姓名: 车志钊
英文名: Che Zhizhao
人才称号: 国家级青年人才
职称: 教授、博导
职务: 专业: 动力机械及工程
所在机构: 先进内燃动力全国重点实验室 个人主页:
邮箱: chezhizhao@tju.edu.cn 办公地点: 北洋园校区34号楼409
传真: 办公电话:
主要学历: 2007-08 - 2012-06,新加坡南洋理工大学,热与流体工程专业,博士
2005-09 - 2007-07,哈尔滨工业大学,工程热物理专业,硕士
2001-09 - 2005-07,哈尔滨工业大学,热能与动力工程专业,学士

主要学术经历: 2013-03 - 2016-01, 英国帝国理工学院, Research Associate
2011-10 - 2013-02, 新加坡南洋理工大学, Research Fellow

主要研究方向: 多相流动及传热传质;燃料电池传热传质

主要讲授课程: 工程传热学
Advanced Heat Transfer
Advanced Fluid Mechanics



主要科研项目: 1.内蒙古自治区“双碳”科技创新重大示范工程“揭榜挂帅”项目:质子交换膜燃料电池与氢基内燃机混合发电系统技术研发与应用。2023-2025,参与人。

代表性论著: 在该领域发表SCI论文70余篇,主要发表于Journal of Fluid Mechanics, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Applied Physics Letters, Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, Fuel, Physical Review E等权威期刊,多篇论文被编辑选为期刊封面、特色文章或编辑推荐。
1.Z Xu, H Qi, T Wang, Z Che*. [2023] Coalescence delay mediated by the gas layer during the impact of hot droplets. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 204, 123864.
2.OA Odumosu, H Xu, T Wang, Z Che*. [2023] Growth of elongated vapor bubbles during flow boiling heat transfer in wavy microchannels. Applied Thermal Engineering, 223, 119987.
3.H Zhang, Z Lu, T Wang, Z Che*. [2023] Mist formation during micro-explosion of emulsion droplets. Fuel, 339, 127350.
4.Z Xu, T Wang, Z Che*. [2023] Transitions of breakup regimes for viscous droplets in airflow. Fuel, 339, 127355.
5.Y Li, Z Xu, X Peng, T Wang, Z Che*. [2023] Numerical simulation of secondary breakup of shear-thinning droplets. Physics of Fluids, 35, 012103 (Featured article).
6.Z Xu, T Wang, Z Che*. [2022] Cavity deformation and bubble entrapment during the impact of droplets on a liquid pool. Physical Review E, 106 (5), 055108.
7.H Xu, T Wang, Z Che*. [2022] Bridge evolution during the coalescence of immiscible liquid droplets. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 628, 869-877.
8.J Cao, M Ye, H Li, T Wang, Z Che*. [2022] Heat transfer enhancement by mist/air two-phase flow in a high-temperature channel. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 193, 122966.
9.Z Xu, T Wang, Z Che*. [2022] Droplet breakup in airflow with strong shear effect. Journal of Fluid Mechanics, 941, A54.
10.Z Zeng, T Wang*, R Chen, M Suo, K Sun, P Theodorakis, Z Che*. [2022] Two-dimensional partitioned square ice confined in graphene/graphite nanocapillaries. The Journal of Chemical Physics, 156, 154510.
11.M Li, Y Li, Y Qin*, Y Yin, J Zhang, Z Che*. [2022] Water droplet detachment characteristics on surfaces of gas diffusion layers in PEMFCs. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47 (18), 10341-10351.
12.Z Xu, L Wang, T Wang, Z Che*. [2021] Crown rupture during droplet impact on a dry smooth surface at increased pressure. Physics of Fluids, 33, 122105.
13.X Peng, T Wang, K Sun, Z Che*. [2021] Droplet splashing during the impact on liquid pools of shear-thinning fluids with yield stress. Physics of Fluids, 33, 112106 (Editor’s Pick).
14.FA Hammad, K Sun, Z Che*, J Jedelsky, T Wang*. [2021] Internal two-phase flow and spray characteristics of outside-in-liquid twin-fluid atomizers. Applied Thermal Engineering, 187, 116555.
15.P Zhang, Z Xu, T Wang, Z Che*. [2021] A method to measure vapor concentration of droplet evaporation based on background oriented Schlieren. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 168, 120880.
16.Z Xu, T Wang, Z Che*. [2020] Droplet deformation and breakup in shear flow of air. Physics of Fluids, 32, 052109 (Featured Article).
17.H Qi, T Wang, Z Che*. [2020] Air layer during the impact of droplets on heated substrates. Physical Review E, 101, 043114.
18.L Wang, S Rong, S Shen, T Wang, Z Che*. [2019] Interface oscillation of droplets upon impact on a heated surface in the Leidenfrost state. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 148, 119116.
19.Q Ding, T Wang, Z Che*. [2019]. Two jets during the impact of viscous droplets onto a less-viscous liquid pool. Physical Review E, 100, 053108.
20.S Shen, K Sun, Z Che*, T Wang*, M Jia, J Cai. [2019] Mechanism of micro-explosion of water-in-oil emulsified fuel droplet and its effect on soot generation. Energy, 191, 116488.
21.S Shen, K Sun, Z Che*, T Wang*, M Jia. [2019] Puffing and micro-explosion of heated droplets for homogeneous ethanol-propanol-hexadecane fuel and micro-emulsified ethanol-biodiesel-hexadecane fuel. Applied Thermal Engineering, 165, 114537.
22.H Zhao, T Wang, Z Che*. [2019] Full-field flow measurement in evaporating sessile droplets based on the Scheimpflug principle. Applied Physics Letters, 115, 091603.
23.P Theodorakis*, Z Che*. [2019] Surface nanobubbles: Theory, simulation, and experiment. A review. Advances in Colloid and Interface Science, 272, 101995.
24.S Shen, K Sun, Z Che*, T Wang*, M Jia, J Cai. [2019]. An experimental investigation of the heating behaviors of droplets of emulsified fuels at high temperature. Applied Thermal Engineering, 161, 114059.
25.荣松,沈世全,王天友,车志钊*. [2019] 液滴撞击加热壁面雾化弹起模式及驻留时间, 物理学报, 68 (15), 154701.
26.Z Che*, YF Yap, T Wang. [2018] Flow structure of compound droplets moving in microchannels. Physics of Fluids, 30 (1), 012114.
27.Z Che*, OK Matar*. [2018] Impact of droplets on immiscible liquid films. Soft Matter, 14 (9), 1540-1551 (Back Cover Story).
28.Z Che*, OK Matar*. [2017] Impact of droplets on liquid films in the presence of surfactant. Langmuir, 33 (43), 12140-12148 (Cover Story).
29.Z Che*, TN Wong, NT Nguyen. [2017] A simple method for the formation of water-in-oil-in-water (W/O/W) double emulsions. Microfluidics and Nanofluidics, 21, 8.
30.Z Che*, PE Theodorakis. [2017] Formation, dissolution and properties of surface nanobubbles. Journal of Colloid and Interface Science, 487, 123-129.

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