姓名: 赵明
人才称号: 北洋学者——青年骨干教师
职称: 副教授/博士生导师
职务: 专业: 流体力学
所在机构: 机械工程学院力学系 个人主页:
邮箱: ming.zhao@tju.edu.cn 办公地点: 36-330
传真: 办公电话:
主要学历: 2007.8 ~ 2012.6 北京航空航天大学航空科学与工程学院攻读博士学位
2003.9 ~ 2007.7 北京航空航天大学航空科学与工程学院攻读学士学位

主要学术经历: 2018.5至今 天津大学机械工程学院力学系
2014.8~2018.5 中国科学院工程热物理研究所
2012.7~2014.7 清华大学航天航空学院博士后

主要研究方向: 计算流体力学数值方法、流动控制方法、涡动力学

主要讲授课程: 航空航天概论、工程流体力学

主要学术兼职: 期刊Physics of Fluids、AIAA Journal、Renewable Energy、Aerospace Science and Technology、Journal of Propulsion and Power等审稿人

主要学术成就: 1. 发展了具有低色散特性的DG/FV高精度数值模拟方法、跨单元的高效FR/CPR数值模拟方法、基于IPDG方法的高精度流场与流固耦合仿真平台;
2. 系统阐述了静态和动态情况下波形前缘流动控制方法的控制机理以及几何因素与来流湍流的影响;
3. 分析了数值模拟方法在旋翼/风力机流场模拟和压力、尾流描述方面的影响,应用转捩模式对旋翼流场转捩进行了成功预测。

主要科研项目: 2013年参加国家自然科学基金《重叠区域内循环的植入IDDES方法研究》;

代表性论著: (1) Yihua Cao*, Ming Zhao, and Li Hu. Numerical Simulation of Rotor-Fuselage-Cylinder Interaction in Forward Flight, Journal of Aircraft, 47(4):1426-1430, 2010.
(2) Yihua Cao, Ming Zhao*. Numerical Simulation of Rotor Flow Field Based on Several Spatial Discretization Schemes, Journal of Aircraft, 49(5):1535-1539, 2012.
(3) Ming Zhao* and Yihua Cao. Numerical Simulation of Rotor Flow Field Based on Overset Grids and Several Spatial and Temporal Discretization Schemes, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 25:155-163, 2012.
(4) Ming Zhao, Zhixiang Xiao, and Song Fu*. Predictions of Transition on a Hovering Tilt-Rotor Blade, Journal of Aircraft, 51(6):1904-1913, 2014.
(5) Ming Zhao, Mingming Zhang* and Jianzhong Xu. Numerical Simulation of Flow Characteristics behind the Aerodynamic Performances on an Airfoil with Leading Edge Protuberances, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics, 11(1): 193-209,2017.
(6) Ming Zhao, Mingming Zhang* and Jianzhong Xu. Analysis of Flow Transition Effects on the Performances of a Wind Power Heat Pump System, Applied Thermal Engineering, 123: 1318-1326, 2017.
(7) Ming Zhao, Yijia Zhao, Zhengxian Liu*, and Juan Du, Proper Orthogonal Decomposition Analysis of Flow Characteristics of an Airfoil with Leading Edge Protuberances,AIAA Journal, 57(7): 2710-2721, 2019.
(8) Jianlong Ma, Yafan Duan, Ming Zhao*, Influence of different blade vibration modes on fluid fluctuation in the tip vortex region: An experimental study, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization and Environmental Effects, 1-17, 2019.
(9) Jianlong Ma, Yafan Duan, Ming Zhao*, Concavity on wind turbine blade performances, Shock and Vibrations, 1-11, 2019.
(10) Yijia Zhao, Ming Zhao, Xiaojian Li, Zhengxian Liu*, Juan Du, A modified Proper Orthogonal Decomposition method for flow dynamic analysis, Computers and Fluids, 182:28-36, 2019.
(11) Ming Zhao, Yijia Zhao, Zhengxian Liu*, Dynamic mode decomposition analysis of flow characteristics of an airfoil with leading edge protuberances, Aerospace Science and Technology, 98:1-13, 2020.
(12) Qianfeng Zhang, Juan Du*, Jichao Li, Ming Zhao, Hongwu Zhang, Dual mechanism and implements of Axial-slot casing treatment in a high-speed mixed-flow compressor, Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, 34(4):19-31, 2020.
(13) Mingming Zhang*, Ziliang Zhang, Ming Zhao, Investigation on the mechanism of drag modification over triangular riblets, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics, 13(4):1093-1106, 2020.
(14) Xiaojian Li, Yijia Zhao, Zhengxian Liu*, Ming Zhao, Dynamic mode decomposition analysis of the flow characteristics in a centrifugal compressor with vaned diffuser. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part A: Journal of Power and Energy, 235(1):154-168, 2020.
(15) Yijia Zhao, Xiaojian Li, Zhengxian Liu, Ming Zhao, Yang Liu*, A modified turbulence model for simulating airflow aircraft cabin environment with mixed convection, Building Simulation, 13(3):665-675, 2020.
(16) Ming Zhao, Xian Wang, Xiaojian Li, Zhengxian Liu*, Wei Liu and Ke Yang, A hierarchical reconstruction for DG/FV method with low dispersion: Basic formulation and applications, Computers and Fluids, 已录用.
(17) Ming Zhao, Tong Wei, Yijia Zhao, Zhengxian Liu*, Influences of leading-edge tubercle amplitude on airfoil flow field, Journal of Thermal Science, 已录用.
(18) Ming Zhao. Lianchao Xu, Zhanqi Tang, et.al, Onset of Dynamic Stall of Tubercled Wings, Physics of Fluids, 已录用.
(19) 王贤,刘伟,赵明*,刘正先. 基于IPDG方法的超音速混合层流动数值模拟,航空动力学报
(20) 赵明,王贤,李孝检,刘正先*. 具有低色散特性的间断伽辽金/有限体积混合方法,工程热物理学报

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