姓名: |
孙翠茹 |
性别: |
女 |
英文名: |
Sun,Cuiru |
人才称号: |
职称: |
副教授 |
职务: |
专业: |
力学 |
所在机构: |
机械工程学院 |
个人主页: |
邮箱: |
carry_sun@tju.edu.cn |
办公地点: |
36楼 |
传真: |
办公电话: |
主要学历: |
2005.9 - 2009.10,Toronto Metropolitan University(原瑞尔森大学),机械工程系,博士
2002.9 - 2005.3, 天津大学,力学系, 硕士
1996.9 - 2000.7, 河北工业大学, 机械电子工程系,学士
主要学术经历: |
2015/05-2015/07,Ryerson University,机械和工业工程系,讲师
2015/04/2015/05,Sulon Technologies Inc.,高级光学研究员
2013/08-2015/04,神经外科(Division of Neurosurgery),Sunnybrook Health Sciences Centre(加拿大),访问研究员
2010/01-2015/04,Ryerson University,电子和计算机工程系,博士后
2000/07-2002/08 天津和平海湾电源集团有限公司,设备研发工程师
主要研究方向: |
1. 生物力学测试和成像技术及仪器: 开发多功能光学相干断层扫描(OCT)技术、OCT与其它成像技术融合的多尺度、多模态测试和影像技术及仪器,为生物组织力学特性测试提供新型实验方法,为心脑血管和癌症等疾病的早期精准诊疗提供重要手段。
主要讲授课程: |
1.工程力学 (本)
4.高等实验力学 (研, 全英文)
5.生物力学与成像 (研, 全英文)
主要学术兼职: |
1. 国际光机电技术研讨会(International symposium on OptoMechtronics Technology, ISOT)执行委员会委员 (Steering committee member)
2. 天津市生物医学工程学会生物力学专业委员会委员
主要学术成就: |
在光学相干断层成像(OCT)的技术和应用研究方面取得了重要进展:开创了光学相干弹性成像(OCE)光测实验力学新方法,为软材料原位、全场、深度敏感、高分辨力学测量提供了新的实验手段。引领血管生物力学成像技术前沿,形成了一套智能血管图像分割 - 在体OCT和造影图像融合 - 个体化病例血管有限元高分辨建模 - 血管力学特性分析的完善研究方法。在Journal of biomedical optics (JBO)、Biomedical Optics Express (BOE)、Journal of Biophotonics 等期刊发表论文50余篇,被引600余次。长期担任 JBO、OE 和OLEN等期刊的审稿专家。
主要科研项目: |
代表性论著: |
[1] X. Lin, J. Chen, X. Feng, H. Wang, R. Li, H. Liu, H. Liu, C. Sun#, In situ deformation measurement of 3D printed scaffold and mechano-regulation in tissue engineering, Optics and Lasers in Engineering 169 (2023) 107719.
[2] Q. Guo, J. Chen, H. Liu, C. Sun#, Measurement of Layer-Specific Mechanical Properties of Intact Blood Vessels Based on Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography, Cardiovasc Eng Technol 14(1) (2023) 67-78.
[3] D. Zhao, H. Wang, J. Deng, I. Slavashevich, X. Guo, Y. Mei, C. Sun#, Optical coherence elastography of 3D bilayer soft solids using full-field and partial displacement measurements, Medicine in Novel Technology and Devices 15(3) (2022) 10.
[4] X. Lin, J. Chen, Y. Hu, X. Feng, H. Wang, H. Liu, C. Sun#, Image Quality Assessment for Digital Volume Correlation-Based Optical Coherence Elastography, Photonics 9(8) (2022) 573.
[5] H. Wu, J. Wang, J.A. Amaya Catano, C. Sun, Z. Li, Optical coherence elastography based on inverse compositional Gauss-Newton digital volume correlation with second-order shape function, Optics Express 30(23) (2022) 41954-41968.
[6] C. Sun, H. Pan, J. Jia, H. Liu, J. Chen, In Vivo Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography (IVOCT) Structural and Blood Flow Imaging Based Mechanical Simulation Analysis of a Blood Vessel, Cardiovascular Engineering and Technology 13(5) (2022) 685-698.
[7] 黄举,孙翠茹#,林祥龙, 基于卷积神经网络的散斑图像位移场测量方法 光学学报 41(20) (2021) 2012002.
