姓名: 杨昭
英文名: Yang Zhao
职称: 教授、博导
职务: 专业: 制冷及低温工程
所在机构: 能源与动力工程系、中低温热能高效利用教育部重点实验室 个人主页:
邮箱: zhaoyang@tju.edu.cn 办公地点: 天津市津南区天津大学北洋园校区热动力大楼(34 教学楼)A129
传真: +86(0)22 87894028 办公电话: +86(0)22 87894028
主要学历: 1978.09-1982.06 西安交通大学动力工程一系,本科生,获工学学士
1990.09-1992.12 天津大学热能工程系,研究生,获工学硕士
1992.09-1995.10 天津大学热能工程系,在职研究生,获工学博士
1995.12-1997.12 西安交通大学动力工程及工程热物理学科博士后流动站,博士后

主要学术经历: 1992.09—至今,西安交通大学能源动力学院、天津大学电气自动化与能源工程学院、天津大学机械工程学院制冷与热能工程系副教授、教授(1997.12)、博士生导师(1999.10)及制冷低温工程学科带头人。

主要研究方向: 现代制冷热泵新技术;

主要讲授课程: 主授本科生、研究生的制冷与热泵技术,能源与环境等课程

主要学术兼职: 国际制冷学会(IIR)制冷系统安全专家组成员;国际制冷学会 B1 专业委员会委员;LCCP 研究工作组成员;中国制冷学会第九届理事会理事;全国能量系统标准化技术委员会委员;中国工程热物理学会第六届理事会理事;中国工程热物理学会工程热力学分会第七届委员会委员;中国制冷空调工业协会技术委员会委员;中国制冷学会第九届理事会专业技术人员专业水平评价委员会委员;中国机械工业教育协会能源与动力工程学科教学委员会制冷与低温工程分委员会委员;中国制冷学会学术委员会委员;中国能源研究会热力学及工程应用专业委员会委员;《太阳能学报》第八届编委会编委;中国制冷学会第八届理事会《制冷学报》编辑工作委员会委员;《制冷与空调》第四届编委会委员;“二氧化碳资源利用与减排技术北京市重点实验室”学术委员会委员;天津市制冷学会第八届理事会副理事长;环渤海企业合作促进会制冷暖通空调分会副会长;天津市专家协会司法鉴定中心制冷空调专家委员会委员。

主要学术成就: 作为项目负责人或主要成员已完成和正在完成国家 863 项目、国家重点攻关项目、国家自然科学基金面上和重点项目、教育部博士点基金、教育部优秀中青年骨干教师项目、天津市科技支撑项目、天津市科技发展、天津市自然基金重点项目、国际合作及企业技术开发项目等六十余项。其中 7 项科研成果在国家和省部委组织的专家技术鉴定中达到国际先进水平,2 项达到国际领先水平,获省部级以上奖励 4 项。在国内刊物发表论文 240 余篇,在国外刊物发表论文 120 余篇,国内外他引 5500 余次。已获发明专利权、软件著作权70 余项。主编本科生教材《制冷与热泵技术》和《能源环境技术》,参编国内出版的学术书籍 3 本,国际出版的学术书籍《Energy Efficiency》,主审本科生教材“发电厂热力设备及系统”。开展本科生一流课程建设和本科生优秀教材建设,所授本科生课程《制冷与热泵技术》2021 年 7 月获得天津市一流本科建设课程。

主要科研项目: [1] 2020-01-01 至今,新一代低温室效应逆循环工质泄漏燃爆及惰化机制的研究——国家自然科学基金项目
[2] 2022-04-30-至今,冰箱蒸发器结霜除霜机理及箱内温度回升抑制研究与仿真分析——企、事业单位委托
[3] 2020-08-30 至今,磁场保鲜技术开发——企、事业单位委托
[4] 2020-08-14 至今,冷冻冷藏系统 R404A 替代新冷媒及匹配特性研究——企、事业单位委托
[5] 2018-11-01 至 2021-11-01,R134a 替代新冷媒及材料匹配技术、R1233zd(E)材料兼容性测试——企、事业单位委托
[6] 2018-01-01 至 2018-12-31,反式 1,3,3,3-四氟丙烯与醚类润滑油互溶特性的研究——国家基金应急管理项目
[7] 2016-04-01 至 2019-03-31,超声波-热泵种子低温超常脱水机理的研究——天津市重点项目
[8] 2015-01-01 至 2018-12-31,复杂环境下不饱和烯烃制冷剂的燃爆特性与抑制机理的研究——国家基金面上项目
[9] 2014-01-01 至 2016-12-31,高效环保工质泄漏燃爆特性及惰化机理的研究——教育部优先发展领域
