姓名: 王世宇
英文名: Wang Shiyu
职称: 教授,博导
职务: null 专业: 机械设计及理论
所在机构: 1.制造装备与系统研究所 2.天津大学机构理论与装备设计教育部重点实验室3.天津市非线性动力学控制重点实验室 个人主页:
邮箱: wangshiyu@tju.edu.cn 办公地点: 37楼南楼237
传真: null 办公电话: 13920122653
主要学历: 1994.09–1997.06 天津科大机械工程学院,机械设计及理论,大学;
1999.09–2002.03 天津大学机械工程学院,机械设计及理论,硕士;
2002.03–2005.03 天津大学机械工程学院,机械设计及理论,博士。

主要学术经历: 2005.03–2007.03 天津大学机械工程学院,一般力学,博士后;
2007.03–2017.05 副教授;
2017.06–今 教授;
2009.10–2009.12 RWTH Aachen University,访问学者;
2012.09–2013.09 Auburn University,访问学者。

主要研究方向: 旋转机械的动力学对称性,包括:
1. 行星齿轮传动相位调谐;
2. 旋转机械动力调谐与驱动控制;
3. 机器人关节减速装置创新设计;
4. 特种发动机拓扑创新与力学分析。

主要讲授课程: 1. 机械设计基础(本科);
2. 设计与建造II(新工科项目制课程,本科);
3. 高等机械动力学(研究生)。

主要学术兼职: 1. ASME member;
2. 国家基金同行评议人;
3. 中国振动工程学会模态分析与试验专业委员会委员;
4. 天津市制冷空调压缩机技术重点实验室学术委员会委员;
5. 中国好设计高端装备创新设计大赛评审委员会专家委员;
6. 天津市机械电气工程系列职称评委会评审专家;
7. ASME JMD、ASME JCND、ASME JVA、JSV、MSSP、ND、JVC、IEEE TIE、IEEE/ASME TMECH、机械工程学报、振动工程学报、振动与冲击和航空动力学报等国内外刊物审稿人。

主要学术成就: 对称性早已成为许多领域备受关注的普遍现象,但在旋转机械领域还未引起足够重视。事实上,旋转机械的周期运动决定了对称现象的普遍性。课题组先后以传动部件、支撑装置、旋转电机、液压元件及发动机为典型,研究了构型、激励、响应的时空秩序及影响机理,揭示了机械、电磁、流体等时变激励与动力学行为的共性映射关系,提出具有解释、预测和指导功能的动力调谐理论,并给出性能提升及系统构建技术。目前承担国家基金4项、天津市重点基金1项及特种发动机创新项目2项,在主流动力学期刊发表多篇高水平学术论文,研究生多次获得国家奖学金。

主要科研项目: 1. 旋转机械动力学对称缺失研究,国家自然科学基金,52175109,2022.01–2025.12;
2. 旋转对称机械动力调谐及分组构型研究,国家自然科学基金,51675368,2017.01–2020.12,负责人;
3. 旋转超声动力拓扑选型研究,国家自然科学基金,51175370,2012.01–2015.12,负责人;
4. 基于相位调谐的永磁电机减振降噪机理研究,国家自然科学基金,50705062,2008.01–2010.12,负责人;
5. 超声电机机电耦联动力调谐研究,天津市应用基础与前沿技术研究计划重点项目,13JCZDJC34300,2013.04–2016.03,负责人;
6. 超声电机动力调谐关键技术研究,天津大学自主创新基金,2010XJ-0068,2010.01–2011.12,负责人;
7. 旋转对称动力调谐技术工程应用,天津大学自主创新基金,2012XZ-068,2011.01–2011.12,负责人;
8. 高性能齿轮动态服役特性及基础试验,国家重点研发计划,2018YFB2001300,2019.07–2022.06,参与;
9. 高速行星传动的弹性动力学分析与动态设计方法研究,国家自然科学基金,50205019,2003.01–2005.12,参与;
10. 水轮发电机组机械电气及水工结构耦合振动分析评估,中国水电顾问集团成都勘测设计研究院,2005.06–2008.05,参与。

