姓名: 陈锐
英文名: Chen Rui
人才称号: 国家级人才
职称: 讲席教授
职务: 专业: 动力工程及工程热物理
所在机构: 先进内燃动力全国重点实验室 个人主页:
邮箱: chen_rui@tju.edu.cn 办公地点: 天津市南开区卫津路92号天津大学先进内燃动力全国重点实验室
传真: 办公电话:
主要学历: 1993年9月-1997年3月 工学博士 (英国拉夫堡,Loughborough, UK)
1981年9月-1985年7月 工学学士(天津大学)

主要学术经历: • 01,2024 – Now Professor, Tianjin University
• 02,2022 – Now Chief Scientist in Hydrogen Energy, Shanghai Academy of Science and Technology
• 9,2014-12,2023 Professor, Chair in Low Carbon Power Engineering, Head of Thermofluids and Dynamics Research Theme, Head of Loughborough Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research Group, School of Aeronautical, Automotive, Chemical and Material Engineering, Loughborough University, UK
• 8,2009-8,2014 Professor, Chair in Low Carbon Power Engineering, Co-Director of University Powertrain Laboratory, Deputy Head of Department (Research), Department of Aeronautical and Automotive Engineering, Loughborough University, UK
• 6,2006-7,2009 Senior Lecturer (Associate Professor), Admission tutor of MSc in Automotive Systems Engineering, Department of Aeronautical & Automotive Engineering, Loughborough University, UK
• 5,1999-5,2006 Lecturer (Assistant Professor), Department of Aeronautical & Automotive Engineering, Loughborough University, UK
• 5,1997-5,1999 Research Associate (Post-Doc) in Hydrogen and Fuel Cells, Department of Aeronautical & Automotive Engineering, Loughborough University, UK
• 8,1990 -10,1993 Research Assistant in Internal Combustion Engines, School of Manufacturing and Mechanical Engineering, University of Birmingham, UK

主要研究方向: • Electro-chemistry: PEM Fuel Cells; catalytic reactions; degradation; catalyst agglomeration; electrochemistry impedance spectrum (EIS); battery diagnostics; water polymer electrolysis; H2O2-NaBH4 liquid fuel cell.
• Thermo-science: thermo-electric waste heat energy recoveries; avionic thermal analysis and management; combustion kinetics; engine downsize; multi-mode combustion; alternative fuels; catalytic burner; fuel catalytic reforming; battery thermal management; characteristics of super-critical water
• Fluid-dynamics: multi-phase multi-dimensional mass and heat transfer; gas diffusion and numeric modelling; x-ray tomography.
• System engineering: avionic environmental control system (ECS); water and thermal management of regenerative fuel cell; More electric aircraft hydrogen propulsion.


主要学术兼职: •Chartered Engineer (CEng)
•Fellow of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (FIMechE)
•Member of Society of Automotive Engineers (MSAE)
•Member of The American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (MAIAA)
•Member of the science board of The Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research Hub (H2FC SUPERGEN) http://www.h2fcsupergen.com/people/science-board/

主要学术成就: 陈锐教授,英国拉夫堡大学(Loughborough University)低碳动力工程的终身教授,天津大学一级讲席教授,上海科学院新能源技术研究所氢能首席科学家,同时在西安交通大学,北京石油化工学院,厦门理工学院等多所大学任兼职教授。
