姓名: 吕心力
英文名: Xinli Lu
职称: 教授、博导
职务: 专业: 工程热物理
所在机构: 能源与动力工程系,中低温热能高效利用教育部重点实验室 个人主页:
邮箱: xinli.lu@tju.edu.cn 办公地点: 天津市津南区天津大学北洋园校区热动力大楼(34教学楼)A244
传真: 办公电话: +86 18522972804
主要学历: 2000/03-2004/11,University of Auckland, 工学院机械工程系(多相流专业),博士(PhD),导师:Prof. Arnold Watson
1998/03-1999/11,University of Auckland, 工学院机械工程系 (传热、传质专业), (杰出) 硕士,导师:K. C. Lee
1997/03-1997/11,University of Auckland,工学院机械工程系(地热能及其应用技术专业),硕士研究生班
1988/08-1991/07,西安交通大学,能源与动力工程系,硕士, 导师:蔡颐年

主要学术经历: 长期从事热流体科学及能源与动力工程方面的研究工作。2004年在新西兰奥克兰大学获博士学位。2004至2014年在美国伊利诺伊大学(University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, UIUC)从事地热学及可再生能源技术的研究,从博士后研究员、副研究员、到研究员。2014年10月至今,全职在天津大学机械工程学院能源与动力工程系工作。

主要研究方向: 1. 地热能及其他可再生能源先进应用技术研究:主要包括“创新型”供热技术和发电技术研究
2. 混合能源系统:包括可再生能源与常规能源的混合系统(目前特别针对太阳能-地热能耦合系统的研究及优化)
3. 多相流理论及工程应用:主要针对瞬态气-液多相流的实验研究及数值模拟
4. 超临界流体换热及热力循环研究:主要针对用于中低温发电有机朗肯循环(ORC)的超临界工质以及用于增强型地热发电系统(EGS)的超临界CO2工质

主要讲授课程: 《能源与环境》,大四课程(32学时)
《Renewable Energy and Technology》,外国研究生及博士生全英文课程(32学时)


主要学术成就: 在美国伊利诺伊大学(UIUC)从事了10年的科研工作,圆满地完成了两个重要的科研项目。对本学科领域的主要贡献体现在:(1)成功地将工程热物理理论与地热学以及多相流领域的研究成果有机的结合在一起,将其应用于星球学和天体物理学领域,开创了工程热物理应用的新方向。(2)作为主要作者(第二作者)在《Science》发表了题为“A Clathrate Reservoir Hypothesis for Enceladus’ South Polar Plume(土星卫星Enceladus南极羽毛状喷发现象的固态气体水合物地下储假说)”的论文,构建的模型从全新的角度描述并解释了这一壮观的羽毛状低温喷发现象,同时质疑了浅层液态水在Enceladus的存在。美国多家新闻媒体CNN、FOX新闻和纽约时代周刊等均报道了这一研究成果。(3)作为国际权威期刊《Annual Reviews》的特邀作者,于2009年应邀发表了长篇论文,题为“Thermodynamics and Mass Transport in Multi-component, Multiphase H2O Systems of Planetary Interest(星球中多组份、多相H2O系统的热力学与质量传输)”。(4)在国际上首次提出并验证了低温地热井规律性间歇喷发理论。

主要科研项目: 在天津大学工作期间(2014年10月至今),作为第一负责人承担了国家科技部十三五重点研发计划项目1个课题和1个专题,1项自然科学基金面上项目,及1项中国工程院咨询项目。此外,作为第二项目或课题负责人还承担了其他5项省部级科研项目。

代表性论著: Cui, Z., Lu, X.*, Zhu, J. Zhang, W. Measurements in degassing processes of CO2 solution with particular reference to CO2-driven limnic eruptions. Comptes Rendus. Geoscience, 352, No.2, 115-126, 2020

Lu,X., Zhao,Y., Zhu,J., Zhang,W. Optimization and applicability of compound power cycles for enhanced geothermal systems. Applied Energy, 229, 128–141, 2018

Zhao, Y., Lu, X.*, Zhu. J. Zhang, W., Hu. K., Xin, G., Jiang, F., Qin, Z, Ri, U. A study on selecting optimum flash and evaporation temperatures for four geothermal power generation systems under different geofluid's conditions, Proc. 9th International Conference on Applied Energy, ICAE2017, Cardiff, UK, August 21-24, 2017

Zhu, J., Hu, K., Zhang, W., Lu, X.* A study on generating a map for selection of optimum power generation cycles used for Enhanced Geothermal Systems, Energy, 133, 502-512, 2017

Wang, Q., Zhu, J., Lu, X.* Numerical simulation of heat transfer process in solar enhanced natural draft dry cooling tower with radiation mode, Applied Thermal Engineering, 114, 977-983, 2017

Hu, K., Zhu, J., Zhang, W., Liu, K., Lu, X.* Effects of evaporator superheat on system operation stability of an organic Rankine cycle,Applied Thermal Engineering, 111, 793-801, 2016

Hu, K., Zhu, J., Zhang, W., Lu, X.* A Selection Method for Power Generation Plants Used for Enhanced Geothermal Systems (EGS), Energies 2016, 9, 597; doi:10.3390/en9080597

Zhu, J., Hu, K., Lu, X.*, Huang, X., Liu, K., Wu, X. A review of geothermal energy resources, development, and applications in China: Current status and prospects, Energy, 93, 466-483, 2015.