代表性论著: 1.英文学术论文
(33) Jinlong Liu, Shiyu Wang, Dongsheng Zhang, Elastic vibration of rotationally ring-shaped periodic structure subjected to three-axis angular velocity components, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2021, doi: 10.1177/0954406221989379, corresponding author.
(32) Zheren Wang, Shiyu Wang, Jinlong Liu, Mechanical-magnetic coupling vibration instability of an annular rotor subjected to synchronous load in axial-flux permanent magnet motors, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2020, 486: 115535, corresponding author.
(31) Nan Gao, Chanannipat Meesap, Shiyu Wang, Dongsheng Zhang, Parametric vibrations and instabilities of an elliptical gear pair, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2020, 26(19-20): 1721–1734, corresponding author.
(30) Jinlong Liu, Shiyu Wang, Zheren Wang, Elimination of magnetically induced vibration instability of ring-shaped stator of PM motors by mirror-symmetric magnets, Journal of Vibration Engineering & Technologies, 2020, 8: 695–711, corresponding author.
(29) Shiyu Wang, Xiaoxue Zhao, Ying Xia, Jie Xiu, Mechanical-electromagnetic coupling elastic vibration instability of symmetrical three-phase external rotor induction rotor, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2019, 97: 1–20, corresponding author.
(28) Jinlong Liu, Shiyu Wang, Zheren Wang, Nan Gao, Dongsheng Zhang, Estimation and elimination of eigenvalue splitting and vibration instability of ring-shaped periodic structure subjected to three-axis angular velocity components, Meccanica, 2019, 54: 2539–2563, corresponding author.
(27) Shiyu Wang, Chanannipat Meesap, Investigation on mesh and sideband vibrations of a helical planetary ring gear using structure, excitation and deformation symmetries, Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 2018, 31: 104, corresponding author.
(26) Dongsheng Zhang, Shiyu Wang, Nonlinear effect of tooth-slot transition on axial vibration, contact state and speed fluctuation in traveling wave ultrasonic motor, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2018, 232(19): 3424–3438, corresponding author.
(25) Shiyu Wang, Penghui Zhang, Wenjia Sun, Complete and simplified models for estimating vibration instability of cyclically symmetric ring structures: comparison and verification, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2018, 13: 031006, corresponding author.
(24) Shiyu Wang, Penghui Zhang, Wenjia Sun, Comparison of complete and simplified models in terms of eigenvalues of cyclically symmetric ring structures, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2018, 24(19): 4449–4464, corresponding author.
(23) Yaoyao Wang, Shiyu Wang, Jie Xiu, Excitation and distortion of elastic vibration of cylindrical ultrasonic stator, Journal of Vibration and Control, 2018, 24(1): 191–207, corresponding author.
(22) Wenjia Sun, Shiyu Wang, Ying Xia, Penghui Zhang, Natural frequency splitting and principal parametric instability of rotating cyclic ring structures, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2018, 232(1): 66–78, corresponding author.
(21) Dongsheng Zhang, Shiyu Wang, Jie Xiu, Piezoelectric parametric effect on wave vibration and contact mechanics of traveling wave ultrasonic motor, Ultrasonics, 2017, 81: 118–126, corresponding author.
(20) Dongsheng Zhang, Shiyu Wang, Spatial-dependent resonance mode and frequency of rotationally periodic structures subjected to standing wave excitation, Mechanical Systems and Signal Processing, 2017, 94: 482–498, corresponding author.
(19) Ying Xia, Shiyu Wang, Wenjia Sun, Jie Xiu, Analytical estimation on divergence and flutter vibrations of symmetrical three-phase induction stator via field-synchronous coordinates, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2017, 386: 407–420, corresponding author.
(18) Dongsheng Zhang, Shiyu Wang, Jie Xiu, Distorted wave response of ultrasonic annular stator incorporating non-uniform geometry, Wave Motion, 2017, 68: 43–55, corresponding author.
