姓名: 刘雪玲
英文名: Liu Xueling
职称: 副教授、硕导
职务: 专业: 热能动力工程
所在机构: 中低温热能高效利用教育部重点实验室 个人主页:
邮箱: lxling@tju.edu.cn 办公地点: 北洋园校区34-269
传真: 办公电话:
主要学历: 2005/09-2011/06,天津大学,建筑环境与设备工程系,博士

主要学术经历: 2015/06-至今 天津大学,热能与制冷工程系,副教授
2014/01-2015/01, 新加坡国立大学,国家公派访问学者

主要研究方向: 1. 地热能开发与利用
2. 含水层储能及热泵技术
3. 强化传热机理
4. 纳微尺度传热

主要讲授课程: 本科课程:传热学、工程传热传质学、燃烧学、能源化学、锅炉原理

主要学术兼职: null

主要学术成就: 在多孔介质传热传质研究中,考虑了流体与多孔介质建的局部对流换热效应,对非热平衡理论计算方法进行了改进,有效提高了计算准确性。将压缩空气储能与干热岩发电与建筑供能系统相结合,为解决电力系统负荷稳定性提供了有效解决方案;在地热能开发利用研究中,结合地热能的能量水平,构建了集正、逆及热利用为一体的新型热力循环,有效提高了地热能系统的能量利用率。在供能能源系统调控研究中,采用人工智能方法,将供热(冷)、蓄能及动力循环相结合,实现了局部用能的波动最小化,为电网安全运行提供了有效保障。在强化传热研究中,采用被动控制方法,对湍流边界层实施了有效控制,实现了强化传热中的减阻效应,有效提高了强化传热的实际能量利用率。

主要科研项目: 1. 裂隙多孔介质内超临界二氧化碳传热机理研究 (天津市自然科学基金面上项目,2018-2021,负责)
2. 干热岩发电及综合利用技术方案与经济性评价 (国家重点研发计划,2019-2024, 参与)
3. 面向新型城镇的能源互联网关键技术及应用(国家重大专项,2018-2022,参与)
4. 微尺度扰流元尾流用于强化传热及流阻抑制机理的研究(天津市自然科学基金重点项目,2017-2020,参与)
5. 大工程观下热物理基础课程教学内容和课程体系改革与实践(教育部高等学校能源动力类专业教育教学改革项目,2017-2018,负责)
6. 滨海咸水储层渗透性变化及储热特性研究,(国家自然科学基金青年基金,2014-2016,负责)
7. 高效低碳管壳式换热器研究(横向、负责)
9. 高效传热普及模式地热井下换热器(国家科技部863项目,参与)
10. 中低温地热发电与供热耦合系统新技术研究(863项目,参与)
11. 含相变微粒流体的内空间自然对流传热及动力学特征研究(国家自然科学基金,参与)
12. 滨海新区地热资源可循环利用技术开发(天津科技支撑项目、主要完成人)
13. 海水源热泵关键技术研究(横向、主要完成人)
14 海水源热泵空调系统在天津港的应用研究(横向、主要完成人)