Kang, Z., Zhu, J., Lu, X.*, Li, T., Wu, X. Parametric optimization and performance analysis of zeotropic mixtures for an organic Rankine cycle driven by low-medium temperature geothermal fluids, Applied Thermal Engineering, 89, 323-331, 2015.

Yuan, L., Zhu, J., Li, T., Fan, H., Lu, X. Numerical simulation of flow and heat transfer characteristics in Solar Enhanced Natural Draft Dry Cooling Tower, Applied Thermal Engineering, 87, 98-105, 2015.

Zhu, J., Wang, Q., Lu, X. Status and Developments of Drying Low Rank Coal with Superheated Steam in China, Drying Technology, 33, 1086–1100, 2015.

Hu, K., Zhu, J., Li, T., Lu, X., Wei Zhang, W.* Experimental Investigation on Characteristics of Evaporator Vaporization and Pressure Drops in an Organic Rankine Cycle (ORC), Proc. 7th International Conference on Applied Energy, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates, March 28 - 31, 2015,

Lu, X., Larson, D. R., Holm, T. R. Preliminary Feasibility Study of Groundwater Source Geothermal Heat Pumps in Mason County and the American Bottoms Area, Illinois. Proc. 8th International Conference on Energy Sustainability & 12th Fuel Cell Science, Engineering and Technology Conference. Boston, Massachusetts, USA, June 30–July 2, 2014, No. 6342.

Lu, X., and Rusk, T., Energy and Water Savings with Heat Pump Application in an Industrial Cooling System, Proc. 5th International Conference on Energy Sustainability & 9th Fuel Cell Science, Washington, DC, USA, August 7-10, 2011, No. 54796

Lu, X., Watson, A., and Deans, J. Analysis of the Thermodynamic Performance of Kalina Cycle System 11 (KCS11) for Geothermal Power Plant - Comparison with Kawerau Ormat Binary Plant, Proc. ASME 3rd International Conference on Energy Sustainability, San Francisco, California, USA, July 19-23, 2009, No. 90165

Lu, X. and Kieffer, S.W., Thermodynamics and Mass Transport in Multicomponent, Multiphase H2O Systems of Planetary Interest, Annual Review of Earth & Planetary Sciences, 37, 449–477, 2009 (应邀论文).

Kieffer, S.W., Lu, X., McFarquhar, G., and Wohletz, K.H. A Redetermination of the Ice/Vapor Ratio of Enceladus' Plumes: Implications for Sublimation and the Lack of a Liquid Water Reservoir, Icarus, 203, 238–241, 2009.

Kieffer, S.W., Lu, X., Bethke, C.M., Spencer, J.R., Marshak, S., Navrotsky, A. A Clathrate Reservoir Hypothesis for Enceladus’ South Polar Plume, Science, 314, 1764-1766, 2006.

Lu, X., Watson, A., Gorin, A.V., and Deans, J. Experimental Investigation and Numerical Modeling of Transient Two-phase Flow in a Geysering Geothermal Well, Geothermics, 35, 409-427, 2006.

Lu, X., Watson, A., Gorin, A.V., and Deans, J. Measurements in a Low Temperature CO2-driven Geysering Flow in a Geothermal Well, Viewed in Relation to Natural Geysers, Geothermics, 34, 389-410, 2005.

Lu, X., Watson, A., Gorin, A.V., and Deans, J. The Experimental and Numerical Analysis of a Carbon Dioxide Driven Geothermal Geyser, Proc. 5th International Symposium on Multiphase Flow, Heat Mass Transfer and Energy Conversion, Xi’an, China, July 3-6, 2005, No. 198.

Lu, X., and Watson, A. A Review of Progress in Understanding Geysers, Proc. World Geothermal Congress 2005, Antalya, Turkey, April 24-29, 2005, No. 1171.

Lu, X., and Watson, A. A Review of Geysering Flows, Proc. 24th New Zealand Geothermal Workshop, Auckland, New Zealand, Nov 13-15, 2002, 267-272.

Lu, X., and Lee, K.C. Air-gap Thermal Insulation for Large Geothermal Pipelines, Proc. World Geothermal Congress 2000, Kyushu-Tohoku, Japan, May 28-June 10, 2000, 3223–3228

Choukroun, M., Kieffer, S., Lu, X., Tobie, G. Clathrate Hydrates: Implications for Exchange Processes in the outer Solar System. In: The Science of Solar System Ices (M.S. Gudipati and J.C. Castillo-Rogez, Eds), Springer
(2012年7月网上出版; 2013年纸质印刷)

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