(17) Shiyu Wang, Wenjia Sun, Yaoyao Wang, Instantaneous mode contamination and parametric combination instability of spinning cyclic symmetric ring structures with expanding application to planetary gear ring, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2016, 375: 366–385, corresponding author.
(16) Zhifu Zhao, Shiyu Wang, Parametric Instability of Dual-Ring Structure With Motionless and Moving Supports, ASME Journal of Computational and Nonlinear Dynamics, 2016, 11: 014501, corresponding author.
(15) Yaoyao Wang, Shiyu Wang, Dianhua Zhu, Dual-mode frequency splitting elimination of ring periodic structures via feature shifting, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2016, 230(18): 3347–3357, corresponding author.
(14) Zhifu Zhao, Shiyu Wang, Jie Xiu, Parametric vibration of an elastic structure with stationary and rotating rings subjected to traveling loads, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2015, 358: 334–355, corresponding author.
(13) Zhifu Zhao, Shiyu Wang, Jianming Yang, Wei Chen, Parametric instability induced by traveling magnetic load within permanent magnet motors, Nonlinear Dynamics, 2015, 80: 827–843, corresponding author.
(12) Bang Xie, Shiyu Wang, Yaoyao Wang, Zhifu Zhao, Jie Xiu. Magnetically induced rotor vibration in dual-stator permanent magnet motors, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2015, 347: 184–199, corresponding author.
(11) Dongsheng Zhang, Shiyu Wang, Jianping Liu, Parametric vibration of split gears induced by time-varying mesh stiffness, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2015, 229(1): 18–25, corresponding author.
(10) Shiyu Wang, Bang Xie, Chenxin Wang, Jie Xiu, Identification and suppression of unbalanced magnetic force and cogging torque in permanent magnet motors with magnetic field distortion, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2015, 137: 031004, corresponding author.
(9) Dongsheng Zhang, Shiyu Wang, Jianping Liu, Analytical prediction for free response of rotationally ring-shaped periodic structures, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, Corresponding author, 2014, 136: 041016, corresponding author.
(8) Shiyu Wang, Jie Xiu, Shuqian Cao, Jianping Liu, Analytical treatment with rigid-elastic vibration of permanent magnet motors with expanding application to cyclically symmetric power-transmission systems, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2014, 136: 021014, corresponding author.
(7) Shiyu Wang, Subhash C. Sinha, Parametric instability in a gear train system due to stiffness variation, ASME IDETC/CIE 2013, August 4-7, 2013, Portland, Oregon, USA, corresponding author.
(6) Mina Huo, Shiyu Wang, Jie Xiu, Shuqian Cao, Effect of magnet/slot combination on triple-frequency magnetic force and vibration of permanent magnet motors, Journal of Sound and Vibration, 2013, 332: 5965–5980, corresponding author.
(5) Jian Wang, Shiyu Wang, Dongsheng Zhang, Jie Xiu, Influence of pole-arc width on cogging torque in permanent magnet motors, IEEE International Conference on Mechatronics and Automation, August 5-8, Chengdu, China, 2012, corresponding author.
(4) Shiyu Wang, Jinyou Xu, Jie Xiu, Jianping Liu, Ce Zhang, and Yuhu Yang, Elastic wave suppression of permanent magnet motors by pole/slot combination, ASME Journal of Vibration and Acoustics, 2011, 133(2): 024501, corresponding author.
(3) Shiyu Wang, Mina Huo, Ce Zhang, Jianping Liu, Yimin Song, Yuhu Yang, Shuqian Cao, Effect of mesh phase on wave vibration of spur planetary ring gear, European Journal of Mechanics-A/Solids, 2011, 30: 820–827, corresponding author.
(2) Dongliang Chen, Shiyu Wang, Jie Xiu, Jianping Liu, 2011, Physical explanation on rotational vibration via distorted force field of multi-cyclic symmetric systems, 13th World Congress in Mechanism and Machine Science, Guanajuato, Mexico, corresponding author.
(1) Shiyu Wang, Jie Xiu, Juping Gu, Jinyou Xu, Jianping Liu, Zhaoguang Shen, Prediction and suppression of inconsistent natural frequency and mode coupling of a cylindrical ultrasonic motor, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part C: Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, 2010, 224: 1853–1862, corresponding author.