陈锐教授拥有近40年的学术研究和产业发展经验,是英国氢能和燃料电池研究计划科学委员会成员,科学研究涵盖低碳能源技术的建模和实验领域,内容包括热工学、电化学、流体动力学和系统工程。在英国,已培养博士34人、博士后12人,辅导访问学者20人,发表科研论文220 余篇(引用近6000,h指数37),作为项目负责人领导了40多个有资助研究项目,总计超过700万英镑,作为共同研究者参与了超过5500万英镑的科研项目,同英国、欧盟、中国、美国、韩国、日本、印度等多国的领先行业和科研机构在氢能和燃料电池等低碳技术领域有着广泛的合作。
近5年主持和参与了20余科研项目,包括英国商业、能源和工业战略部(BEIS)“英国氢气质量标准热能承包示范Hy4Heat”;英国工程和物理科学研究基金会(EPSRC)与路虎(JLR)“电动自动驾驶汽车的智能热能管理”,与Bosch“两级低温氢气燃烧”,与英国太空系统公司(BAE Systems)“下一代无人机氢燃料电池推进系统”;英国文化协会(British Council)“高能量密度甲醇燃料电池的新型催化剂和流场设计”;中国国家自然科学基金国际合作重点项目“极板-电极一体化质子交换膜燃料电池多场耦合传输机理研究”(英方负责人)。
陈锐教授的研究涵盖应用热流体和应用电化学,以控制排放和提高能量效率为目标,把能源工程领域的研究策略定位于高效率低排放的先进发动机燃烧、燃料电池及其相应的理论分析, 形成了热科学(Thermosciences)、电化学(Electrochemistry)、燃料(Fuels)、混合动力(Hybrid)四大科研领域。自1996年拉夫堡大学任职以来,已发表科技论文200余篇,负责数十项科研项目总计约6万英镑,参与多项科研项目总计约3千万英镑。

主要科研项目: 1.“ATF: Moving the UK automotive sector to zero emissions: Classic Car ElectRificatiOn (CICERO)”, Innovate UK (Ref. No.84685), 2020-2022
2.“重点国际(地区)合作研究项目:极板-电极一体化质子交换膜燃料电池多场耦合传输机理研究”, 中国国家自然科学基金会 National Natural Science Foundation of China (51920105010), 2020 – 12.2024
3.“Fuel Cell Modelling for Military Applications”, MBDA UK Limited, 2019 – 2020
4.“Hydrogen Quality Standard Contractor for UK hydrogen for heat demonstration (Hy4Heat)”, Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS): 1525/06/2018, 2017 – 2021
5.“Design and development of a four-wheeled electric vehicle for research, teaching and outreach in Tamil Nadu, India”, The Royal Academy of Engineering, 2019 (2 years)
6.“Battery extreme environment charge and discharge evaluations”, Mahle Powertrain Ltd., 2019
7.“Intelligent Thermal Energy Management for Battery Electric and Autonomous Vehicles”, Jaguar Land Rover & EPSRC (iCASE18000088), 2019 – 2023.
8.“Investigation of methane/hydrogen combustion in Euro VI engines for heavy duty vehicles”, Ricardo and University of Brighton Project, 2018 – 2021.
9.“Two-Stage Low-Temperature Hydrogen Combustion”, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and Bosch Thermotechnology Ltd., 2017 – 2021.
10.“Methanol Fed High Energy Density Fuel Cell System with Novel Catalyst and Flow Field Design”, British Council DST-UKIERI-2016-17-0023, 2017 – 2020.
11.“Hydrogen Fuel Cell Propulsion System for Next Generation UAV Systems”, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) and BAE Systems (BAES/MAI/W/7Z1/LT/000516), 2016 – 2020.
12.“Model Based Experimental Study on Next Generation Hybrid Environmental Control Systems (HECS)”, EPSRC CASE (14220032) and BAE Systems, 2016 – 2020.
13.“Hawk ECS Fault Detection and Isolation Investigation”, BAE Systems, 2015 – 2016.
14.“Innovative Concepts from Electrodes to Stacks”, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) (EP/M023508/1), 2015 – 2019.
15.“Innovative Catalytic Converter Automotive Emissions Control”, Innovate UK and Microtech Ceramics Ltd., 2015 – 2019.
16.“Fuel Spray Imaging Study in the Direct Injection Spark Ignition Optical Engine”, Lotus Engineering (L03/145485), 2014 – 2015.
17.“ACTIVE - Advanced Combustion Turbocharged Inline Variable Valvetrain Engine”, Ford Motor Company and Advanced Propulsion Centre (APC) (39215-287151), 2014 – 2017.