代表性论著: [1] Xueling Liu*, Jianxiao Zhu, Jiansheng Wang, Yuguo Fu, Huipeng Zhang, Jintao Niu, Zero fluctuation: Electric-fluctuation-elimination heat pump system with water storage tank based on time-of-use tax, Energy & Buildings 279 (2023) 112703
[2] Xueling Liu, Yuguo Fu*, Jiansheng Wang, Jianan Ge, Dean instability and thermal characteristic in sinusoidal structure, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 206 (2023) 123938
[3] Xueling Liu*, Lisha Zhong, Jiansheng Wang, The investigation on a hot dry rock compressed air energy storage system, Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117274
[4] Jintao Niu, Jiansheng Wang, Xueling Liu*, Liwei Dong, Optimal integration of solar collectors to Carnot battery system with regenerators, Energy Conversion and Management 277 (2023) 116625
[5] Jiansheng Wang, Yuntian Fan, Jianan Ge, Xueling Liu*, Effect of streamwise vortex induced by streamwise grooves on drag reduction and heat transfer performance, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 186 (2023) 108117
[6] Jiansheng Wang, Jianan Ge, Xueling Liu*, Influence of non-uniform thermal boundary on flow and heat transfer characteristics in rectangular channel, Phys. Fluids 34, 115105 (2022)
[7] Jiansheng Wang, Jianan Ge, Yuntian Fan, Xueling Liu*, Flow behavior and heat transfer in a rectangular channel with miniature riblets, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 135 (2022) 106049
[8] Jiansheng Wang, Yuntian Fan, Jianan Ge, Xueling Liu*, The passive control on flow and heat transfer with streamwise micro grooves, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 135 (2022) 106065
[9] Wang Jiansheng, Wang Xin, Liu Xueling*, Numerical investigation on flow behavior and heat transfer feature of flexible wings located at the bottom of a two-dimensional channel, Applied Thermal Engineering 206 (2022) 118112
[10] Xueling Liu, Yuguo Fu, Jiansheng Wang*, Huipeng Zhang, Jianxiao Zhu, Investigation on flow and heat transfer in rectangular cross-section sinusoidal channels, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 176 (2022) 107490
[11] Jingxuan Xie, Jiansheng Wang*, Xueling Liu*, Performance analysis of pinnate horizontal well in enhanced geothermal system, Applied Thermal Engineering 201 (2022) 117799
[12] 刘雪玲, 牛锦涛, 汪健生, 苏力德, 董丽玮. 利用地热能的双压有机朗肯循环性能分析, 太阳能学报, 2022, 43(9):437-443
[13] 刘雪玲, 付伟娟, 牛锦涛, 王源铭. 平抑电耗波动的热泵蓄热-供热系统优化, 化工进展, 2021, 40(10):5424-5430
[14] Wang Jiansheng, Zhuang Yan, Liu Xueling*, The flow and heat transfer characteristics in a rectangular channel with miniature cuboid dimples, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2021) 105474
[15] Jiansheng Wang, Dingfan Zhang, Xueling Liu*, Investigation on a submarine reverse osmosis system assisted with the ocean thermal energy, Desalination and Water Treatment, 231 (2021) 81–100
[16] Shuting Yao, Jiansheng Wang*, Xueling Liu*, The impacting mechanism of surface properties on flow and heat transfer features in nanochannel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 176 (2021) 121441
[17] Shuting Yao, Jiansheng Wang*, Xueling Liu*, Role of wall-fluid interaction and rough morphology in heat and momentum exchange in nanochannel, Applied Energy 298 (2021) 117183
[18] Jingxuan Xie, Jiansheng Wang*, Xueling Liu*, The role of fracture networks randomness in thermal utilization of enhanced geothermal system, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2021) 105414
[19] Xueling Liu*, Yuanming Wang, Shuai Li, Jiansheng Wang, Convection heat transfer of supercritical CO2 in a single fracture in enhanced geothermal systems, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 123 (2021) 105170
[20] Jiansheng Wang, Yu Pan, Xueling Liu*, Investigation on start-up and thermal performance of the single-loop pulsating heat pipe with variable diameter, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 180 (2021) 121811
[21] Xueling Liu, Jintao Niu, Jiansheng Wang*, Thermodynamic performance analysis of horizontal ‘8’ cycle, Energy Conversion and Management 249 (2021) 114855
