姓名: 邬斌扬
英文名: Binyang Wu
职称: 副教授/博导
职务: 苏万华院士科研助手 专业: 动力机械及工程
所在机构: 先进内燃动力全国重点实验室 个人主页:
邮箱: binyang.wu@tju.edu.cn 办公地点: 先进内燃动力全国重点实验室 ,300072
传真: 办公电话:
主要学历: 2011/9- 2015/1,天津大学,动力机械及工程,博士
2008/9-2011/6, 西华大学,动力机械及工程,硕士
2004/9-2008/6, 西华大学,热能与动力工程,学士

主要学术经历: 2015/1-2018/12,天津大学,内燃机内燃学国家重点实验室,讲师

主要研究方向: 课题组面向动力系统高效清洁、节能降碳领域的国际前沿与国家重大需求,主要研究方向有:

主要讲授课程: 《航空发动机原理》、《汽车文化》、《内燃机制造工艺学》、《燃气叶轮机械原理》

主要学术兼职: 中国内燃机学会高原内燃机分会副主任委员
Fuel,Applied Thermal Engineering,Science of the Total Environment,International Journal of Engine Research等国际刊物和会议论文审稿人

主要学术成就: 2022年,邬斌扬(排名第5):节能环保农用柴油机关键技术开发与推广应用,中国机械工业集团科学技术二等奖

主要科研项目: 1.国家工信部低速机动力提升项目子课题,高预混氨燃料船舶发动机不正常燃烧控制技术,2023/01-2026/12,负责人。
4.国家重点研发计划项目子课题,高效节能农用柴油机高效燃烧技术与瞬态控制策略研究, 2022/01-2026/12,负责人。
9.内燃机可靠性国家重点实验室开放课题基金,柴油机废气再循环率可靠测量的方法研究,2020/12-2022/5, 负责人。
17.国家重点基础研究发展计划(973课题),2013CB228401,基于拟米勒循环的反应物热力学状态控制的高效清洁燃烧理论研究,2013/01- 2017/08,学术骨干。

代表性论著: 低碳零碳燃料(氨气、氢气、天然气)高效清洁利用
1.Shouying Jin, Binyang Wu*,Zhenyuan Zi,Puze Yang, Taifeng Shi, Junhong Zhang. Effects of fuel injection strategy and ammonia energy ratio on combustion and emissions of ammonia-diesel dual-fuel engine. Fuel,2023,341:127668.
2.WU Binyang, Wang Yusong, Wang Decheng, Feng Yongming, Jin Shouying. Generation mechanism and emission characteristics of N2O and NOx in diesel-ignited ammonia engines. Energy, 2023, 129291.
3.Yiqiang Pei, Decheng Wang, Shouying Jin, Binyang Wu*. A quantitative study on the combustion and emission characteristics of an Ammonia-Diesel Dual-fuel (ADDF) engine[J]. Fuel Processing Technology, 2023, 250: 107906.
4.Binyang Wu*, Zhenyuan Zi, Shouying Jin, et al. Effect of Diesel Injection Strategy and Ammonia Energy Fraction on Ammonia-Diesel Premixed-Charge Compression Ignition Combustion and Emissions[J]. Fuel, 2023, 357: 129785.
5.Liu, Yalong, Bo, Wu, Cong, Wang, Zhi, Jia, Binyang Wu*. The effect of ignition diesel injection conditions on the combustion process of natural gas engine. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2023, 235: 121452.
6.Wu Binyang *, Yang Puze, Luo Yinmi , Jia Zhi. Effects and Mechanism of Pilot Diesel Injection Strategies on Combustion and Emissions of Natural gas engine. Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering. 2023,1-15
7.Binyang Wu, Shouying Jin, Xionghui Zou, Jinze Li and Yalong Liu. Different Combustion characteristics of pilot ignited natural gas diesel engine under low-medium load. Journal of central south university, 2022, 29(7): 2213-2224