[10] 2013-01-01 至 2016-12-31,冷热温度激化抑制果蔬衰变的机理研究——国家基金面上项目
[11] 2013-02-25 至 2015-09-30,新一代节能环保型冷库系统的应用推广——天津市科技支撑计划
[12] 2011-01-01 至 2013-12-31,种子低温脱水动态过程与生理特性的研究——国家自然科学基金面上项目
[13] 2011-01-06 至 2015-08-06,屏蔽门/安全门转换技术实现地铁节能的理论及应用研究——企、事业单位委托技术开发
[14] 2010-01-01 至 2010-12-31,高性能热泵工质的研究——企、事业单位委托技术开发
[15] 2010-07-01 至 2015-12-31,地铁通风空调节能控制策略的研究——企、事业单位委托技术开发
[16] 2009-01-01 至 2011-12-31,正逆联合循环变容量动态特性的研究——教育部高校博士点基金自然科学类课题
[17] 2007-12-01 至 2010-12-01,绿色高效托电建筑独立供能新技术及示范——国家高技术研究发展计划(863 计划)
[18] 2007-01-01 至 2010-09-01,智能型燃气机热泵独立供能系统成套技术的研究及应用——天津市科技支撑计划
[19] 2005-04-01 至 2007-04-01,燃气机热泵优化设计及系统仿真软件——天津市科技支撑计划
[20] 2004-01-01 至 2006-12-01,天然气能源联合循环系统容量调节动态特性的研究——国家自然科学基金面上项目
[21] 2004-05-01 至 2005-12-01,建筑节能改造及超高效低污染冷热联供技术研究——天津市科技支撑计划
[22] 2003-03-01 至 2004-03-01,超导换热制冷技术——企、事业单位委托横向项目
[23] 2003-01-01 至 2005-12-01,替代制冷剂泄漏扩散过程动态燃爆特性研究——教育部高校博士点基金自然科学类课题
[24] 2002-01-01 至 2004-06-01,热泵空调系统工质热物性及系统仿真软件——天津市应用基础及前沿技术研究计划(自然科学基金)
[25] 2001-09-01 至 2002-06-01,高效节能供热系统研究(子课题之二)——天津市重点项目
[26] 2000-01-01 至 2001-01-01,绿色制冷剂可燃及阻燃特性研究——教育部中青年骨干教师计划项目

代表性论著: 代表性著作
5、《Energy efficiency research》,参编,Nova Publishers,U.S.A. 2009.
[1] Chen Y, Yang Z, Lv Z, et al. Combustion mechanism and product characteristics of 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoropropene as an environmentally friendly working fluid for organic Rankine cycle[J]. Energy, 2023,268.
[2] Chen Y, Yang Z, Lv Z, et al. Effect of ignition energy on combustion characteristics of flammable working fluids[J]. Fuel, 2023,335.
[3] Zhang Y, Yang Z, Feng B, et al. Study on the inhibition of lubricating oil in conjunction with a flame retardant on the flammability of propane[J]. Combustion and Flame, 2023,255.
[4] Zhang Y, Yang Z, Zhang C, et al. Thermodynamic analysis of a lower-GWP and nonflammable alternative to R507A[J]. Journal of Thermal Analysis and Calorimetry, 2023,148(12):5613-5623.
