姓名: 朱禹
英文名: ZhuYu
职称: 副教授
职务: 专业: 工程热物理
所在机构: 中低温热能高效利用教育部重点实验室 个人主页:
邮箱: zhuyu@tju.edu.cn 办公地点: 34-A334
传真: 办公电话:
主要学历: 2007-2013,上海交通大学,博士

主要学术经历: 2015–今,天津大学,副教授

主要研究方向: 沸腾传热强化

主要讲授课程: 本科:工程热力学、工程物理引论-热学模块



主要科研项目: 1. 国家重点研发计划(政府间国际科技创新合作重点专项),2017YFE0198000,LNG冷能及燃气余热能高效回收热电发电器的研发,2019-2022,参加单位负责人
2. 国家自然科学基金(面上项目),51876138,超高热流下泡沫金属纤维表面改性对流动沸腾特性的影响机制,2019-2022,负责人
3. 天津市自然科学基金(面上项目),17JCYBJC21100,泡沫金属纤维表面改性对流体流动沸腾的影响机制,2017-2019,负责人
4. JSPS Postdoctoral Fellowship for Overseas Researchers (Standard), P15361, High efficiency metal foam cooler for HCPVT systems, 2015-2017, 负责人
5. 中国博士后科学基金(面上资助),2014M560964,超强热流与受迫流动耦合作用下泡沫金属内流体沸腾特性,2014-2015,负责人

代表性论著: [1]Mei S., Lu X., Zhu Y.*, Wang S.* Thermodynamic assessment of a system configuration strategy for a cogeneration system combining SOFC, thermoelectric generator, and absorption heat pump. Applied Energy,
[2]Wang S., Ji S., Zhu Y.* A comparative study of cooling schemes for laminated lithium-ion batteries. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021, 182: 116040
[3]Zhu Y., Wu X.*, Zhao R. R32 flow boiling in horizontal mini channels: Part I Two-phase flow patterns. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 115: 1223-1232
[4]Zhu Y., Wu X.*, Zhao R. R32 flow boiling in horizontal mini channels: Part II Flow-pattern based prediction methods for heat transfer and pressure drop. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2017, 115: 1233-1244
[5]Zhu Y., Hu H., Sun S., Ding G.* Flow boiling of refrigerant in horizontal metal-foam filled tubes: Part 1 – Two-phase flow pattern visualization. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 91: 446-453
[6]Zhu Y., Hu H., Sun S., Ding G.* Flow boiling of refrigerant in horizontal metal-foam filled tubes: Part 2 – A flow-pattern based prediction method for heat transfer. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2015, 91: 502-511
[7]Zhu Y., Wu X.*, Wei Z. Heat transfer characteristics and correlation for CO2/propane mixtures flow evaporation in a smooth mini tube. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 81: 253-261
[8]Zhu Y., Hu H., Sun S., Ding G.* Heat transfer measurements and correlation of refrigerant flow boiling in tube filled with copper foam. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2014, 38: 215-226
[9]Zhu Y., Hu H., Ding G.*, Sun S., Jing Y. Influence of metal foam on heat transfer characteristics of refrigerant-oil mixture flow boiling inside circular tubes. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2013, 50 (1): 1246-1256
[10]Zhu Y., Hu H., Ding G*, Peng H., Huang X., Zhuang D., Yu J. Influence of oil on nucleate pool boiling heat transfer of refrigerant on metal foam covers. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2011, 34 (2): 509-517

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