18.“AdBlue Spray and SCR System Investigation”, Mahle Powertrain Ltd., 2014 – 2016.
19.“Optical engine BP injector spray imaging”, BP and Lotus Engineering (L03/138320), 2013 – 2014.
20.“Model Based Experimental Evaluation and Optimisation of Avionic Environment Control System Thermal Demands”, Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) CASE (13220029) and BAE Systems, 2014 – 2019.
21.“Identifying Cost Effective Routes to Optimised Energy Recovery for the Fuel Economy of Vehicles”, EPSRC (EP/K026658/1, EP/K029142/1, EP/K019767/1), 2013 – 2017.
22.“Adoptive Control for Fuel Cell Technologies”, Intelligent Energy Limited, 2012 – 2015.
23.“SOFC Hybrid Powertrain System for UAV Applications”, EPSRC CDT and Adelan Limited, 2012 – 2016.
24.“System Engineering Analysis on Thermal and Electric Demands of Avionic Environmental Control”, EPSRC CASE (11220126) and BAE Systems, 2012 – 2016.
25.“A Cost-Effective Regenerative Air Hybrid Powertrain for Low Carbon Buses and Delivery Vehicles”, EPSRC (EP/I00601X/1, EP-I005617-1), 2011 – 2014.
26.“Demonstrating the Fuel Economy Benefit of Exhaust Energy Recovery”, EPSRC (EP/H050396/1), 2010 – 2013.
27.“System Engineering Analysis on Hybrid Electric Powertrain Technology and Real World Use Optimisation”, EPSRC CASE (10002517) and Romax Technologies Ltd., 2010 – 2014.
28.“The System Analysis of Thermal Demand of Avionic Environmental Control, BAE Systems, 2010 – 2013.
29.Doctoral Training Centre in Hydrogen, Fuel Cells and their Applications”, EPSRC (EP/G037116/1), 2009 – 2019.
30.“LCV - Electric Turbo Assist for Heavy Duty Diesel Hybrid Power Systems”, Technology Strategy Board (TSB) (TP/BG011L), 2009 – 2012.
31.“Prediction and management of fluid transport in PEM fuel cells”, Technology Strategy Board (TSB) (TP/6/S/K3032H) and Intelligent Energy Ltd., 2006 – 2010.
32.“A Centre of Excellence Test Facility for Ultra-Low Emissions Advanced Compression Ignition Engines”, Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE), 2005 – 2010.
33.“Future Railway Hybrid Propulsion Technologies”, EPSRC, 2005 – 2006.
34.“Zero Constraint Free Piston Energy Converter”, EPSRC (GR/S97514/01), 2004 – 2008.
35.“CAI Combustion Using FVVT Control Strategy”, EPSRC CASE (04303616) and Lotus Engineering, 2004 – 2008.
36.“Feasibility Study of the Compact NaBH4 Renewable Hydrogen Storage System”, Lachesis Fund, 2003 – 2004.
37.“Motorcycle Emission Control Technologies”, EU, 2001 – 2003.
38.“Mechanism of Controlled Auto Ignition”, Lotus Engineering, 2000 – 2004.
39.“Variable Valve Timing for High Speed Engines”, Triumph Motorcycles Ltd., 1999 – 2003.

代表性论著: 1.(2024) che zhizhao, tao xingxiao, sun kai, chen rui, lqf01, liu huaiyu, zwz409, wang tianyou, "Effect of gas diffusion layer parameters on cold start of PEMFCs with metal foam flow field". APEN-D-23-07037R1, Applied Energy.
