姓名: |
郭翔 |
性别: |
男 |
英文名: |
Guo Xiang |
人才称号: |
天津大学北洋青年学者 |
职称: |
副教授,硕士生导师,博士生导师 |
职务: |
null |
专业: |
工程力学 |
所在机构: |
力学系 |
个人主页: |
邮箱: |
xiangguo@tju.edu.cn |
办公地点: |
天津大学机械工程学院,300354 |
传真: |
办公电话: |
主要学历: |
佐治亚理工学院,亚特兰大,佐治亚,美国 机械工程系硕士 (2009年5月)
香港城市大学,香港 建筑系博士 (2006年8月)
兰州大学,兰州,甘肃,中国 力学系硕士 (2003年6月)
兰州大学,兰州,甘肃,中国 力学系学士 (2000年6月)
主要学术经历: |
天津大学,天津 副教授(2011年3月—至今)
(Monash大学马来西亚分校,研究助理 (2016年10月—2016年12月))
(香港城市大学,研究员 (2014年1月—2014年2月))
(香港城市大学,研究员 (2012年7月—2012年8月))
(香港城市大学,研究助理 (2012年1月—2012年4月))
(香港大学,研究助理 (2011年6月—2011年8月))
香港大学,香港 博士后研究员(2009年11月—2011年1月)
香港城市大学,香港 高级研究助理(2009年5月—2009年11月)
主要研究方向: |
主要讲授课程: |
理论力学(本科生 64课时,80课时)
力学的发展与科研(本科生 2课时)
力学与工程(本科生 2课时)
大型工程软件应用 (本科生 20课时)
主要学术兼职: |
主要学术成就: |
主要科研项目: |
代表性论著: |
X.D. Zan, X. Guo(*), and G.J. Weng. Hydride enhanced strain localization in zirconium alloy: A study by crystal plasticity finite element method. International Journal of Plasticity, 174(1), 103911 (2024). Impact factor: 9.8 影响因子:9.8 (1区)
Y.X. Wang, X. Guo(*), C. Fang, S.W. Shi(*), G.J. Weng, and G. Chen. Fatigue crack growth behavior of proton exchange membrane in fuel cells under humidity cycling. Journal of Power Sources, 597(1), 234074 (2024). 影响因子:9.2 (2区)
C. Fang, X. Guo(*), J.H. Li, and G. Chen(*). Relations of microstructural attributes and strength-ductility of zirconium alloys with hydrides. Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering, 36(1), 89 (2023). 影响因子:4.2 (3区)
X.D. Zan, X. Guo(*), X.D. Xia, G.J. Weng, G. Chen, and F.Z. Han. Anisotropic deformation mechanisms of rolling-textured Zircaloy-4 alloy by a crystal plasticity model. Computational Materials Science, 229(1), 112424 (2023). 影响因子: 3.3 (3区)
X.D. Zan, X. Guo(*), G.J. Weng, and G. Chen. Nanoindentation study of δ-phase zirconium hydride using the crystal plasticity model. International Journal of Plasticity, 167(1), 103675 (2023). 影响因子:9.8 (1区)
C. Bi, X. Guo(*), A.H. Wang, G.J. Weng, K.P. Qu, F. Shen, and L.L. Zhu. Strain-rate-dependent cohesive zone modelling of charge damage behavior when a projectile penetrates multilayered targets. Acta Mechanica, 234(7), 2869–2887 (2023). 影响因子:2.7 (3区)
Y.J. Zhang, J.T. Fan, B. Gan, X. Guo, H.H, Ruan, and L.L. Zhu(*). Constitutive modeling of mechanical behaviors in gradient nanostructured alloys with hierarchical dual-phased microstructures. Acta Mechanica, 233(1), 3197–3212 (2022). 影响因子:2.7 (3区)
X.D. Xia, X. Guo, and G.J. Weng(*). Creep rupture in carbon nanotube-based viscoplastic nanocomposites. International Journal of Plasticity, 150(1), 103189-1-19 (2022). 影响因子:9.8 (1区)
X. Guo(*), G.Y. Chai, G.J. Weng, L.L. Zhu, and J. Lu. Tuning the strength-ductility synergy of nanograined Cu through nanotwin volume fraction. Computational Materials Science, 203(1), 111073-1-9 (2022). 影响因子:3.300 (3区)
C. Fang, X. Guo(*), G.J. Weng, J.H. Li, and G. Chen(*). Simulation of ductile fracture of zirconium alloys based on triaxiality dependent cohesive zone model. Acta Mechanica, 232(9), 3723–3736 (2021). 影响因子:2.645 (3区)
L.L. Zhu(*), H.H. Ruan, L.G. Sun, X. Guo, and J. Lu. Constitutive modeling of size-dependent deformation behavior in nano-dual-phase glass-crystal alloys. International Journal of Plasticity, 137(1), 102918-1-19 (2021). 影响因子:8.5 (1区)
