姓名: 王潜龙
英文名: Qianlong WANG
职称: 副教授,英才副教授
职务: 专业: 动力机械及工程
所在机构: 先进内燃动力全国重点实验室 个人主页: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Qianlong_Wang2
邮箱: wangqianlong@tju.edu.cn 办公地点: 34楼208
传真: 办公电话:
主要学历: 2011--2015, 博士, 法国国家科学院 (CNRS), Institute Jean Le Rond d'Alembert (UMR7190), 巴黎第六大学 (现索邦大学);
2008--2011, 硕士, 中国科学院 (CAS), 广州能源研究所;

主要学术经历: 2024.1-至今,英才副教授,机械工程学院,天津大学;
2018.10—2023.12,副教授,机械工程学院, 天津大学;

主要研究方向: 燃烧及其光学诊断技术


主要讲授课程: 本科:

主要学术兼职: 国家自然科学基金(NSFC)通讯评审专家
国际燃烧学会 (Combustion Institute) 会员


主要科研项目: 国家重点研发计划,氢能专项,2023.11-2026.12,燃料电池与涡轮混合循环发电系统技术,子课题负责人, 在研;
2016年中国博士后科学基金第59批面上基金 主持,结题;
面向发动机的湍流燃烧基础研究,面向发动机的雾化-蒸发-点火特性及其关联性研究中的关 键技术,2018-2020, 主要参与,结题;
“政府间国际科技创新合作”重点专项, 面向燃气轮机燃料适应性问题的新型燃烧技术, 2017-2020,主要参与,结题;

代表性论著: A novel single-pixel imaging method for two-dimensional soot volume fraction measurements in axisymmetric flames, Combustion and flame 272(2025)113902, Qianlong Wang*, Siming Xiong , Zilin Deng , Guillaume legros ,Haifeng Liu*, Zibang Zhang*,
Seeing through fire with one pixel,Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 183(2024)108540 , Deng Zilin,Zhang Zibang,Xiong Siming,Wang Qianlong*,
Three-dimensional particulate volume fraction reconstruction in the fluid based on the Lambert–Beer physics information neural network, Physics of Fluids 36 (10)(2024)10333,Qianlong Wang* and Yingyu Qian.
Soot temperature and volume fraction field predictions via line-of-sight soot integral radiation equation informed neural networks in laminar sooting flames,Physics of Fluids, 36 (12)(2024),Qianlong Wang*, Mingxue Gong, Alexis Matynia, Linghui Zhang,Yingyu Qian,Chao Dang*,
Simultaneous soot parameters fields predictions accuracy improvements in laminar sooting flames from soot radiation measurements - a multi-task learning approach,Measurement, 238(2024)115390, Wang Qianlong*,LiTing,Gong Mingxue,Kashif Muhammad,Wu Yi.
Development of compact-modulated absorption/emission technique towards micro-gravity sooting flame measurements, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,156(2024)111212. Qianlong Wang, Zhen Li, Xiaoqing You, Haifeng Liu, Mingfa Yao, Wu Yi*,
BPNN model based AI for the estimation of soot data from flame luminosity emissions in H 2 / N 2 diluted ethylene laminar diffusion flames,Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,151(2024)111072,Liu Jia,Kashif Muhammad,Wang Qianlong*,Li Ting, LiuHaifeng,Yao Mingfa
 The effect of ammonia on soot formation in ethylene diffusion flames SCIENCE CHINA Technological Sciences 66 (2023)3422-3438. Qianlong Wang*, Zhiwen Yan, Chaomin Li, Yanqing Cui, Mingsheng Wen, Haifeng Liu, Mingfa Yao.
Combustion characteristics of skeleton polymer reinforced paraffin-wax fuel grain for applications in hybrid rocket motors,Combustion and Flame 241 (2022) 112055 Yi Wu,Zixiang Zhang,Qianlong Wang∗, Ningfei Wang.
Predicting simultaneously fields of soot temperature and volume fraction in laminar sooting flames from soot radiation measurements - a convolutional neural networks approach, Optics Express, Yi Wu, Zhen Li, Qianlong Wang*, Chaomin Li, Zhiwen Yan, 2022 (30) 21230.
Combustion characteristics of skeleton polymer reinforced paraffin-wax fuel grain for applications in hybrid rocket motors, Combustion and Flame, Yi Wu, Zixiang Zhang, Junjie Wen , Qianlong Wang*, 2022 (241) 112055.
Simultaneous soot multi-parameter fields predictions in laminar sooting flames from neural network-based flame luminosity measurement Ι: Methodology, Optics Letters, Qianlong Wang, Z. Li, Z. Sun, H. Liu, M.Yao, W. Cai*, 2021 (46) 3869.
Experimental assessment of the sudden-reversal of the oxygen dilution effect on soot production in coflow ethylene flames II: flame radiation and transition analysis, Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy & Radiative Transfer 2020 (255) 107261. Qianlong Wang*, J.-L. Consalvi, C. Morin, G. Legros, F. Liu.
A machine learning approach assisting soot radiation-based thermometry to recover complete flame temperature field in a laminar flame, Applied physics B: Laser and optics, 2021 (36) 127, Qianlong Wang, Z. Li, H. Liu, T. Ren*
Machine learning-assisted soot temperature and volume fraction fields predictions in the ethylene laminar diffusion flames, Optics Express, 2021 (29) 1678-1693. T. Ren, Z. Li, Qianlong Wang*, H. Liu
Development of the ignition delay prediction model of n-butane/hydrogen mixture based on artificial neural network, Energy and AI, 2020 (2) 100033. Y. Cui, Qianlong Wang*, H. Liu*, Z. Zheng, H. wang, M. Yao.
Study of UV Rayleigh Scattering thermometry for flame temperature field measurement, Journal of the Optical Society of America: B: 2019 (36) (10), 2843-2849, Qianlong Wang, Liqiao Jiang ,Weiwei Cai, Yi Wu*.
Optical measurements of temperature fields in sooting flames: influence of soot self-absorption, Applied Physics B: Laser and optics, 2019 (63) 125, Qianlong Wang*, G. Legros , C. Morin, M. Yao, W. Cai, L. Jiang,
Quantitative gaseous temperature and mole concentration measurements in spray generated mixture by P-xylene-PLIF imaging, Combustion science and technology, 2018, 190,(6) 949-966 .Qianlong Wang, Y. Zhang*, L. Jiang, D. Zhao
Experimental assessment of the sudden-reversal of the oxygen dilution effect on soot production in coflow ethylene flamesCombustion and Flame, 2017, 183: 242-252. Qianlong Wang∗, Guillaume Legros,Jérôme Bonnety, Céline Morin, Fengshan Liu
Experimental characterization of the different nitrogen dilution effects on soot formation in ethylene diffusion flame Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, 2017, 36 (2): 3227-3235. Qianlong Wang∗, G. Legros ,B. Jérôme, C. Morin
Predicting fluorescence quantum yield for anisole at elevated temperatures and pressures Applied Physics B: Laser and optics, 2017,123: 199-213.Qianlong Wang∗, K.H. Tran , C. Morin , G. Legros , P. Guibert
Fluorescence and absorption characteristics of p-xylene: applicability for temperature measurements Applied Physics B: Laser and optics, 2017, 123 (9): 242. Qianlong Wang, Y. Zhang*, L. Jiang, D. Zhao, P. Guibert , Shunhua Yang

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