2.(2023) Xingxiao Tao, Kai Sun, Rui Chen, Mengshan Suo, Huaiyu Liu, Zhizhao Che, Tianyou Wang, “Two-phase flow in porous metal foam flow fields of PEM fuel cells”. Chemical Engineering Science. Volume 282, 5 December 2023, 119270 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ces.2023.119270
3.(2023) Zhen Zeng, Kai Sun, Rui Chen, Mengshan Suo, Zhizhao Che, and Tianyou Wang, “Variation of Critical Crystallization Pressure for the Formation of Square Ice in Graphene Nanocapillaries”. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C - ACS Publications. 2023, 127, 30, 14874–14882. https://doi.org/10.1021/acs.jpcc.3c00619
4.(2023) Milon Miah, Poulami Hota, Tapas Kumar Mondal, Rui Chen, Shyamal K. Saha, “Mixed metal sulfides (FeNiS2) nanosheets decorated reduced graphene oxide for efficient electrode materials for supercapacitors”. Journal of Alloys and Compounds. Volume 933, 5 February 2023, 167648. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jallcom.2022.167648
5.(2023) Ren Zhang, Lin Chen, Haiqiao Wei, Jinguang Li, Yi Ding, Rui Chen, Jiaying Pan, “Experimental investigation on reactivity-controlled compression ignition (RCCI) combustion characteristic of n-heptane/ammonia based on an optical engine”. International Journal of Engine Research. Volume 24, Issue 6. https://doi.org/10.1177/14680874221124452
6.(2022) Song Lan, Qingshan Li, Shukun Wang, Rui Chen, “Fuel saving potential analysis of a bifunctional waste heat recovery system based on thermoelectric generator combined with organic Rankine cycle”. Applied Energy. Available online. doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4169413
7.(2022) Lijia Zhong, Peilin Liu, Xiaojun Zhang, Kuangdi Li, Rui Chen, Haiqiao Wei, Lei Zhou, “Experimental observation on the end-gas autoignition with detonation affected by chemical reactivity in confined space”. Physics of Fluids. 34, 085123 (2022). doi.10.1063/5.0097382
8.(2022) Ren Zhang, Lin Chen, Haiqiao Wei, Jinguang Li, Yi Ding, Rui Chen, Jiaying Pan, "Understanding the difference in combustion and flame propagation characteristics between ammonia and methane in an optical SI engine". Fuel. 324(2022) 124794. doi.10.1016/j.fuel.2022.124794
9.(2022) Song Lan, Richard Stobart, Rui Chen, “Performance Comparison of a Thermoelectric Generator Applied in Conventional Vehicles and Extended-Range Electric Vehicles”. Energy Conversion and Management. 266(2022), 115791. doi.10.1016/j.enconman.2022.115791
10.(2022) Zhen Zeng, Tianyou Wang, Rui Chen, Mengshan Suo, Kai Sun, Panagiotis E. Theodorakis, Zhizhao Che. "Two-Dimensional Partitioned Square Ice Confined in Graphene/Graphite Nanocapillaries". The Journal of Chemical Physics. 156, 154510 (2022); doi.10.1063/5.0087690
11.(2022) 宋波、孙凯、车志钊、陈锐、刘怀宇、任美林、王天友。《能量管理策略对燃料电池客车热管理系统性能的影响》。汽车安全与节能学报。Accepted 17/03/2022
12.(2022) Mengshan Suo, Kai Sun, Rui Chen, Zhizhao Che, Zhen Zeng, Qifeng Li, Xingxiao Tao, Tianyou Wang. "Oxygen transport in PEM fuel cells with metal foam flow fields". Journal of Power Sources. 521 (2022) 230937. doi.10.1016/j.jpowsour.2021.230937
13.(2022) Jegathishkumar Ramasamy, Karthikeyan Palaniswamy, Thanarajan Kumaresan, Mathan Chandran, Rui Chen, “Study of novel flow channels influence on the performance of direct methanol fuel cell”. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 47(2022) 595-609. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.10.033
14.(2021) Wu Hao, Suo Mengshan, Tao Xingxiao, Che Zhizhao, Sun Kai, Chen Rui, Wang Tianyou, “Optical Visualization of Gas-Liquid Two-Phase Flow in Open-Cell Metal Foam 开孔金属泡沫内气液两相流动的可视化”. 化工进展 – Chemical Industry and Engineering Progress. 40(8) 2021, pp4152-4164. DOI:10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2020-1893