Y.X. Wang, X. Guo(*), S.W. Shi(*), G.J. Weng, G. Chen, and J. Lu. Biaxial fatigue crack growth in proton exchange membrane of fuel cells based on cyclic cohesive finite element method. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 189(1), 105946-1-12 (2021). 影响因子:6.772 (升级版1区)
S.W. Shi(*), X.Y. Sun, Q. Lin, J. Chen, Y.J. Fu, X.D. Hong, C. Li, X. Guo(*), G. Chen(*), and X. Chen. Fatigue crack propagation behavior of fuel cell membranes after chemical degradation. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 45(51), 27653–27664 (2020). 影响因子:5.816 (2区)
X. Guo(*), Y. Liu, G.J. Weng, L.L. Zhu, J. Lu, and G. Chen(*). Microstructure-property relations in the tensile behavior of bimodal nanostructured metals. Advanced Engineering Materials, 22(6), 2000097-1-13 (2020). 影响因子:3.862 (3区)
J. Li, Z. Wang, Y. Cheng, Y. Xin(*), H. Wu, X. Guo, and G. Chen(*). Effect of hydride precipitation on the fatigue cracking behavior in a zirconium alloy cladding tube. International Journal of Fatigue, 129(1), 105230-1-9 (2019). 影响因子:4.369 (2区)
G. Chen, Y. Fu, Y. Cui, J. Gao, X. Guo, H. Gao, S. Wu, J. Lu, Q. Lin(*), and S. Shi(*). Effect of surface mechanical attrition treatment on corrosion fatigue behavior of AZ31B magnesium alloy. International Journal of Fatigue, 127(1), 461–469 (2019). 影响因子:4.369 (2区)
L.L. Zhu(*), C.S. Wen, C.Y. Gao, X. Guo, Z. Chen, and J. Lu. Static and dynamic mechanical behaviors of gradient-nanotwinned stainless steel with a composite structure: Experiments and modeling. International Journal of Plasticity, 114(1), 272–288 (2019). 影响因子:6.490 (1区)
X. Guo(*), Y. Liu, G.J. Weng, and L.L. Zhu. Tensile failure modes in nanograined metals with nanotwinned regions. Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A, 49(10), 5001–5014 (2018). 影响因子:1.985 (3区)
X. Guo(*), G. Yang, G.J. Weng, and J. Lu. Interface effects on the strength and ductility of bimodal nanostructured metals. Acta Mechanica, 229(8), 3475–3487 (2018). 影响因子:2.166 (3区)
X. Guo(*), Q.Q. Sun, T. Yang, G.J. Weng, C.B. Zhang, and X.Q. Feng. Local Monte Carlo method for fatigue analysis of coarse-grained metals with a nanograined surface layer. Metals, 8(7), 479-1-15 (2018). 影响因子:2.259 (3区)
X. Guo(*), Q.D. Ouyang, Y.B. Sun, and G.J. Weng. Ballistic performance of nanostructured metals toughened by elliptical coarse-grained inclusions: A finite element study with failure analysis. Materials, 11(6), 977-1-18 (2018). 影响因子:2.972 (3区)
Q.Q. Sun, X. Guo(*), G.J. Weng, G. Chen(*), and T. Yang. Axial-torsional high-cycle fatigue of both coarse-grained and nanostructured metals: A 3D cohesive finite element model with uncertainty characteristics. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 195(1), 30–43 (2018). 影响因子:2.908 (3区)
G. Chen, J. Gao, Y. Cui(*), H. Gao, X. Guo(*), and S. Wu. Effects of strain rate on the low cycle fatigue behavior of AZ31B magnesium alloy processed by SMAT. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 735(1), 536–546 (2018). 影响因子:4.175 (2区)
Q.D. Ouyang, A.K. Soh, G.J. Weng, L.L. Zhu, and X. Guo(*). The limit velocity and limit displacement of nanotwin-strengthened metals under ballistic impact. Acta Mechanica, 229(4), 1741–1757 (2018). 影响因子:2.166 (3区)
K. Wu, X. Guo, H.H. Ruan, and L.L. Zhu(*). Micromechanical modeling for mechanical properties of gradient-nanotwinned metals with a composite microstructure. Materials Science and Engineering A, 703(1), 180–186 (2017). 影响因子:3.414 (2区)
