姓名: 苏万华
英文名: Su Wanhua
职称: 教授、博导、中国工程院院士
职务: null 专业: 动力机械及工程(内燃机)
所在机构: 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室 个人主页:
邮箱: whsu@tju.edu.cn 办公地点: 内燃机燃烧学国家重点实验室 ,300072
传真: +86(0)22 27383362 办公电话: +86(0)22 27403214
主要学历: 1960.09-1965.07 天津大学内燃机,本科生
1965.09-1968.07 天津大学内燃机专业,研究生

主要学术经历: 1968.07-1977.12 天津动力机厂,技术员
1978.01-至今 天津大学热能系、内燃机国家重点实验室,讲师、副教授、教授
1985.04-1986.04 挪威理工学院内燃机教研室,访问学者
1994.01-1994.10 美国Wisconsin大学美国陆军内燃机研究中心,访问教授

主要研究方向: 课题组面向动力系统高效清洁、节能降碳领域的国际前沿与国家重大需求,主要研究方向有:

主要讲授课程: 内燃机燃烧过程的数值模拟(博士生)

主要学术兼职: 国务院学位委员会学科评议组成员
Int. J Engine Research 和Int. J. Automotive Technology 等国际期刊编委

主要学术成就: 在国内率先提出将先进燃烧理论与可控零部件技术以及智能控制技术研究相结合,形成“内燃机燃烧控制”核心学术新思想。提出“柴油机混合率与化学反应率协同控制理论”,开发了可变米勒系统,EGR系统与高效增压系统相耦合的先进空气系统,提出并开发了重型柴油机高密度-低温燃烧系统及相关工程化技术。使用该技术开发的无后处理器国IV柴油机和欧VI柴油机动力性和热效率处国际先进水平。发明了高混合率燃烧室新技术。研发出具有自主知识产权的“高压共轨智能控制燃油系统”,并在其产业化关键技术方面取得突破。提出内燃机燃烧控制新理念,开发出我国第一台天然气稀燃、压燃、智能控制发动机,带动了我国内燃机智能控制技术进步与发展。承担国家重大科研攻关项目20余项。在国内外期刊发表论文200余篇。主要获得奖项有:

主要科研项目: 1.国家重点研发计划项目发动机方向PI,重型柴油机高效清洁燃烧关键技术,2021/01-2022/12,负责人。
12.国家重点基础研究发展计划(973课题),2013CB228401,基于拟米勒循环的反应物热力学状态控制的高效清洁燃烧理论研究,2012/06- 2017/09,负责人。
13.企业课题, WP12无后处理器国IV工程样机开发,2013/08-2014/08,负责人。

代表性论著: 专著:
2.《Advanced direct injection combustion engine technologies and development》