15.(2021) Ren Zhang, Lin Chen, Haiqiao Wei, Jiaying Pan, Jinguang Li, Rui Chen, "Optical study on the effects of the hydrogen injection timing on lean combustion characteristics using a natural gas/hydrogen dual-fuel injected spark-ignition engine”. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy. 46(39), 20777-20789. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2021.03.171
16.(2021) A. Fly, I. Kirkpatrick, R. Chen, "Low temperature performance evaluation of electrochemical energy storage technologies”. Applied Thermal Engineering. Vol.189, 116750. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2021.116750
17.(2020) Jianfu Zhao, Lei Zhou, Kuangdi Li, Xiaojun Zhang, Jiaying Pan, Rui Chen, Haiqiao Wei, "Effect of diluent gases on end-gas autoignition and combustion modes in a confined space". Combustion and Flame. 222 (2020) 48-60. DOI:10.1016/j.combustflame.2020.08.042
18.(2020) Thanarajan K, Thiagarajan V, Mathan C, Karthikeyan P, Thirkell A, Fly A, Chen R, Senthilarasu S, "Effect of Nafion loading and the novel flow field designs on Innovative anode electrocatalyst for improved DMFCs performance". Materials Letters. 276 (2020) 128222. doi:org/10.1016/j.matlet.2020.128222
19.(2020) A. Fly, R. Chen, “Rate dependency of incremental capacity analysis (dQ/dV) as a diagnostic tool for lithium-ion batteries”. Journal of Energy Storage. 29 (2020) 101329. doi.org/10.1016/j.est.2020.101329
20.(2020) Zhang Bo, Quan Hong, Yuanyuan Dou, Honghu Ji, Rui Chen. “Experimental investigation of flow and heat transfer characteristics on matrix ribbed channel”. Thermal Science. 2020 OnLine-First Issue 00, Pages: 26-26. DOI:10.2298/TSCI190702026Z
21.(2019) Yuan C, Liu B, Jiang X, Zhou L, Chen R, Wei H. “Numerical Study on Pressure Oscillation Suppression of Low-Speed Marine Engine with In-Cyinder Direct Injection of Natural Gas”. 缸内直喷天然气低速船机压力振荡抑制方法数值研究”. 内燃机工程 – Chinese Internal Combustion Engine Engineering 40(6):56-63. DOI:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2019.06.009
22.(2019) L. Zhou, J. Zhao, L. Zhong, X. Zhang, J. Pan, R. Chen, H. Wei, “Experimental investigation of the stochastic nature of end-gas autoignition with detonation development in confined combustion chamber”. Combustion and Flame, 210 (2019) 324–338. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.08.040
23.(2019) W. Zhao, L. Zhou, M. Jia, Z. Lu, K. Luo, R. Chen, H. Wei, "Flame-spray interaction and combustion features in split-injection spray flames under diesel engine-like conditions". Combustion and Flame. 210 (2019) 204–221. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2019.08.031
24.(2019) Thiagarajan V; Karthikeyan P; Thanarajan K; Neelakrishnan S; Manoharan R; Rui Chen; Ashley Fly; Anand R; Thundil R Karuppa Raj; Sendhil Kumar N, "Experimental investigation on DMFC using reduced noble metal loading with NiTiO3 as supportive material to enhance cell performances". International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44(26), 13415-13423. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.03.244
25.(2019) A. Fly, K. Kim, J. Gordon, D. Butcher, R. Chen, "Liquid Water Transport in Porous Metal Foam Flow-Field Fuel Cells: A Two-Phase Numerical Modelling and Ex-Situ Experimental Study". Energies, 12, 1186, 1-14. doi:10.3390/en12071186
26.(2019) S. Lan; A. Smith; R. Stobart; R. Chen, “Feasibility study on a vehicular thermoelectric generator for both waste heat recovery and engine oil warm-up”. Applied Energy, 242, 273-284. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.03.056