1.Binyang Wu*, Minshuo Shi, Zhenyuan Zi, Shouying Jin. Influence of cooling loss on the energy and exergy distribution of heavy-duty diesel engines based on two-stage variable supercharging, VVT, and EGR. International of Engine research, 2023, Accepted.
2.Binyang Wu, Zhenyuan Zi, Xionghui Zou, Jinze Li and Shouying Jin. Effect of diesel and gasoline blending fuel coordinate with in-cylinder charge conditions on efficient and clean combustion based heavy-duty diesel engine. Fuel, 2021, 297:790-799.
3.Yu Xiaoyang, Wu Binyang, Su Wanhua. Experimental study on the approach for improved brake thermal efficiency on a two-stage turbocharged heavy-duty diesel engine. Fuel, 2021(305)-121523
4.Binyang Wu, Zhenyuan Zi, Xionghui Zou, Jinze Li, Shouying Jin. Effect of intake temperature and coolant temperature with injection strategy on gasoline compression ignition combustion stability under the idle condition. International of Engine research, 2022,DOI:10.1177/14680874221081666.
5.Binyang Wu, Qiang Zhan , Xiao Yang Yu, Wen Yu Gu, Min Zhang, Wanhua Su. Effect of Charge Density on Spray Characteristic, Combustion Process, and Emission of Heavy-duty Diesel Engines. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2018, 19(4), 605−614,
6.BinYang Wu,MA Yan,YU XiaoYang,GU WenYu, Li YunQiang & SU WanHua*. Effects of exhaust gas recycle loop layout and retarded intake valve closing on variations in combustion in a heavy-duty diesel engine. International Journal of Engine Research,2015,16(3):340-355

1.Longfei Deng, Caifeng Hao, Yinmi Luo, Puze Yang, Binyang Wu*. Effect of air and exhaust gas dilutions on particulate emissions in different combustion modes. Science of the Total Environment. 2022, 156865
2.Binyang Wu, Zhi Jia, Zhenguo Li, Guangyi Liu, Xianglin Zhong. Effects of Different Thermal Management Technologies for Heavy-Duty Diesel Engines on Exhaust Temperature and Thermal Efficiency. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2021,186:495-505
3.Binyang Wu, Longfei Deng, Yize Liu, Dezeng Sun, Wanhua Su. Urea Injection Control Strategy in a Urea Selective Catalytic Reduction for Heavy-duty Diesel Engine under Transient Process. International Journal of Engine Research, 2019, 22(4):516-527
4.Binyang Wu, Qiang Zhan, Xiaoyang Yu, Guijun Lv, Xiaokun Nie, Shuai Liu. Effects of the Miller cycle and Variable Geometry Turbocharger on Combustion and Emissions in steady and transient cold process. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2017 V118, 621–629
5.Bin Yang Wu, Qiang Zhan, Shun Kai Zhang, Xiao Kun Nie and Yu Han Li, Wanhua Su. Effect of heavy-duty diesel engine operating parameters on particle number and size distribution at low speed condition. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2018, 19(4), 623−633

1.QiangGuo, JieLiu*, BinyangWu*, YizeLiu. On the optimization of the double-layer combustion chamber with and without EGR of a diesel engine. Energy, 2022, 247, 123486
2.Qiang Guo,JieLiu,BinyangWu*,YizeLiu. The multi-parameter optimization of injections on double-layer diesel engines based on genetic algorithm. Fuel,2022, 126920
3.Binyang Wu, Longfei Deng, Wenyu Gu, Bo Wu, Jianjun Guo. Experimental Investigation of Combustion and Particle Emissions under Different Combustion Modes on a Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine Fueled by Diesel/ Gasoline/ Diesel from Direct Coal Liquefaction, Fuel, 2019,254:661-670
4.Binyang Wu, Zhiqiang Han, Xiaoyang Yu, Shunkai zhang, Xiaokun Nie, Wanhua Su. A method for matching two-stage turbocharger system and its influence on engine performance. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2019,141(5)
B Y Wu,X Y YU,Y Z PU and W H Su.“Experimental study on the effects of HP and LP EGR on Thermal Efficiency and Emissions on a Two-stage Turbochargered Diesel Engine”, Science China Technological Sciences, v 57, n 2, p 379-389, February 2014, Special Topic Nano Materials

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