[8] M. Zhang, H. Liu, Z. Cai, C. Sun, W. Sun, An improved analytical method to estimate three-dimensional residual stresses of the aorta, Applied Mathematical Modelling 90 (2021) 351-365.
[9] J. Chen, Y. Hu, X. Lin, H. Liu, C. Sun#, Optical coherence elastography of bilayer soft tissue based on harmonic surface wave spectroscopy, Optics and Lasers in Engineering Volume 145 (2021) 106667.
[10] C.Sun#, X.Zhang, Real-time subtraction-based calibration methods for deformation measurement using structured light techniques, Appl Optics 58(28) (2019) 7727-7732.
[11] F. Meng, X. Zhang, J. Wang, C. Li, J. Chen, C. Sun#, 3D Strain and Elasticity Measurement of Layered Biomaterials by Optical Coherence Elastography based on Digital Volume Correlation and Virtual Fields Method, Applied Sciences 9(7) (2019) 1349.
[12] F. Meng, C. Chen, S. Hui, J. Wang, Y. Feng, C. Sun#, Three-dimensional static optical coherence elastography based on inverse compositional Gauss-Newton digital volume correlation, Journal of Biophotonics 12(9) (2019) e201800422.
[13] J.Jia, C. Sun#, Vascular Stress Analysis During in Vivo Intravascular Optical Coherence Tomography Imaging, Molecular & Cellular Biomechanics 16(Supplemental 1) (2019) 61-64.
[14] J.Zheng, C.Sun#, Optical Coherence Elastography for Viscoelastic Properties Measurement, Sixth International Conference on Optical and Photonic Engineering (Icopen 2018) 10827 (2018).
[15] J.Chen, J.Liu, C.Sun#, Residual stress measurement via digital image correlation and sharp indentation testing, Optical Engineering 55(12) (2016).
[16] C. Sun, V. Yang, Vascular wall stress during intravascular optical coherence tomography imaging, Proc. SPIE (2015) 93270.
[17] C. Sun, O.H. Khan, P. Siegler, J. Jivraj, R. Wong, V. Yang, Cadaveric In-Situ Testing of Optical Coherence Tomography System Based Skull Base Surgery Guidance, in: H. Hirschberg, S.J. Madsen, E.D. Jansen, Q. Luo, S.K. Mohanty, N.V. Thakor (Eds.), Optical Techniques in Neurosurgery, Neurophotonics, and Optogenetics Ii2015.
[18] C. Sun, B. Vuong, X.-Y. Wen, V. Yang, Preliminary study of digital image correlation based optical coherence elastography, in: B.E. Bouma, R.A. Leitgeb (Eds.), Optical Coherence Tomography and Coherence Techniques Vi2013.
[19] C. Sun, B. Standish, B. Vuong, X.-Y. Wen, V. Yang, Digital image correlation-based optical coherence elastography, Journal of Biomedical Optics 18(12) (2013).
[20] C. Sun, F. Nolte, V. Barry, K.H.Y. Cheng, K.K.C. Lee, B.A. Standish, B. Courtney, T.R. Marotta, V.X.D. Yang, Blood flow velocity measurement by endovascular Doppler optical coherence tomography, in: N. Kollias, B. Choi, H. Zeng, H.W. Kang, B.E. Knudsen, B.J.F. Wong, J.F. Ilgner, M.J. Suter, S. Lam, M. Brenner, K.W. Gregory, G.J. Tearney, L. Marcu, H. Hirschberg, S.J. Madsen, A. MahadevanJansen, E.D. Jansen, A. Mandelis (Eds.), Photonic Therapeutics and Diagnostics Ix2013.
[21] C. Sun, F. Nolte, K.H.Y. Cheng, B. Vuong, K.K.C. Lee, B.A. Standish, B. Courtney, T.R. Marotta, A. Mariampillai, V.X.D. Yang, In vivo feasibility of endovascular Doppler optical coherence tomography, Biomedical Optics Express 3(10) (2012) 2600-2610.
[22] C. Sun, K.K.C. Lee, B. Vuong, M.D. Cusimano, A. Brukson, A. Mauro, N. Munce, B.K. Courtney, B.A. Standish, V.X.D. Yang, Intraoperative handheld optical coherence tomography forward-viewing probe: physical performance and preliminary animal imaging, Biomedical Optics Express 3(6) (2012) 1404-1412.
[23] C. Sun, B. Standish, V.X.D. Yang, Optical coherence elastography: current status and future applications, Journal of Biomedical Optics 16(4) (2011).