[5] Ge Y, Yang Z, He H, et al. Risk Evaluation of Ammonia Leakage based on Modified Probability Calculation Formulas[J]. Journal of Thermal Science, 2023,32(2):854-865.
[6] Fu Q, Yang Z, Ma H, et al. Experimental assessment of a low GWP nonflammable new refrigerant in a closed heat pump drying system[J]. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2023,46(1).
[7] Zhai R, Yang Z, Chen Y, et al. Design Novel Environmentally-friendly Flame Retardants[J]. Combustion Science and Technology, 2023,195(10):2474-2490.
[8] Li J, Yang Z, He H, et al. Research on the flammability and explosion characteristics of typical low GWP refrigerants[J]. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2022,80.
[9] Zhai R, Yang Z, Zhuang Y, et al. Combustion characteristic of 2,3,3,3-tetrafluroropropene (R1234yf)[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2022,144:65-75.
[10] Shi Y, Yang Z, Lv Z. Flammability inhibition effect assessment with mildly flammable refrigerant and inert gases on difluoromethane[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2022,144:26-33.
[11] Liu B, Yang Z, Zhang Y, et al. Evaluation of a low-GWP and nonflammable blend as a new alternative for R134a in the heat pump system[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2022,143:1-10.
[12] Lv Z, Yang Z, Zhang Y, et al. A comparative investigation on the flame inhibition characteristics and mechanism of 1,1,2,3,3,3-hexafluoro-1-propene (R1216)[J]. Fuel, 2022,324.
[13] Deng Q, Yang Z, Zhang L, et al. The control strategy and economic analysis of a new type of solar cold storage[J]. Journal of Energy Storage, 2022,52:104865.
[14] Lv Z, Yang Z, Chen Y, et al. Inhibition performance study of lubricating oil with 2-BTP on the combustion of R152a (1,1-difluoroethane) and R1234yf (2,3,3,3-tetrafluoroprop-1-ene)[J]. Fire Safety Journal, 2022,131:103620.
[15] Zhang Y, Yang Z, Lv Z, et al. Research on the effect of flame retardants on the mildly flammable refrigerant ammonia[J]. Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, 2022,77:104787.
[16] Zhang L, Yang Z, Zhai R, et al. Flammable performance and experimental evaluation of a new blend as R404A lower-GWP alternative[J]. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2022,135:113-120.
[17] Chen S, Yang Z, Lv Z, et al. Solubilities of Flame Retardant Trifluoroiodomethane (R13I1) in Polyol Ester and Polyvinyl Ether Lubricant Oil in the Temperature from 283.15 to 353.15 K[J]. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2022,67(2):367-374.
[18] Lv Z, Yang Z, Chen Y, et al. Experimental studies on the flammability limit and burning velocity of the mixtures of 2,3,3,3-tetrafluoroprop-1-ene[J]. Fuel, 2021,298:120698.
[19] Yang, Z., et al., Analysis of Lower GWP and Flammable Alternative Refrigerants. International journal of refrigeration, 2021.
[20] Zhang, L., Z. Yang and Q. Deng, Effects of pulsed magnetic field on freezing kinetics and physical properties of water and cucumber tissue fluid. Journal of Food Engineering, 2021. 288: p.
[21] Zhao, W., et al., Experimental Investigation for Solubility of Weak Flammable trans -1,3,3,3-Tetrafluoropropene (R1234ze(E)) in PVE and POE Lubricants. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2021. 66(1): p. 621-627.
[22] Lv, Z., et al., Flame retardant effect of the halohydrocarbons on the mildly flammable refrigerant difluoromethane. Journal of Fluorine Chemistry, 2021. 248: p. 109832.
[23] Feng, B. and Z. Yang, Research on burning velocity of R152a and its binary mixture. Combustion and Flame, 2021. 228: p. 184-192.
