姓名: 李文甲
英文名: Wenjia Li
职称: 副教授(团队博导、硕导)
职务: 中低温热能高效利用教育部重点实验室主任助理 专业: 工程热物理
所在机构: 能源与动力工程系 个人主页:
邮箱: liwenjia@tju.edu.cn 办公地点: 天津大学北洋园校区34-A340
传真: 办公电话:
主要学历: 2013年9月-2018年6月,中国科学院工程热物理研究所,动力工程及工程热物理专业,工学博士

主要学术经历: 2018年7月至今,天津大学 机械工程学院,能源与动力工程系,讲师、副教授

主要研究方向: 课题组面向可再生能源利用与储能领域的科技前沿与国家重大需求,主要从以下四个方面开展研究。
1. 光伏光热互补的太阳能全光谱利用
2. 高温/常温电解水制氢
3. 光电催化制氢
4. 智慧能源系统

主要讲授课程: 本科生:《工程物理引论》,《储能与能源互联网》

主要学术兼职: Applied Energy,Energy Conversion and Management,Applied Thermal Engineering等期刊的审稿人

主要学术成就: 共发表SCI检索论文28篇,其中1作/通讯17篇;发表EI检索论文5篇,其中1作/通讯3篇。授权发明专利2项,国际发明专利1项,申请国家发明专利9项。主持国家青年基金、国重开放基金以及国网等企事业单位委托项目8项;参与基金重大项目等国家级项目5项。
1. 第8届应用能源国际会议最佳论文(1/800),2017
2. 中国工程热物理学会热力学年会优秀论文,2020
3. 第十二届全国大学生节能减排大赛一等奖指导教师,2019
4. 本科生毕业设计优秀指导教师,2020

主要科研项目: 主持项目代表:

