姓名: |
唐湛棋 |
性别: |
男 |
英文名: |
Zhanqi Tang |
人才称号: |
北洋青年骨干教师计划 |
职称: |
副教授 博士生导师 |
职务: |
专业: |
流体力学 |
所在机构: |
机械工程学院力学系 |
个人主页: |
https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Zhanqi-Tang |
邮箱: |
zhanqitang@tju.edu.cn |
办公地点: |
36教南楼404室 |
传真: |
办公电话: |
主要学历: |
2010-2014 天津大学机械工程学院,流体力学专业,博士学位
2008-2010 天津大学机械工程学院,流体力学专业,硕士学位
2004-2008 天津师范大学数学学院,信息与计算科学专业,学士学位
主要学术经历: |
2021~ 天津大学机械工程学院力学系,副教授
2017~2021 天津大学机械工程学院力学系,博士后/讲师
2015~2017 新加坡南洋理工大学,博士后
2012~2013 美国伊利诺伊大学香槟分校,国家公派博士
主要研究方向: |
主要讲授课程: |
本科生专业选修课《Experiments in Fluid Mechanics》
留学生英文必修课《Measurement theory and methods in Engineering》
主要学术兼职: |
担任中国空气动力学会流动显示专业委员会委员,《空气动力学学报》、《实验流体力学》、《空气动力学进展(英文)》期刊青年编委,《Journal of Flow Control, Measurement & Visualization 》(JFCMV)杂志编委
主要学术成就: |
主要科研项目: |
代表性论著: |
1Letian Chen, Ziye Fan, Zhanqi Tang, Xuan Wang, Dewei Shi, Nan Jiang; Outer-layer coherent structures from the turbulent/non-turbulent interface perspective at moderate Reynolds number, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science; 140 (1), 2023: 110760
2Ziye Fan, Zhanqi Tang, Xingyu Ma, Nan Jiang; Convection of multi-scale motions in turbulent boundary layer by temporal resolution particle image velocimetry, Journal of Turbulence, 23(6), 2022: 305
3Zhanqi Tang, Ziye Fan, Letian Chen, Xingyu Ma, Nan Jiang; Outer-layer structure arrangements based on the large-scale zero-crossings at moderate Reynolds number; Physics of Fluids; 33 (8), 2021: 085121.
4Zhanqi Tang, Letian Chen, Ziye Fan, Xingyu Ma, Nan Jiang; Cross-term events of scale-decomposed skewness factor in turbulent boundary layer at moderate Reynolds number; Physics of Fluids; 33 (5). 2021: 055124.
5Zhanqi Tang, Xingyu Ma, Nan Jiang, Xiaotong Cui, Xiaobo Zheng; Local dynamic perturbation effects on the scale interactions in wall turbulence; Journal of Turbulence; 22(3), 2021: 208-230.
6Xiaotong Cui, Nan Jiang, Zhanqi Tang. Effect of high-or low-speed fluctuations on the small-scale bursting events in an active control experiment; Chinese Physics B; 30(1), 2021: 014702
7Xinwei Wang, Ziye Fan, Zhanqi Tang, Nan Jiang, Drag reduction and hairpin packets of the turbulent boundary layer over the superhydrophobic-riblets surface, Journal of Hydrodynamics 33 (3), 2021: 621-635
8Ming Zhao, Lianchao Xu, Zhanqi Tang, Xiaolu Zhang, Bo Zhao, Zhengxian Liu, Zhaoyu Wei, Onset of dynamic stall of tubercled wings, Physics of Fluids 33, 2021: 081909
9Zhanqi Tang, Ziye Fan, Xingyu Ma, Nan Jiang, Bofu Wang, Yongxiang Huang, Xiang Qiu, Quan Zhou, Zhiming Lu, Yulu Liu; Tomographic particle image velocimetry flow structures downstream of a dynamic cylindrical element in a turbulent boundary layer by multi-scale proper orthogonal decomposition; Physics of Fluids; 32 (12), 2020: 125109
10Zhanqi Tang, Nan Jiang; The effect of a synthetic input on small-scale intermittent bursting events in near-wall turbulence; Physics of Fluids; 32(1), 2020: 015110
11Xingyu Ma, Zhanqi Tang, Nan Jiang; Visualization of Lagrangian fluid transport of a vortex ring based on time-resolved PIV; Journal of Visualization; 23(4). 2020: 559-564
12Jianxia Bai, Yongxiang Huang, Nan Jiang, Xingyu Ma, Zhanqi Tang; Experimental investigation of wall-bounded turbulence drag reduction by active control of double piezoelectric vibrator; Journal of Hydrodynamics; 32 (4) 2020: 747-757
13Xingyu Ma, Zhanqi Tang, Nan Jiang; Eulerian and Lagrangian analysis of coherent structures in separated shear flow by time-resolved particle image velocimetry; Physics of Fluids; 32 (6), 2020: 065101
14Daoliang Dong, Bofu Wang, Yuhong Dong, Yongxiang Huang, Nan Jiang, Yulu Liu, Zhiming Lu, Xiang Qiu, Zhanqi Tang, Quan Zhou; Influence of spatial arrangements of roughness elements on turbulent Rayleigh-Bénard convection; Physics of Fluids; 32 (4), 2020: 045114
15Xiaotong Cui, Nan Jiang, Xiaobo Zheng, Zhanqi Tang; Active control of multiscale features in wall-bounded turbulence; Acta Mechanica Sinica; 36 (1), 2020:12-21.
