姓名: |
方维 |
性别: |
男 |
英文名: |
Wei Fang |
人才称号: |
职称: |
副研究员 |
职务: |
专业: |
固体力学, 生物力学 |
所在机构: |
机械工程学院力学系 |
个人主页: |
https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=Bru5oUcAAAAJ&hl=en |
邮箱: |
weifang@tju.edu.cn |
办公地点: |
北洋园校区36教学楼501 |
传真: |
办公电话: |
主要学历: |
2016.9-2021.6 清华大学,固体力学,博士
2012.9-2016.8 北京理工大学,工程力学,学士
2009.9-2012.8 安徽省桐城中学
主要学术经历: |
2024.3-至今 天津大学机械工程学院,副研究员
2021.7-2024.2 清华大学航天航空学院,博士后/助理研究员(合作导师:冯西桥教授)
2018.9-2019.3 美国哈佛大学工程与应用科学学院,访问学者(合作导师:David A. Weitz院士)
主要研究方向: |
主要讲授课程: |
主要学术兼职: |
主要学术成就: |
主要科研项目: |
2023.1-2025.12 国家自然科学基金青年项目,主持
2021.1-2025.12 国家自然科学基金重点项目,参与
2017.1-2021.12 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,参与
2021.11-2023.12 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,主持
2021.6-2023.12 中国博士后科学基金特别资助项目,主持
代表性论著: |
1. Fang W.#, Hu Z.#, Li Q., Feng X. Q.*, Lv J. A.* Optocapillarity-driven assembly and reconfiguration of liquid crystal polymer actuators. Nature Communications, 11, 5780 (2020). (IF = 17.694)
2. Fang W.#, Tao R.#, Wu J., Dou B., Xu W., Zheng Z., Li B., Wang Z. K., Feng X. Q.*, Hao C.* Rotating surfaces promote the shedding of droplets. Research, 6, 0023 (2022). (IF = 11.036)
3. Fang W.#, Wang S.#, Duan H.#, Tahirl A. S., Zhang K., Wang L., Feng X. Q.*, Song M.* Target slinging of droplets with a flexible cantilever. Droplet, e072 (2023). (Cover paper)
4. Fang W., Guo H. Y., Li B., Li Q., Feng X. Q.* Revisiting the critical condition for the Cassie–Wenzel transition on micropillar-structured surfaces. Langmuir, 34, 3838-3844 (2018). (IF = 4.331)
5. Fang W., Zhang K., Jiang Q., Lv C., Sun C., Li Q., Song Y., Feng X. Q.* Drop impact dynamics on solid surfaces. Applied Physics Letters, 121, 210501 (2022). (IF = 3.971)(Editor’s highlight)
6. Fang W.#, Zhang K.#, Li J.#, Lin C.*, Zhao J., Li Z., Liu Y., Chen S.*, Lv C., Feng X. Q. An energy-conservative many-body dissipative particle dynamics model for thermocapillary drop motion. Physics of Fluids, 34, 052011 (2022). (IF = 4.980)
7. 方维, 冯西桥. 水面软体昆虫的集群力学研究. 医用生物力学, 37, 208 (2022).
8. Li H., Fang W., Li Y., Yang Q., Li M., Li Q., Feng X. Q.*, Song Y.* Spontaneous droplets gyrating via asymmetric self-splitting on heterogeneous surfaces. Nature Communications, 10, 950 (2019). (IF = 17.694, ESI highly cited paper)
9. Li H., Fang W., Zhao Z., Li A., Li Z., Li M., Li Q.*, Feng X. Q., Song, Y.* Droplet precise self-splitting on patterned adhesive surfaces for simultaneous multidetection. Angewandte Chemie-International Edition, 59, 10535-10539 (2020). (IF = 16.823,Backcover paper)
10. Zhao T., Fang W., Fan Y., Hu Z., Wu H., Feng X. Q.*, Lv J. A.* Phototactic Miniature Soft Robots with Terrain Adaptability. Advanced Materials Technologies, 7, 2101660 (2022). (IF = 8.856)
11. Zhang K.*, Fang W., Lv C., Feng X. Q. Evaporation of liquid nanofilms: A minireview. Physics of Fluids, 34, 021302 (2022). (IF = 4.980)
12. Sun S. Y., Zhang H., Fang W., Chen X., Li B., Feng X. Q.* Bio-chemo-mechanical coupling models of soft biological materials: A review. Advances in Applied Mechanics, 55, 309-392 (2022). (IF = 17.400, Invited review)
13. Zhang H. K., Zhou J., Fang W., Zhao H., Zhao Z. L., Chen X., Zhao H. P., Feng X. Q.*, 2022. Multi-functional topology optimization of Victoria cruziana veins. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 19, 20220298 (2022). (IF = 4.293)
14. Qian X., Cai Z., Su M., Li F.*, Fang W., Li Y., Zhou X., Li Q., Feng X. Q., Li W., Hu X., Wang X., Pan C., Song Y.* Printable Skin‐driven mechanoluminescence devices via nanodoped matrix modification. Advanced Materials, 30, 1800291(2018). (IF = 32.086)
15. Guo Y., Chang Z., Guo H. Y., Fang W., Li Q., Zhao H. P., Feng, X. Q.*, Gao, H.* Synergistic adhesion mechanisms of spider capture silk. Journal of the Royal Society Interface, 15, 20170894 (2018). (IF = 4.293)
16. Zhao Z., Li H.*, Li A., Fang W., Cai Z., Li M., Feng X. Q.*, Song, Y.* Breaking the symmetry to suppress the Plateau–Rayleigh instability and optimize hydropower utilization. Nature Communications, 12, 6899 (2021).