L.L. Zhu(*), H.H. Ruan, A.Y. Chen, X. Guo, and J. Lu(*). Microstructures-based constitutive analysis for mechanical properties of gradient-nanostructured 304 stainless steels. Acta Materialia, 128(1), 375–390 (2017). 影响因子:6.036 (1区)
L.L. Zhu(*), C.S. Wen, C.Y. Gao(*), X. Guo, and J. Lu. A study of dynamic plasticity in austenite stainless steels with a gradient distribution of nanoscale twins. Scripta Materialia, 133(1), 49–53 (2017). 影响因子:4.163 (2区)
Q.D. Ouyang, X. Guo(*), and X.Q. Feng. 3D microstructure-based simulations of strength and ductility of bimodal nanostructured metals. Materials Science and Engineering A, 677(1), 76–88 (2016). 影响因子:3.094 (2区)
X. Guo(*), X. Sun, X. Tian, G.J. Weng, Q.D. Ouyang, and L.L. Zhu(*). Simulation of ballistic performance of a two-layered structure of nanostructured metal and ceramic. Composite Structures, 157(1), 163–173 (2016). 影响因子:3.858 (2区)
L.L. Zhu(*), X. Guo, and H.H. Ruan. Simulating size and volume fraction dependent strength and ductility of nanotwinned composite copper. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 83(7), 071009-1-8 (2016). 影响因子:2.133 (3区)
X. Guo(*), G. Yang, and G.J. Weng. The saturation state of strength and ductility of bimodal nanostructured metals. Materials Letters, 175(1), 131–134 (2016). 影响因子:2.572 (2区)
X. Guo(*), Q.D. Ouyang, G.J. Weng, and L.L. Zhu. The direct and indirect effects of nanotwin volume fraction on the strength and ductility of coarse-grained metals. Materials Science and Engineering A, 657(1), 234–243 (2016). 影响因子:3.094 (2区)
L.L. Zhu(*), X. Guo, H.H. Ruan, and J. Lu. Prediction of mechanical properties in bimodal nanotwinned metals with a composite structure. Composites Science and Technology, 123(1), 222–231 (2016). 影响因子:4.873 (2区)
G. Yang, X. Guo(*), G.J. Weng, L.L. Zhu, and R. Ji. Simulation of ballistic performance of coarse-grained metals strengthened by nanotwinned regions. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 23(8), 085009-1-22 (2015). 影响因子:1.859 (3区)
X. Guo(*), T. Yang, and G.J. Weng. 3D cohesive modeling of nanostructured metallic alloys with a Weibull random field in torsional fatigue. International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 101(1), 227–240 (2015). 影响因子:2.481 (2区)
J.H. Wang, W.J. Zhang(*), X. Guo, A. Koizumi, and H. Tanaka. Mechanism for buckling of shield tunnel linings under hydrostatic pressure. Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology, 49(1), 144–155 (2015). 影响因子:1.741 (3区)
X. Guo(*), G. Yang, G.J. Weng, and L.L. Zhu. Numerical simulation of ballistic performance of bimodal nanostructured metals. Materials Science and Engineering A, 630(1), 13–26 (2015). 影响因子:2.647 (2区)
L.L. Zhu(*), S.X. Qu, X. Guo, and J. Lu(*). Analysis of the twin spacing and grain size effects on mechanical properties in hierarchically nanotwinned face-centered cubic metals based on a mechanism-based plasticity model. Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids, 76(1), 162–179 (2015). 影响因子:3.875 (2区)
X. Guo(*), R. Ji, G.J. Weng, L.L. Zhu, and J. Lu. Computer simulation of strength and ductility of nanotwin-strengthened coarse-grained metals. Modelling and Simulation in Materials Science and Engineering, 22(7), 075014-1-22 (2014). 影响因子:2.167 (3区)