1. Yu Xiaoyang;Wu Binyang;Su Wanhua. Experimental study on the approach for improved brake thermal efficiency on a two-stage turbocharged heavy-duty diesel engine. Fuel, 2021(305)-121523
2.Hao Yu and Wanhua Su. Numerical study on the approach for super-high thermal efficiency in a gasoline homogeneous charge compression ignition lean-burn engine. International J of Engine Research, 2019,1-13
3.Binyang Wu, Longfei Deng, Yize Liu, Dezeng Sun, Wanhua Su. Urea Injection Control Strategy in a Urea Selective Catalytic Reduction for Heavy-duty Diesel Engine under Transient Process. International Journal of Engine Research, 2019, 22(4):516-527
4.Binyang Wu, Zhiqiang Han, Xiaoyang Yu, Shunkai zhang, Xiaokun Nie, Wanhua Su. A method for matching two-stage turbocharger system and its influence on engine performance. Journal of Engineering for Gas Turbines and Power, 2019,141(5)
5.Xionghui Zou, Weiwei Liu, Zhanglei Lin, Binyang Wu, Wanhua Su. An experimental investigation of the effects of fuel injection strategy on the efficiency and emissions of a heavy-duty engine at high load with gasoline compression ignition, Fuel, 2018 (220), 437-445
6.Binyang Wu, Qiang Zhan , Xiao Yang Yu, Wen Yu Gu, Min Zhang, Wanhua Su. Effect of Charge Density on Spray Characteristic, Combustion Process, and Emission of Heavy-duty Diesel Engines. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2018, 19(4), 605−614,
7.Bin Yang Wu, Qiang Zhan, Shun Kai Zhang, Xiao Kun Nie and Yu Han Li, Wanhua Su. Effect of heavy-duty diesel engine operating parameters on particle number and size distribution at low speed condition. International Journal of Automotive Technology, 2018, 19(4), 623−633
8.Xiang W , Han Z , Wanhua Su . A numerical study of the effects of pressure fluctuations inside injection nozzle on high-pressure and evaporating diesel spray characteristics[J]. Applied Mathematical Modelling, 2016, 40(5-6):4032-4043.
9.F Zhao, Yu W, Wanhua Su. Sensitivity study of engine soot forming using detailed soot modelling oriented in soot surface growth dynamic[J]. Fuel, 2016, 168(MAR.15):81-90.
10.BinYang Wu,MA Yan,YU XiaoYang,GU WenYu, Li YunQiang & SU WanHua*. Effects of exhaust gas recycle loop layout and retarded intake valve closing on variations in combustion in a heavy-duty diesel engine. International Journal of Engine Research ,2015,16(3):340-355
11.Yan F, Wanhua Su. Numerical Study on Exergy Losses of n-Heptane Constant-Volume Combustion by Detailed Chemical Kinetics[J]. Energy & Fuels,2014,28(10):6635-6643.
12.Binyang W U , Youzhe P U , Xiaoyang Y U, Wanhua S U. Experimental study on the effects of HP and LP EGR on thermal efficiency and emissions of a two-stage turbocharged diesel engine[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2014(2):11.
13.Feiyang Z , Wenbin Y U , Yiqiang P ,Wanhua Su. Effects of mixture inhomogeneity and combustion temperature on soot surface activity and soot formation in diesel engines[J]. Science China Technological Sciences, 2014(3):9.
14.Feiyang Zhao,Wenbin Yu,Yiqiang Pei,Wanhua Su. Influence factor of diesel soot formation in diesel engine combustion predicted by multistep soot model with highlight in soot surface activity[J]. Chinese Science Bulletin, 2014(11):11.
15.W H Su and W B Yu. “Effects of Mixing and Chemical parameters on Thermal Efficiency in a Partly Premixed Combustion Diesel Engine with Near Zero Emissions”. International Journal of Engine Research, 2012
16.Wenbin Yu, Bin Liu, Yang Li, Qingpeng Su, Yiqiang Pei, Wanhua Su. “A Hybrid Combustion Control Strategy for Heavy Duty Diesel Engines Based on the Technologies of Multi-Pulse Injections, Variable Boost Pressure and Retarded Intake Valve Closing Timing”. SAE 2011-01-1382, 2011
17.Yingying Lu, Wenbin Yu, Wanhua Su. “Using Multiple Injection Strategies in Diesel PCCI Combustion: Potential to Extend Engine Load, Improve Trade-off of Emissions and Efficiency”. SAE Paper, 2011-01-1396, 2011
18.Xiang W , Wanhua Su. Numerical investigation on relationship between injection pressure fluctuations and unsteady cavitation processes inside high-pressure diesel nozzle holes[J]. Fuel, 2010, 89(9):2252-2259.
19.Yingying Lu,Wenbin Yu,Yiqiang Pei,Wanhua Su. Effect of Charge Density and Oxygen Concentration on Emissions in a High Density-LTC Diesel Engine by Retarding Intake Valve Timing and Raising Boost Pressure[J]. Sae Technical Papers, 2010, 13.
20.Wanhua Su, Tian Sun, Hong song Guo, et al. Quantitative Study of Concentration and Temperature of a Diesel Spray by Using Planar Laser Induced Exciplex Fluorescence Technique[J]. Sae International Journal of Engines, 2010, 3(1):717-732.
21.Su W H, Lu Y Y, Yu W B et al. “High Density-Low Temperature Combustion in Diesel Engines Based on Technologies of Variable Boost Pressure and Intake Valve Timing”. SAE Paper, 2009-01-1911, 2009

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