[24] Yang, Z., et al., Comparison study of static and alternating magnetic field treatments on the quality preservation effect of cherry tomato at low temperature. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2020. 43(9).
[25] Zhang, L., et al., Effect of Combined Pulsed Magnetic Field and Cold-Water Shock Treatment on the Preservation of Cucumbers During Postharvest Storage. Food and Bioprocess Technology, 2020. 13(4): p. 732-738.
[26] Zhai, R., et al., Effect of temperature and humidity on the flammability limits of hydrocarbons. Fuel, 2020. 270: p. 117442.
[27] Chen, Y., et al., Experimental study on the contribution of R161 and R1234yf to the miscibility of R32 with lubricating oils. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2020. 175: p. 115338.
[28] Yu, F., et al., Optimization of pea seed intermittent drying assisted with ultrasound technology. International Journal of Food Engineering, 2020. 16(7).
[29] Biao, F., Y. Zhao and L. Hua, Research on inhibition of flame retardants on flammability of R1234yf. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2020.
[30] Yang, Z., et al., Ultrasound‐assisted heat pump intermittent drying of adzuki bean seeds: Drying characteristics and parameter optimization. Journal of Food Process Engineering, 2020. 43(10).
[31] Zhang, Q., et al., A novel solar photovoltaic/thermal assisted gas engine driven energy storage heat pump system (SESGEHPs) and its performance analysis. Energy Conversion and Management, 2019. 184: p. 301-314.
[32] Zhai, R., et al., Effect of environmental condition on the flammability limits of two isomers of tetrafluoro propene. Combustion and Flame, 2019. 207: p. 295-301.
[33] Feng, B., et al., Effect of gas disturbance on combustion characteristics of flammable refrigerants near LFLs. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2019. 368: p. 21-32.
[34] Zhao, S., et al., Intelligent control and energy efficiency analysis of the multi-functional freezing and refrigerated storage system. International journal of green energy, 2019. 16(15): p. 1381-1390.
[35] Li, N., et al., Numerical Study on Windbreaks with Different Porosity in Photovoltaic Power Plants. Energy Procedia, 2019. 158: p. 577-582.
[36] Zhai, R., et al., Research on miscibility performances of refrigerants with mineral lubricating oils. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2019. 159: p. 113811.
[37] Zhai, R., et al., Theoretical and experimental studies on the combustion mechanism of Trans-1, 3, 3, 3-tetrafluoroprop-1-ene. Energy, 2019. 189: p. 116087.
[38] Zhao, S., et al., Effect of combined static magnetic field and cold water shock treatment on the physicochemical properties of cucumbers. Journal of Food Engineering, 2018. 217: p. 24-33.
[39] Tao, Z., et al., Effect of ultrasound on heat pump drying characteristics of pea seeds. International Journal of Food Engineering, 2018. 14(11-12).
[40] Feng, B., Z. Yang and R. Zhai, Experimental study on the influence of the flame retardants on the flammability of R1234yf. Energy, 2018. 143: p. 212-218.
[41] Zhang, Q., et al., The influence of building using function on the operating characteristics of the gas engine driven heat pump with energy storage system (ESGEHPs). Energy and Buildings, 2018. 167: p. 136-151.
[42] Yang, Z., et al., Ultrasound-assisted heat pump drying of pea seed. Drying technology, 2018. 36(16): p. 1958-1969.
[43] Zhao, Y., et al., Analysis about heat transfer of vegetables during cold shock treatment and preservation quality after storage. International Journal of Food Engineering, 2017. 13(3).
[44] Zhao, H., Z. Yang and Z. Tao, Drying Kinetics of Continuous and Intermittent Heat Pump Drying of Green Soybean Seeds. International Journal of Food Engineering, 2017. 13(11).
[45] Feng, B., Z. Yang and R. Zhai, Experimental research on the concentration characteristics of R32 and R161′ combustion product HF. Energy, 2017. 125: p. 671-680.