[22] Xueling Liu, Jintao Niu, Jiansheng Wang*, Huipeng Zhang, Liwei Dong, Coupling mechanism of double-stage ORC based on hot dry rock utilization, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 28 (2021) 101619
[23] Xueling Liu, Jintao Niu, Jiansheng Wang*, Lide Su, Liwei Dong, Thermodynamic performance of subcritical double-pressure organic Rankine cycles driven by geothermal energy, Applied Thermal Engineering 195 (2021) 117162
[24] Shuting Yao, Jiansheng Wang*, Xueling Liu*, Influence of nanostructure morphology on the heat transfer and flow characteristics in nanochannel, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 165 (2021) 106927
[25] Shuting Yao, Jiansheng Wang*, Xueling Liu*, The influence of wall properties on convective heat transfer in isothermal nanochannel, Journal of Molecular Liquids 324 (2021) 115100
[26] 刘雪玲, 汪健生. 新工科背景下能源与动力工程专业基础课程改革方法研究,大学教育,2020
[27] Xueling Liu*, Yuanming Wang, Shuai Li, Xin Jiang, Weijuan Fu, The influence of reinjection and hydrogeological parameters on thermal energy storage in brine aquifer, Applied Energy 278 (2020) 115685
[28] Yu Jiao, Jiansheng Wang*, Xueling Liu*, Flow field characteristic and heat transfer performance in a channel with miniature square filament, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 163 (2020) 120433
[29] Wang Jiansheng, Ding Xueying, Liu Xueling*, The influence of effective slip surface on flow and heat transfer characteristics in a channel, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 156 (2020) 106436
[30] Jiansheng Wang, Zeyu Sun, Xueling Liu*, Heat transfer and flow characteristics in a rectangular channel with miniature square column in aligned and staggered arrangements, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 155 (2020) 106413
[31] Yu Jiao, Jiansheng Wang*, Xueling Liu*, Heat transfer and flow characteristics in a rectangular channel with miniature cuboid vortex generators in various arrangement, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 153 (2020) 106335
[32] Shuting Yao, Jiansheng Wang*, Xueling Liu*, Yu Jiao, The effects of surface topography and non-uniform wettability on fluid flow and interface slip in rough nanochannel, Journal of Molecular Liquids 301 (2020) 112460
[33] Jiansheng Wang, Jinyuan Xie, Xueling Liu*, Investigation of wettability on performance of pulsating heat pipe, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 150 (2020) 119354
[34] 刘雪玲, 李婉艺, 刘金松, 李帅. 回灌溶液温度对咸水层渗透性能的影响, 热科学与技术, 2020,19(1):14-18
[35] 刘雪玲, 刘金松, 李婉艺, 姜 鑫, 回灌盐度和水头对咸水储层渗透性能的影响, 太阳能学报, 2019, 40(20):447-455
[36] Xueling Liu*, Wanyi Li, Jinsong Liu, Shuai Li, Jun Li, Experimental study of influence factors on heat transfer characteristics of brine aquifer, Applied Thermal Engineering,146 (2019) 495-504
[37] Wang Jiansheng, Jiao Yu, Liu Xueling*, Heat transfer and flow characteristics in a rectangular channel with small scale vortex generators, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 138 (2019) 208–225
[38] Jiansheng Wang, Jinyuan Xie, Xueling Liu*, Investigation on the performance of closed-loop pulsating heat pipe with surfactant, Applied Thermal Engineering 160 (2019) 113998
[39] Wang Jiansheng, Diao Mengzhen, Liu Xueling*, Numerical simulation of pool boiling with special heated surfaces, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 130 (2019) 460–468
[40] Xueling Liu*, Xin Jiang, Jinsong Liu, Jun Li, Wanyi Li, The effect of the injection salinity and clay composition on aquifer permeability, Applied Thermal Engineering 118 (2017) 551–560
[41] 刘雪玲*, 朱家玲. 热泵耦合含水层储能技术研究, 太阳能学报, 2009, 30 (8): 1023-1027
[42] 刘雪玲*,朱家玲, 刘立伟. 含水层储能地下温度场模拟, 天津大学学报, 2009,42(10): 929-933
[43] 刘雪玲*, 朱家玲, 刘立伟. 热泵耦合含水层储能技术应用研究, 水文地质工程地质, 2009, 36(2): 132-135
[44] 刘雪玲, 李宁, 戴传山. 低焓能源发电技术研究, 水电能源科学, 2009(3): 226-228
[45] 刘雪玲, 李宁, 刘立伟. 地下含水层储能效果及经济性分析, 煤气与热力, 2009, 29(6):4-6
[46] 刘雪玲, 朱家玲, 雷海燕. 地下水地源热泵夏季运行的测试与分析, 暖通空调, 2006, 36(7):110-111
[47] 刘雪玲*, 朱家玲. 水源热泵在冬季供暖中的应用,太阳能学报, 2005, 26(2): 262-265
[48] 刘雪玲, 李宁, 胡亚才. 开槽螺旋翅片管换热器传热与流阻性能研究, 石油化工设备, 2003, 33(2):1-3
[49] 刘雪玲, 李宁. 低温地热水源热泵供暖技术, 2004, 24(10): 567-569
[50] 汪健生, 李君, 刘雪玲. 燃烧学, 北京理工大学出版社 (面向“十三五”高等教育规划教材)

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