代表性论著: 论文:
1. Hongmei Yin, Chaofan Song, Ling Ma, Liuhua Gao, Xuan Yang, Wenjia Li*, Jun Zhao. Analysis of flow and thermal breakthrough in leaky downhole coaxial open loop geothermal system. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 194:1170982021.
2. Rongjie He, Yipu Wang, Hongsheng Wang*, Lundin Sean-Thomas B, Bingzheng Wang, Hui Kong, Xiaofei Lu, Jian Wang, Wenjia Li*. A mid/low-temperature solar-driven integrated membrane reactor for the dehydrogenation of propane - A thermodynamic assessment. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 193:116952.
3. Zayed Mohamed E, Jun Zhao*, Wenjia Li*, Elsheikh, Ammar H, Abd Elaziz Mohamed, Yousri Dalia, Shengyuan Zhong, Mingxi Zhu. Predicting the performance of solar dish Stirling power plant using a hybrid random vector functional link/chimp optimization model. Solar Energy, 2021, 222:1-17.
4. Li Yang, Xu Wenjia, Ma Ling, Zhao Jun*, Li Wenjia*, Wang Shihe, Liu Junlong. Dynamic heat transfer analysis of a direct-expansion CO2 downhole heat exchanger. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 189: 116733.
5. Zhong Shengyuan, Wang Xiaoyuan, Zhao Jun*, Li Wenjia*, Li Hao, Wang Yongzhen, Deng Shuai, Zhu Jiebei. Deep reinforcement learning framework for dynamic pricing demand response of regenerative electric heating. Applied Energy, 2021, 288: 116623.
6. Zayed ME, Jun Zhao*, Elsheikh AH, Wenjia Li*, Sadek S, Aboelmaaref MM. A comprehensive review on Dish/Stirling concentrated solar power systems: Design, optical and geometrical analyses, thermal performance assessment, and applications . Journal of cleaner production, 2021, 283, 124664.
7. Jiyuan Sui, Zhennan Chen, ChenWang, Yueyang Wang, Jianhong Liu, Wenjia Li*. Efficient hydrogen production from solar energy and fossil fuel via water-electrolysis and methane-steam-reforming hybridization. Applied Energy, 2020, 276: 115409.
8. Moustafa M. Aboelmaaref, Mohamed E. Zayed, Jun Zhao*, Wenjia Li*, Ahmed A. Askalany, M. Salem Ahmed, Ehab S. Ali. Hybrid solar systems driven by parabolic trough and parabolic dish CSP technologies: Technology categorization. Energy Conversion and Management, 2020, 220: 113103.
9. Mohamed E. Zayed, Jun Zhao*, Wenjia Li*, Ammar H. Elsheikh, Zhennan Zhao, A.Khalil, Hao Li. Performance prediction and techno-economic analysis of solar Dish/Stirling system for electricity generation. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020, 164: 114427.
10. Shengyuan Zhong, Jun Zhao*, Wenjia Li*, Hao Li, Shuai Deng, Yang Li, Sajjad Hussain, Xiaoyuan Wang, Jiebei Zhu. Quantitative analysis of information interaction in building energy systems based on mutual information. Energy, 2020: 118867.
11. Ling Ma, Yang Li, Junyao Wang, Jun Zhao*, Wenjia Li*, Mohamed E. Zayed, Qi Shao, Mingyuan Sun. A thermal-dissipation correction method for in-situ solar thermal response test:experiment and simulation at multi-operation conditions. Energy and Building, 2019, 194: 218-231.
12. Wenjia Li, Jian Jin, Hongsheng Wang, Xin Wei, Yunyi Ling, Yong Hao*, Gang Pei, Hongguang Jin. Full-spectrum solar energy utilization integrating spectrum splitting, photovoltaics and methane reforming. Energy Conversion and Management, 2018, 173: 602-612.
13. Wenjia Li, Yong Hao. Efficient solar power generation combining photovoltaics and mid-/low-temperature methanol thermochemistry. Applied Energy, 2017, 202: 377-385.
14. Wenjia Li#, Yunyi Ling#, Xiangxin Liu, Yong Hao. Performance analysis of a photovoltaic-thermochemical hybrid system prototype. Applied Energy, 2017, 204: 939-947.
15. Wenjia Li, Yong Hao. Explore the performance limit of a solar PV - thermochemical power generation system. Applied Energy, 2017, 206: 843-850.
16. Wenjia Li, Yong Hao, Hongsheng Wang, Hao Liu, Jun Sui. Efficient and low-carbon heat and power cogeneration with photovoltaics and thermochemical storage. Applied Energy, 2017, 206: 1523-1531.
17. Wenjia Li, Hongsheng Wang, Yong Hao. A PVTC system integrating photon-enhanced thermionic emission and methane reforming for efficient solar power generation. Science Bulletin, 2017, 62(20): 1380-1387.
18. 赵军,李杨,李浩,钟声远,马凌,李文甲*. 中低温能源在中国. 太阳能学报, 2020;2020-0227.
19. 赵军,金玉, 李浩,王稼晨, 李文甲*. 基于虚拟储能的建筑可再生能源系统设计与优化. 太阳能学报, 2018-1266.
20. 李文甲, 郝勇. 聚光光伏与甲醇重整热化学互补发电系统性能研究. 工程热物理学报, 2017(7):1434-1440.

1. Hongguang Jin, Hui Hong, Yong Hao, Jie Sun, Yawen Zhao, Wenjia Li. Photovoltaic-photothermal reaction complementary full-spectrum solar utilization system. 2018-02-08,美国,US20180041158A1.
2. 郝勇,李文甲,金健,金红光;一种太阳能热-电-化学综合利用系统,2019-05-31,CN106549626B.
3. 郝勇,李文甲,金红光;光伏、光热化学相结合的太阳能综合利用装置及系统,2016-11-30,CN104676911B.
4. 赵天寿, 李文甲, 朱强, 刘建宏, 唐英伦, 王悦阳, 陈镇南, 王晨;光谱、光强协同优化的太阳能全光谱利用的装置及方法, 2020-08, CN111510050A.
5. 赵天寿, 李文甲, 朱强, 刘建宏, 王悦阳, 唐英伦, 陈镇南, 王晨;基于光伏反射板的太阳能全光谱聚光利用系统与方法, 2020-07, CN111478657A.

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