based amplification, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 20 (5): 2205-2213, 2015.(Q1,TOP)
4. F. Wang*, C. Liang, Y. Tian, X. Zhao, and D. Zhang. Design and control of a compliant microgripper with a large amplification ratio for high-speed micro manipulation, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 21(3): 1262-1271, 2016.(Q1,TOP)
5. F. Wang*, C. Liang, Y.Tian, X. Zhao, and D. Zhang. A flexure-based kinematically decoupled micropositioning stage with a centimeter range dedicated to micro/nano manufacturing, IEEE/ASME Transactions on Mechatronics, 21 (2): 1055-1062, 2015.(Q1,TOP)
6. C. Liang, F. Wang*, Z. Huo, B. Shi, Y. Tian, X. Zhao and D. Zhang. Pull-off force modeling and experimental study of PDMS stamp considering preload in micro transfer printing, International Journal of Solids and Structures, 193: 134-140, 2020.(Q1,力学权威期刊)
7. C. Liang, F. Wang*, B. Shi, Z. Huo, K. Zhou, Y. Tian and D. Zhang. Design and control of a novel asymmetrical piezoelectric actuated microgripper for micromanipulation, Sensors and Actuators: Physical, 269: 227-237, 2018.
8. C. Liang, F. Wang*, Y. Tian, X. Zhao, H. Zhang, L. Cui, D. Zhang and P. Ferreira. A novel monolithic piezoelectric actuated flexure-mechanism based wire clamp for microelectronic device packaging, Review of Scientific Instruments, 86(4): 045106, 2015.
9. C. Liang, F. Wang*, Y. Tian, X. Zhao and D. Zhang. Grasping force hysteresis compensation of a piezoelectric-actuated wire clamp with a modified inverse Prandtl-Ishlinskii model, Review of Scientific Instruments, 88: 115101, 2017.
10. C. Liang, F. Wang*, Z. Huo, B. Shi, Y. Tian and D. Zhang. Adhesion performance study of a novel microstructured stamp for micro-transfer printing, Soft Matter, 17, 4989-4997, 2021.
11. C. Liang, F. Wang*, Q. Yang, Y. Tian, X. Zhao and D. Zhang. Design and Characteristic Analysis of an Aerostatic Decoupling Table for Microelectronic Packaging, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 232(6): 1079-1090, 2018.
12. 梁存满, 王福军*, 杨庆国, 张大卫, 赵兴玉, 田延岭. 面向微电子超声键合的精密气浮定位平台特性分析, 焊接学报, 35(6): 77-80, 2014.
13. M. Han#, X. Guo#, X. Chen#, C. Liang, H. Zhao, Q. Zhang, W. Bai, F. Zhang, …, H. Zhang, Y. Huang*, Y. Zhang*, J. A. Rogers*. “Submillimeter-scale multimaterial terrestrial robots”, Science Robotics, 7(66): eabn0602, 2022. (机器人顶刊,Q1)
14. M. Han#, H. Wang#, Y. Yang, C. Liang, W. Bai,…Y. Zhang*, Y. Huang* and J.A. Rogers*. Three-dimensional piezoelectric polymer microsystems for vibrational energy harvesting, robotic interfaces and biomedical implants, Nature Electronics, 2: 26-35, 2019.(封面文章,ESI高被引论文,Q1)
15. M. Han#, L. Chen#, K.Aras#, C. Liang, X. Chen,… ,Y. Huang, I. R. Efimov* and J. A. Rogers*. “Catheter-integrated soft multilayer electronic arrays for multiplexed sensing and actuation during cardiac surgery”, Nature Biomedical Engineering, 4(10): 997-1009, 2020. (封面文章,Q1)
1. C. Liang, M. Han. Flexible and Stretchable Triboelectric Nanogenerator Devices: Toward Self-powered Systems. Wiley, 2019: 339-358.(专著-章节,已出版)

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