16Zhanqi Tang, Nan Jiang, Xiaobo Zheng, Yanhua Wu; Local dynamic perturbation effects on amplitude modulation in turbulent boundary layer flow based on triple decomposition; Physics of Fluids; 31(2), 2019: 025120
17Shuaijie Wang, Xiaotong Cui, Jianxia Bai, Zhanqi Tang, Nan Jiang; The effect of periodic perturbation on multi scale in a turbulent boundary layer flow under drag reduction; Chinese Journal of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics; 51(3), 2019: 767-774
18Kangjun Wang, Jianxia Bai, Zhanqi Tang, Nan Jiang; Comparative Study of Turbulent Boundary Layer Wall Friction Velocity Measured by Average Velocity Profile Method; Journal of Experimental Mechanics; 34 (2). 2019: 209-216.
19Zhanqi Tang, Nan Jiang; Scale interaction and arrangement in a turbulent boundary layer perturbed by a wall-mounted cylindrical element; Physics of Fluids; 30 (5), 2018: 055103
20Zhanqi Tang, Yanhua Wu, Yongxia Jia, Nan Jiang; PIV Measurements of a Turbulent Boundary Layer Perturbed by a Wall-Mounted Transverse Circular Cylinder Element; Flow, Turbulence and Combustion; 100(2), 2017:365-389.
21Zhanqi Tang, Xujia Cui, Yong Guo, Nan Jiang, Shen Dai, Junjie Liu. Near fields of gasper jet flows with wedged nozzle in aircraft cabin environment. Building and Environment, 125, 2017:99-110.
22Zhanqi Tang, Yong Guo, Xujia Cui, Nan Jiang, Shen Dai, Junjie Liu. Turbulent characteristics in the near fields of gasper jet flows in an aircraft cabin environment: Intermittently energetic coherent structures. Building and Environment, 117, 2017:73-83.
23Chao Wang, Zhanqi Tang, Nathaniel Bristow, Gianluca Blois, Kenneth T. Christensen, William Anderson. Numerical and experimental study of flow over stages of an offset merger dune interaction. Computers & Fluids, 158, 2017:72-83.
24Yanhua Wu, Zhanqi Tang, Shaoqiong Yang, Martin Skote, Hui Tang, Ge Zhang, Yong Shan. Proper-Orthogonal-Decomposition Study of Turbulent Near Wake of S805 Airfoil in Deep Stall. AIAA Journal, 55(6), 2017:1959-1969.
25Zhanqi Tang, Wenyi Chen, Nan Jiang, Yanhua Wu: Tomographic PIV measurements of turbulent boundary layer perturbed by a dynamic cylinder roughness element. In: AIAA Flow Control Conference. vol. 2016-4090. 2016: 1-7.
26Zhanqi Tang, Nan Jiang, Xiaobo Zheng, Yanhua Wu. Bursting process of large- and small-scale structures in turbulent boundary layer perturbed by a cylinder roughness element. Experiments in fluids, 57(5), 2016: 79
27Zhanqi Tang, Nan Jiang, Yanhua Wu, Tomographic PIV measurements of turbulent boundary layer perturbed by a dynamic cylindrical element, AIAA AVIATION, 2016.
28G Blois; W Anderson; Z Tang; J Barros; J Best; K Christensen, Experimental and numerical study of turbulent flow associated with interacting barchan dunes, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2014.
29G Blois; W Anderson; Z Tang; J Barros; J Best; K Christensen, Flow dynamics associated with interacting barchan dunes in tandem collision and ejection arrangements, 2014 GSA Annual Meeting in Vancouver, 2014.
30Z Tang; G Blois; J Best; N Jiang; K Christensen, Morphodynamic implications of flow around interacting barchan dunes, American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013, 2013.
31Z Tang; N Jiang; G Blois; JM Barros; JL Best; KT Christensen, Flow over interacting barchan dunes studied in a refractive-index-matched environment, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 2013.
32Zhanqi Tang, Nan Jiang. Statistical scale of hairpin packets in the later stage of bypass transition induced by cylinder wake. Experiments in fluids, 53(2), 2012:343-351.
33Zhanqi Tang, Nan Jiang. Dynamic mode decomposition of hairpin vortices generated by a hemisphere protuberance. Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 55(1), 2011:118-124.
34Zhanqi Tang, Nan Jiang, Andreas Schröder, Reinhard Geisler. Tomographic PIV investigation of coherent structures in a turbulent boundary layer flow. Acta Mechanica Sinica, 28(3), 2012:572-582.
35Zhanqi Tang, Nan Jiang. TR PIV Experimental Investigation on Bypass Transition Induced by a Cylinder Wake. Chin. Phys. Lett. 28(5), 2011: 054702
36YongXia Jia, Zhanqi Tang, Nan Jiang. Experimental investigation of Reynolds stress complex eddy viscosity model for coherent structure dynamics. Science China Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 54(7), 2011:1319-1327.