(18) 王姚志豪,汪菲,王世宇,李海洋,切向内力对偏心旋转圆环自由振动的影响,振动与冲击,2021,40(17):7–13,通讯作者.
(17) 王哲人,王世宇,张东升,环状周期结构三维参激振动不稳定分析,固体力学学报,2019,40(2):147–156,通讯作者.
(16) 杨玉虎,杜爱伦,王世宇,环状周期结构面外参激振动稳定性分析,天津大学学报,2018,51(9):887–894,通讯作者.
(15) 王世宇,夏营,孙文嘉,王尧尧,同步坐标系下异步感应电机外转子弹性振动分析,振动与冲击,2018,37(7):8–12+37,通讯作者.
(14) 王世宇,赵小雪,计入基础运动的环状周期结构振动特性分析,天津大学学报,2018,51(2):167–174,通讯作者.
(13) 夏营,王世宇,孙文嘉,感应电机定子参激弹性振动分析,振动与冲击,2017,36(14):189–193,通讯作者.
(12) 王世宇,孙文嘉,夏营,修杰,旋转环状周期结构参激振动分析,天津大学学报,2017,50(6):572–578,通讯作者.
(11) 谢帮,王世宇,锥齿行星齿轮传动相位调谐研究,振动工程学报,2016,29(1):69–77,通讯作者.
(10) 王尧尧,王世宇,分组激振旋转超声电机振动分析,天津大学学报,2015,49(11):1203–1208,通讯作者.
(9) 王世宇,霍咪娜,修杰,宋轶民,刘建平,曹树谦,永磁电机不平衡磁拉力及脉动转矩的相位调谐分析,天津大学学报,2012,45(6):560–566,通讯作者.
(8) 王世宇,陈东亮,刘建平,宋轶民,曹树谦,张策,分组对称旋转周期结构固有频率分裂解析分析,天津大学学报,2012,45(5):393–399.
(7) 王世宇,王建,宋轶民,刘建平,张策,锥齿行星齿轮传动模态特性分析,振动工程学报,2011,24(4):376–384,通讯作者.
(6) 徐进友,刘建平,王世宇,宋轶民,秦云,环状旋转周期结构模态摄动分析,天津大学学报,2010,43(11):1015–1019,通讯作者.
(5) 王世宇,张策,宋轶民,杨通强,行星传动的固有特性及模态跃迁现象研究,振动工程学报,2005,18(4):412–417.
(4) 王世宇,张策,宋轶民,杨通强,行星传动共振失效浅析,天津大学学报,2005,38(12):1122–1128.
(3) 王世宇,宋轶民,张策,许伟东,行星齿轮传动的基本参数对动态特性的影响,中国机械工程,2005,16(7):615–617.
(2) 王世宇,张策,宋轶民,杨通强,行星传动固有特性分析,中国机械工程,2005,16(16):1461–1464.
(1) 张策,王世宇,宋轶民,行星传动基本参数选择理论的再认识,天津大学学报,2005,38(4):283–287.