[46] Zhai, R., Z. Yang and B. Feng, Miscibility performance of trans-1,3,3,3-tetrafluoroprop-1-ene and its binary blends with lubricating oil. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2017. 75: p. 95-103.
[47] Zhang, Q., Z. Yang and Y. Gao, The multi-goal optimal analysis of stand-alone gas engine heat pump system with energy storage (ESGEHP) system. Energy and Buildings, 2017. 139: p. 525-534.
[48] Zhu, Z., Z. Yang and F. Wang, Experimental research on intermittent heat pump drying with constant and time-variant intermittency ratio. Drying technology, 2016. 34(13): p. 1630-1640.
[49] Zhang, W., et al., Experimental research on the explosion characteristics in the indoor and outdoor units of a split air conditioner using the R290 refrigerant. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2016. 67: p. 408-417.
[50] Chen, A., et al., Quantitative evaluation and prediction for preservation quality of cold shocked cucumber based on entropy. Innovative Food Science & Emerging Technologies, 2016. 35: p. 58-66.
[51] Yang, Z., Z. Zhu and F. Zhao, Simultaneous control of drying temperature and superheat for a closed-loop heat pump dryer. Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016. 93: p. 571-579.
[52] Yang, Z., et al., An innovative environmental control system of subway. Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 2015. 147: p. 120-131.
[53] Chen, A., et al., Effects of cold shock intensity on physiological activity of harvested cucumbers during storage. Scientia Horticulturae, 2015. 197: p. 420-427.
[54] Yang, Z., X. Wu and T. Tian, Flammability of Trans-1, 3, 3, 3-tetrafluoroprop-1-ene and its binary blends. Energy, 2015. 91: p. 386-392.
[55] Yang, Z., et al., Miscibility Measurement and Evaluation for the Binary Refrigerant Mixture Isobutane (R600a) + 1,1,1,2,3,3,3-Heptafluoropropane (R227ea) with a Mineral Oil. Journal of Chemical & Engineering Data, 2015. 60(6): p. 1781-1786.
[56] Yang, Z., et al., Research on the flammable characteristics of fluoroethane (R161) and its binary blends. International Journal of Refrigeration, 2015. 56: p. 235-245.
[57] Zhang, W., et al., Study of the explosion characteristics and combustion products of air conditioner using flammable refrigerants. Journal of Fire Sciences, 2015. 33(5): p. 405-424.
[58] Yang, Z., E. Zhu and Z. Zhu, Water desorption isotherm and drying characteristics of green soybean. Journal of Stored Products Research, 2015. 60: p. 25-30.
[59] Wu, X., et al., Experimental and theoretical study on the influence of temperature and humidity on the flammability limits of ethylene (R1150). Energy, 2013. 52: p. 185-191.
[60] Yang, Z., X. Wu and J. Peng, Theoretical and experimental investigation on the flame-retarding characteristic of R245fa. Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, 2013. 44: p. 613-619.
[61] Yang, Z., H. Liu and X[1]. Wu, Theoretical and experimental study of the inhibition and inert effect of HFC125, HFC227ea and HFC13I1 on the flammability of HFC32. Process Safety and Environmental Protection, 2012. 90(4): p. 311-316.
[1] 刘兵,杨昭,吕子建等.一种新型 R134a 替代工质的热泵季节性能分析[J].工程热物理学报,2022,43(12):3177-3183.
[2] 邓秋佳, 杨昭, 张雷. 一种新型太阳能冷库系统的模拟及实验研究[J]. 太阳能学报, 2022,43(8):484-489.
[3] 陈裕博, 杨昭, 武晓昆, 等. R1233zd(E)与冷冻机油的溶解特性研究[J]. 制冷学报, 2022,43(03):57-61.
[4] 陈 裕博 , 杨 昭, 武晓昆 , 等 . R513A 的 饱和 液相 黏度 特性研 究 [J]. 化工 学报 , 2021,72(11):5502-5509.