27.(2019) Chen R., Dong K., Gong Y., Liang J., Li Y., Wei H., Zhou L., Hua J., “二次喷射对火花辅助压燃燃烧及爆震特性影响的试验研究 Experimental Investigations on the Effects of Split Injection Strategy on Combustion and Knock Characteristics in a SACI Engine”. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版)- Journal of Tianjin University (Science and Technology), 2019, 52(02):157-165. doi:10.11784/tdxbz201805002
28.(2019) R. Kang; L. Zhou; J. Hua; D. Feng; H. Wei; R. Chen, “Experimental investigation on combustion characteristics in dual-injection engine”. Energy Conversion and Management, 181, 15-25. doi:10.1016/j.enconman.2018.11.057
29.(2019) A. Fly, Q. Meyer, F. Iacoviello, M. Whiteley, T. Neville, P.R. Shearing, D. J. L. Brett, C. Kim, R. Chen, “X-ray tomography and modelling study on the mechanical behaviour and performance of metal foam flow-fields for polymer electrolyte fuel cells”. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 44(14), 7583-7595. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2019.01.206
30.(2019) X. Jiang, H. Wei, L. Zhou, R. Chen, “Numerical Study on the Effects of Multiple-Injection Coupled with EGR on Combustion and NOx Emissions in a Marine Diesel Engine”. Energy Procedia. 158(2019) 4429-4434. doi:10.1016/j.egypro.2019.01.773
31.(2018) Zhou L., Kang R., Wei H., Feng D., Hua J., Chen R., “Experimental analysis of super-knock occurrence based on a spark ignition engine with high compression ratio”. Energy, 165 (2018) 68-75. doi:10.1016/j.energy.2018.09.166
32.(2018) Chen R., Zhang P., Pan J., Wei H., Shang Y., “丙烷自燃特性及爆震机理的试验研究 Experimental Study of Spontaneous Combustion Characteristics and Knocking Mechanism of Propane”. 天津大学学报(自然科学与工程技术版)- Journal of Tianjin University (Science and Technology), 2018, 51(12):1217-1222. doi:10.11784/tdxbz201805058
33.(2018) S. Petrakides, D. Butcher, A. Pezouvanis, R. Chen, “On the Combustion of Premixed Gasoline - Natural Gas Dual Fuel Blends in an Optical SI engine”. Journal of Power Technologies 98(5) (2018) 387-395.
34.(2018) Lan S., Yang Z., Stobart R., Chen R., “Prediction of the fuel economy potential for a skutterudite thermoelectric generator in light-duty vehicle applications”. Applied Energy, 231 (2018) 68–79. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2018.09.087
35.(2018) Zhou L., Dong K., Hua J., Wei H., Chen R., Han Y., “Effects of applying EGR with split injection strategy on combustion performance and knock resistance in a spark assisted compression ignition (SACI) engine”. Applied Thermal Engineering, 145(2018), 98-109. doi:10.1016/j.applthermaleng.2018.09.001
36.(2018) Fly A., Butcher D., Meyer Q., Whiteley M., Spencer A., Kim C., Shearing P.R., Brett D. J. L., Chen R., “Characterisation of the Diffusion Properties of Metal Foam Hybrid Flow-fields for Fuel Cells using Optical Flow Visualisation and X-ray Computed Tomography”. Journal of Power Sources, 395(2018), 171–178. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2018.05.070
37.(2018) Chen R., An S., Wei H., Shao A., Zhou L., Shu G., “定容弹中船机相似工况下燃油雾化特性的数值研究 Numerical Study on Spray Characteristics under Marine Diesel Engine-like Conditions in CVCC”. 内燃机工程 Chinese Internal Combustion Engine Engineering, 2018, 39(3), 8-15. doi:10.13949/j.cnki.nrjgc.2018.03.002
38.(2018) Zhou L., Gao D., Zhao J., Wei H., Zhang X., Xu Z., Chen R., “Turbulent flame propagation with pressure oscillation in the end gas region of confined combustion chamber equipped with different perforated plates”. Combustion and Flame, 191(2018), 453-467. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2018.01.023
