姓名: 安彦召
英文名: Yanzhao An
职称: 英才副教授
职务: 专业: 动力机械及工程
所在机构: 先进内燃动力全国重点实验室 个人主页:
邮箱: yanzhao_an@tju.edu.cn 办公地点:
传真: 办公电话:
主要学历: 2012.9-2016.6,博士,天津大学;

主要学术经历: 2020.4-至今,英才副教授,天津大学机械工程学院;
2016.8-2019.12,博士后,沙特阿拉伯,阿卜杜拉国王科技大学KAUST(King Abdullah University of Science and Technology)清洁燃烧研究中心

主要研究方向: 1.混动/增程专用发动机稀薄燃烧技术(预燃室射流);

主要讲授课程: 航空发动机原理

主要学术兼职: 1.中国内燃机学会燃烧节能净化分会副秘书长
6.SCI能源与工程领域期刊Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Applied Energy、Energy conversion and management、Energy、Fuel、Energy & fuels特邀审稿人;


主要科研项目: 1.基础性稳定支持科研项目,小型涡轮燃烧室气动热力性能测试研究,2024-2026,主持;
10.沙特阿美石油公司项目,Fuelcom2 部分预混燃烧与爆震可视化研究,2019-2021,主要参与人;

代表性论著: 1.Zhao, Deyang, Yanzhao An*, Yiqiang Pei, Hao Shi, and Kun Wang. "Numerical study on the asymmetrical jets formation from active pre-chamber under super-lean combustion conditions." Energy 262 (2023): 125446.
2.Zhao, Deyang, Yanzhao An*, Yiqiang Pei, Junnan Hu, Zhiyong Zhang, Jian Sun, and Dingwei Gao. "Evaluation of the turbulent hot jet flame characteristics for achieving high thermal efficiency of hybrid engine." Applied Thermal Engineering 236 (2024): 121611.
3.Zhao, Deyang, Yanzhao An*, Junnan Hu, Yiqiang Pei, Jian Sun, and Zhiyong Zhang. "Study of turbulent jet ignition based on synergy of airflow to achieve 53% indicated thermal efficiency for hybrid ultra-lean burning engines." In Powertrain Systems for a Sustainable Future, pp. 139-149. CRC Press, 2023.
4.Hu, Junnan, Yanzhao An*, Yiqiang Pei, Deyang Zhao, Zhiyong Zhang, Jian Sun, and Dingwei Gao. "Study of active pre-chamber jet flames based on the synergy of airflow with different nozzle swirl angle." Energy 282 (2023): 128198.
5.Hu, Zhichao, Yanzhao An*, Yiqiang Pei, Deyang Zhao, Hua Zhao, and Hao Shi. "Development of a chemical kinetic mechanism for ammonia/macromolecular hydrocarbon combustion." Fuel 368 (2024): 131618.
6.Hu, Zhichao, Zenghui Yin, Yanzhao An*, and Yiqiang Pei. "Ammonia as Fuel for Future Diesel Engines." In Diesel Engines-Current Challenges and Future Perspectives. IntechOpen, 2023.
7.An, Yanzhao, Tao Chen, Shicheng Shen, Yuhan Zhang, Yiqiang Pei. "An optical investigation on macro spray characteristics of convergent-divergent ducted fuel injection under high ambient pressures." International Journal of Engine Research (2024): 14680874241244880.
8.Chen, Tao, Yanzhao An*, Shicheng Shen, Hao Shi, Yiqiang Pei, and Kun Wang. "Large eddy simulation of fuel-air mixing process in a convergent-divergent duct spray under non-vaporizing conditions." Fuel 353 (2023): 129176.
9.Hao Shi, Kalim Uddeen, Yanzhao An*, Yiqiang Pei, Bengt Johansson. Multiple spark plugs coupled with pressure sensors: A new approach for knock mechanism study on SI engines. Energy, 2021, 227:120382.
10. Hao Shi, Kalim Uddeen, Yanzhao An*, Yiqiang Pei, Bengt Johansson. Statistical study on engine knock oscillation and heat release using multiple spark plugs and pressure sensors. Fuel, 2021, 297:120746