[5] 葛滢滢, 杨昭, 贺红霞, 等. 基于统计数据的分体式空调系统泄漏点及成因分析[J]. 制冷学报, 2021,42(5):56-63.
[6] 翟瑞, 杨昭, 张勇, 吕子建, 陈裕博. 可燃工质氨的燃烧及阻燃机理的研究. 化工学报,2021;72(10):5424-9.
[7] 石玉琦, 杨昭, 吕子建, 武晓昆. R32 与 r1234yf 可燃性对比及燃烧抑制研究. 制冷学报,2021;42(04):12-9.
[8] 陈思亦, 杨昭, 马海云, 段钧晨, 陈裕博. R513A与润滑油的互溶性及材料兼容性实验研究. 制冷技术 2021;41(04):37-40.
[9] 赵文仲,杨昭,翟瑞,等. R1234ze(E)在多元醇脂油中溶解度的实验研究[J]. 制冷学报. 2020, 41(05): 35-41.
[10] 余飞,杨昭,杨宗豫. 超声波-热泵联合干燥黄豆种子特性分析[J]. 中国农业大学学报. 2020, 25(08): 144-153.
[11] 陶志超,杨昭,余飞,等. 绿豆种子超声波-热泵联合间歇干燥动力学研究[J]. 江苏农业科学. 2020, 48(05): 193-197.
[12] 陈裕博,杨昭,翟瑞,等. R290/R1234yf 与矿物油的互溶性测试及评价方法[J]. 化工学报. 2019, 70(09): 3248-3255.
[13] 冯彪,杨昭,吕子建,等. R152a 及其混合物燃烧速度的实验研究[J]. 制冷会议. 2018.
[14] 杨昭,高轶德,张强,等. 带储能单元的燃气机热泵供暖季运行分析[J]. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版). 2018, 51(05): 460-465.
[15] 赵海波,杨昭,戴家傲,等. 热泵干燥条件下刺参有效扩散系数的研究[J]. 制冷学报. 2018, 39(05): 77-83.
[16] 冯彪,杨昭,翟瑞. 实验研究气流扰动对R161燃爆特性的影响[J]. 工程热物理学报. 2018, 39(08): 1661-1664.
[17] 冯彪,杨昭,翟瑞. 低 GWP 含氟制冷剂燃烧产物 HF 浓度的实验研究[J]. 制冷与空调. 2017, 17(05): 87-91.
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[1] 杨昭, 张勇, 陈裕博, 贺红霞, 李杰, 费腾. CN115975601A 一种含 R1216 的三元混合工质. (实审)
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[19] 杨昭, 张雷, 邓秋佳. CN110699043A 一种环保混合制冷工质. (有权)
[20] 冯蕊, 师培丰, 杨昭. CN110635751A 一种太阳能光伏光热板的安装支架. (实审)
[21] 杨昭, 冯彪, 谭建明, 刘华, 张治平, 翟瑞, 李宏波, 潘翠, 吕子建, 陈裕博, 赵文仲.CN109810674A 一种替代 R134a 的新型制冷剂. (有权)
[22] 谭建明, 刘华, 杨昭, 冯彪, 张治平, 翟瑞, 李宏波, 吕子建, 潘翠, 陈裕博, 赵文仲, 葛滢滢, 邓秋佳. CN109762526B 一种替代 R134a 的混合制冷剂. (有权)
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[1] 杨昭, 赵兴, 赵延峰, 孙彬, 贾梦楠, 候召宁, 王国庆, 谢腾. CN219103456U 一种基于图像识别测霜技术的风冷冰箱除霜系统. (有权)
[2] 杨昭, 贾梦楠, 胡哲, 蒋东东, 曲晓雷, 周晓东. CN215892905U 一种新型脉冲磁场辅助冷冻保鲜冰箱. (有权)
[3] 杨昭, 吕子建, 陈梓建, 郭长振, 贺红霞, 张雷, 邓秋佳, 李建, 朱欣怡. CN214581987U 一种蓄能型可移动式太阳能预冷微型库. (有权)
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