39.(2018) Huo S., Zhou J., Wang T., Chen R., Jiao K., “Experimental and analytical analysis of polarization and water transport behaviors of hydrogen alkaline membrane fuel cell”, Journal of Power Sources, 382(2018), 1-12. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2018.02.020
40.(2018) Fly, A., Chen, R., Wang, X., “Equivalent Stiffness Model of a Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Stack Including Hygrothermal Effects and Dimensional Tolerances”. Journal of Electrochemical Energy Conversion and Storage, 15(3) 031002, 1-11. doi:10.1115/1.4039141
41.(2018) Jinuntuya, F., Whiteley, M., Chen, R., Fly, A., “The effects of gas diffusion layers structure on water transportation using X-ray computed tomography based Lattice Boltzmann method”. Journal of Power Sources, 378(2018), 53-65. doi:10.1016/j.jpowsour.2017.12.016
42.(2018) Lan, S., Yang, Z., Chen, R., Stobart, R. “A dynamic model for thermoelectric generator applied to vehicle waste heat recovery”. Applied Energy. 210(2018), 327-338. doi:org/10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.11.004
43.(2018) Butcher, D., Spencer, A., Chen, R., “Influence of asymmetric valve strategy on large-scale and turbulent in-cylinder flows”. International Journal of Engine Research. 2018, Vol. 19(6) 631–642. doi:10.1177/1468087417725232
44.(2018) Wu, M., Shu, G., Chen, R., Tian, H., Wang, X., Wang, Y., “A new model based on adiabatic flame temperature for evaluation of the upper flammable limit of alkane-air-CO2 mixtures”. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 344(2018), 450-457. doi:10.1016/j.jhazmat.2017.10.030
45.(2018) H. Wei, D. Gao, L. Zhou, J. Zhao, R. Chen, "Experimental investigation of turbulent flame propagation and pressure oscillation in a constant volume chamber equipped with an orifice plate", Combustion Science and Technology. 2018, 190(2), 252–268. doi:10.1080/00102202.2017.1389910
46.(2017) Chang, H., Wan, Z., Zheng, Y., Chen, X., Shu, S., Tu, Z., Chan, S. H., Chen, R., Wang, X., “Energy- and exergy-based working fluid selection and performance analysis of a high-temperature PEMFC-based micro combined cooling heating and power system”. Applied Energy, 204(2017), 446-458. doi:10.1016/j.apenergy.2017.07.031
47.(2017) Pan, J., Wei, H., Shu, G., Chen, R., “Effect of Pressure Wave Disturbance on Auto-ignition Mode Transition and Knocking Intensity under Enclosed Conditions”. Combustion and Flame, 185(2017), 63-74. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame.2017.07.004
48.(2017) Wei, H., Shang, Y., Cai, J., Pan, M., Shu, G., Chen, R., “Numerical study on transition of hydrogen/air flame triggered by auto-ignition under effect of pressure wave in an enclosed space”. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 42(26) (2017), 16877-16886. doi:10.1016/j.ijhydene.2017.05.085
49.(2017) Cruz-Manzo, S., Greenwood, P., Chen, R., “An Impedance Model for EIS Analysis of Nickel Metal Hydride Batteries”. Journal of The Electrochemical Society, 164(7), A1446-A1453 (2017). doi:10.1149/2.0431707jes
50.(2017) Wei, H., Gao, D., Zhou, L., Feng, D., Chen, R. “Different combustion modes caused by flame-shock interactions in a confined chamber with a perforated plate”. Combustion and Flame, 178(2017), 277-285. doi:10.1016/j.combustflame2017.01.011
51.(2017) Wei, H., Chen, X., Zhao, W., Zhou, L., Chen, R., “Effects of the turbulence model and the spray model on predictions of the n-heptane jet fuel–air mixing and the ignition characteristics with a reduced chemistry mechanism”. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 231(14), 1877-1888 (2017). doi:10.1177/0954407016687478
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