11.Yanzhao An, M. Jaasim, R. Vallinayagam, S. Vedharaj, H.G. Im, B. Johansson. Numerical simulation of combustion and soot under partially premixed combustion of low-octane gasoline. Fuel, 2018, 211: 420-431.
12.Yanzhao An, Qinglong Tang, R Vallinayagam, Jaeheon Sim, Junseok Chang, Gaetano Magnotti, Bengt Johansson. Combustion stability study of partially premixed combustion with low-octane fuel at low engine load conditions. Applied Energy, 2019, 235:56-67.
13.Yanzhao An, Qinglong Tang, R Vallinayagam, Jaeheon Sim, Junseok Chang, Gaetano Magnotti, Bengt Johansson. Low load combustion stability study of partially premixed combustion by high pressure multiple injections with low octane fuel. Applied Energy, 2019, 248: 626-639.
14.Raman, Vallinayagam, Qinglong Tang, Yanzhao An, Hao Shi, Priybrat Sharma, Gaetano Magnotti, Junseok Chang, and Bengt Johansson. "Impact of spray-wall interaction on the in-cylinder spatial unburned hydrocarbon distribution of a gasoline partially premixed combustion engine." Combustion and Flame 215 (2020): 157-168.
15.Yanzhao An, Yiqiang Pei, et al. Development of a PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) formation model for gasoline surrogates and its application for GDI (gasoline direct injection) engine CFD (computational fluid dynamics) simulation. Energy, 2016, 94: 367-379.
16.Yanzhao An, M. Jaasim, R. Vallinayagam, Francisco Hernández Pérez, H.G. Im, B. Johansson. HCCI and PPC Mode Combustion in Compression Ignition Engine with Low Octane Gasoline. Energy, 2018, 158:181-191.
17.Yanzhao An, M. Jaasim, R. Vallinayagam, H.G. Im, B. Johansson. In-cylinder Combustion and Soot Evolution in the Transition from Conventional CI mode to PPC. Energy & Fuel, 2018, 32 (2): 2306-2320.
18.Qinglong Tang, Yanzhao An*, R Vallinayagam, Jaeheon Sim, Junseok Chang, Bengt Johansson. Experimental Study the Effect of Spray-Wall Interaction under Partially Premixed Combustion mode. Energy Fuel, 2019, 33 (6): 5673-5681.
19.Yanzhao An, Yiqiang Pei, et al. Development of a Soot Particle Model with PAHs as Precursors by Simulation and Experiment. Fuel, 2016, 179: 246-257.
20.Yanzhao An, Hao Shi, R Vallinayagam, Jaeheon Sim, Junseok Chang, Bengt Johansson. Combustion stratification and dynamic flame tracing analysis of partially premixed combustion in a compression ignition engine fueled with low-octane fuel. SAE paper, 2019-01-1151.
21.Yanzhao An, Haozhong Huang, Wanhua Su, et al. 燃油属性和环境密度对柴油机混合燃料喷雾的影响. 内燃机学报, 2013, 31(2) 103-108.
22.Haozhong Huang, Yanzhao An, Wanhua Su, et al. 喷射压力和喷孔直径对柴油机混合燃料喷雾特性的影响. 内燃机学报, 2013, 31(3) 200-207.
23.Yanzhao An, Haozhong Huang, Yiqiang Pei, et al. 车用柴油机燃油喷雾的研究发展. 小型内燃机与摩托车, 2012, 41(5) 87-92.
24.Shengping Teng, Yiqiang Pei, Yanzhao An, Zehnping Wang, Xianghong Nie, Sisi Ji. 缸内直喷汽油机多环芳烃排放特性的试验研究, 环境科学学报, 36 (11) 3929-3937.
25.Yuli Dai, Yiqiang Pei, Jing Qin, Jianye Zhang, Yanzhao An. 煤制油的喷雾及燃烧排放性能试验研究. 内燃机工程, 2015, 36(3) 26-32.

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