(24) 王世宇,戴宇,周迪,陈佳琪,冯玉群,一种基于声学黑洞原理的行波超声电机,发明专利,申请号:CN202110226184.3.
(23) 王世宇,王久霞,刘晨,夏春花,王一凡,魏振航,一种可调分组径向载荷弹簧施加装置,发明专利,申请号:CN202110248265.3.
(22) 王世宇,李海洋,王姚志豪,王久霞,夏春花,刘晨,一种消除永磁电机定子振动不稳定的方法,发明专利,申请号:CN202010334957.5.
(21) 王世宇,李海洋,王姚志豪,夏春花,刘晨,王久霞,一种偏心旋转环状周期结构动力稳定性预测方法,发明专利,申请号:CN202010870254.4.
(20) 王世宇,王哲人,柳金龙,王姚志豪,李海洋,一种永磁电机正弦形磁极提高转子面外振动稳定性方法,发明专利,申请号:CN201910780474.5.
(19) 王世宇,柳金龙,王哲人,李海洋,王姚志豪,一种镜像拓扑切向受载圆环应力叠加的方法,发明专利,申请号:CN201910760441.4.
(18) 王世宇,柳金龙,王哲人,李海洋,王姚志豪,一种分组拓扑径向受载圆环应力叠加的方法,发明专利,申请号:CN201910760443.3.
(17) 王世宇,王哲人,柳金龙,李海洋,王姚志豪,一种永磁电机转子面外振动稳定性预测方法,发明专利,申请号:CN201910780895.8.
(16) 王世宇,王哲人,柳金龙,王姚志豪,李海洋,绕空间轴旋转永磁电机转子的面外振动稳定性预测方法,发明专利,申请号:CN201910780486.8.
(15) 王世宇,柳金龙,王哲人,张朋辉,一种旋转环状周期结构的弹性振动计算方法,发明专利,申请号:CN201910280804.4.
(14) 王世宇,柳金龙,王哲人,张朋辉,一种永磁电机周期定子的振动特性分析方法,发明专利,申请号:CN201910281359.3.
(13) 王世宇,王哲人,柳金龙,王姚志豪,李海洋,一种磁极分组降低永磁电机面外振动不稳定的方法,发明专利,申请号:CN201910796164.2.
(12) 王世宇,柳金龙,王哲人,张朋辉,一种永磁电机周期定子的组合不稳定分析及预测方法,发明专利,申请号:CN201811197784.6.
(11) 王世宇,孙文嘉,夏营,赵小雪,杜爱伦,张朋辉,一种旋转对称结构固有频率和稳定性的简化分析方法,发明专利,授权号:201610912223.4.
(10) 王世宇,孙文嘉,修杰,夏营,杜爱伦,张朋辉,一种旋转环状周期结构参激弹性振动分析方法,发明专利,授权号:201610911161.5.
(9) 王世宇,王尧尧,孙文嘉,夏营,赵小雪,杜爱伦,一种旋转超声激振装置及时空相位调谐方法,发明专利,授权号:201510702197.8.
(8) 王世宇,陈东亮,霍咪娜,张东升,王建,一种旋转超声电机的激振方法,发明专利,授权号:201110093951.4.
(7) 王世宇,霍咪娜,陈东亮,张东升,王建,一种改善多作用内曲线径向柱塞泵或马达性能的方法,发明专利,授权号:ZL201110093939.3.
(6) 王世宇,霍咪娜,陈东亮,张东升,王建,一种改善多作用内曲线径向柱塞泵或马达性能的方法,发明专利,授权号:201110093939.3.
(5) 王世宇,霍咪娜,陈东亮,刘建平,王建,改善滚动轴承性能的方法,发明专利,授权号:ZL201010562863.X.
(4) 王世宇,霍咪娜,陈东亮,修杰,王建,一种动力调谐筒形超声电机,发明专利,授权号:ZL201010609563.2.
(3) 王世宇,霍咪娜,修杰,王建,刘建平,用于降低永磁电机振动和噪声的方法,发明专利,授权号:ZL201010525851.X.
(2) 王世宇,霍咪娜,修杰,用于降低永磁电机振动和噪声的方法,发明专利,201010525851.X.
(1) 王世宇,霍咪娜,陈东亮,修杰,王建,一种动力调谐筒形超声电机,发明专利,授权号:201010609563.2.

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