X. Guo(*), R. Ji, G.J. Weng, L.L. Zhu, and J. Lu. Micromechanical simulation of fracture behavior of bimodal nanostructured metals. Materials Science and Engineering A, 618(1), 479–489 (2014). 影响因子:2.567 (2区)
L.L. Zhu(*), X. Guo, and J. Lu(*). Surface stress effects on the yield strength in nanotwinned polycrystal face-centered-cubic metallic nanowires. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 81(10), 101002-1-6 (2014). 影响因子:1.370 (4区)
X. Guo(*), X.Y. Dai, L.L. Zhu, and J. Lu. Numerical investigation of fracture behavior of nanostructured Cu with bimodal grain size distribution. Acta Mechanica, 225(4), 1093–1106 (2014). 影响因子:1.465 (4区)
X. Guo(*), W.J. Zhang, L.L. Zhu, and J. Lu. Mesh dependence of transverse cracking in laminated metals with nanograined interface layers. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 105(1), 211–220 (2013). 影响因子:1.662 (3区)
X. Guo(*), K. Chang, L.Q. Chen, and M. Zhou(*). Determination of fracture toughness of AZ31 Mg alloy using the cohesive finite element method. Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 96(1), 401–415 (2012). 影响因子:1.413 (4区)
X. Guo, G.J. Weng, and A.K. Soh(*). Ductility enhancement of layered stainless steel with nanograined interface layers. Computational Materials Science, 55(3), 350–355 (2012). 影响因子:1.878 (3区)
X. Guo, R. K.L. Su, and B. Young(*). Numerical investigation of the bilinear softening law in the cohesive crack model for normal-strength and high-strength concrete. Advances in Structural Engineering, 15(3), 373–387 (2012). 影响因子:0.489 (4区)
X. Guo, A. Y.T. Leung(*), A.Y. Chen, H.H. Ruan, and J. Lu. Investigation of non-local cracking in layered stainless steel with nanostructured interface. Scripta Materialia, 63(4), 403–406 (2010). 影响因子:2.820 (2区)
X. Guo, W. Liang, and M. Zhou(*). Mechanism for the pseudoelastic behavior of FCC shape memory nanowires. Experimental Mechanics, 49(2), 183–190 (2009). 影响因子:1.542 (4区)
X. Guo, A. Y.T. Leung(*), X.Q. He, H. Jiang, and Y. Huang. Bending buckling of single-walled carbon nanotubes by atomic-scale finite element. Composites: Part B, 39(1), 202–208 (2008). 影响因子:1.481 (3区)
X. Guo, A. Y.T. Leung(*), H. Jiang, X.Q. He, and Y. Huang. Critical strain of carbon nanotubes: an atomic-scale finite element study. Journal of Applied Mechanics, 74(2), 347–351 (2007). 影响因子:0.956 (4区)
A. Y.T. Leung(*), X. Guo, X.Q. He, H. Jiang, and Y. Huang. Postbuckling of carbon nanotubes by atomic-scale finite element. Journal of Applied Physics, 99(12), 124308-1-5 (2006). 影响因子:2.316 (2区)
A. Y.T. Leung(*), X. Guo, X.Q. He, and S. Kitipornchai. A continuum model for zigzag single-walled carbon nanotubes. Applied Physics Letters, 86(8), 083110-1-3 (2005). 影响因子:4.127 (2区)
K. Kroy(*) and X. Guo. Comment on “Relevant length scale of barchan dunes.” Physical Review Letters, 93(3), 039401 (2004). 影响因子:7.218 (1区)
X. Guo, X.J. Zheng, and Y.H. Zhou. Research on theoretical predictions of electric field generated by wind-blown sand. Key Engineering Materials, 244, 583–588 (2003).
Y.H. Zhou(*), X. Guo, and X.J. Zheng. Experimental measurement of wind-sand flux and sand transport for naturally mixed sands. Physical Review E, 66(2), 021305-1-9 (2002). 影响因子:2.508 (2区)