姓名: 景秀并
英文名: Jing Xiubing
职称: 副教授/硕士生导师
职务: 专业: 机械制造及其自动化
所在机构: 机械工程系 个人主页:
邮箱: jingxiuping@tju.edu.cn 办公地点: 北洋校区机械工程学院37楼-251
传真: 办公电话:
主要学历: 1998年毕业于天津大学热能工程系,获工学学士学位。

主要学术经历: 1998年-至今, 天津大学讲师,副教授。

主要研究方向: 精密、超精密加工理论与关键技术,

主要讲授课程: 研究生课程:Advanced Manufacturing Technology

主要学术兼职: 国家基金同行评议人,国内、国际刊物审稿人
巴基斯坦National University of Sciences and Technology博士学位论文海外评审专家
国际期刊Micromachines特刊 Research Progress of Ultra-Precision Micro-Nano Machining客座编辑

主要学术成就: 作为主要研究人员主持/参加了国家自然科学基金、天津市科技攻关等课题多项。近年在在国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文SCI论文40余篇,其中ISI Top期刊论文5篇,一区论文6篇,二区论文10 篇,他引500余次;授权/申请中国发明专利10余项。


主要科研项目: [1]天津市科技局,高端精密智能锥齿轮成套加工装备研发及应用,2021/10-2024.09,主持。
[2]国家自然科学基金面上项目, 柔性器件主动可控超声微转印关键基础问题研究, 2017/01-2020.12, 参与。
[3]国家自然科学基金面上项目, 超声辅助纳米加工系统及其关键技术研究, 2017/01-2020.12, 参与。
[4] 天津市科技局,非谐振式振动辅助微铣削系统研制与工艺研究, 2019.09-2021.09,主持。
[6] 国家自然基金,牙科陶瓷材料旋转超声加工关键技术研究,2011.12-2014.12,主持。

1.Xiubing Jing, Junyi Wang, Zhemin Lai, Shuxian Zheng, Syed Husain Imran Jaffery, Thermal model for nanosecond laser ablation Al2O3 considering temperature dependence, Infrared Physics & Technology 131(2023), 104716. (2区)
2.Xiao-Fei Song, Wenjing Zhang, Ning Kang, Jiaqi Zhao, Xiubing Jing*, Force prediction and analysis in surgical sawing of composite bone involving multi-tooth reciprocating and heterogeneous pore model, Journal of Material Processing Tech. 312(2023) 117853. (1区)
3.Xiubing Jing, Junyi Wang, Junlan Li, Yun Chen, Fujun Wang, Syed Husain Imran Jaffery, Tribological behavior of zirconia ceramic with micro-channels produced by nanosecond laser, Materials Today Communications, Available online 14 July 2023, 106670(3区)
4.Xiubing Jing, Junyi Wang, Xiaofei Song, Yun Chen, Syed Husain Imran Jaffery, A comparative investigation on micro-channel by using direct laser ablation and liquid-assisted laser ablation on zirconia, Ceramics International, Available online 17 July 2023, In Press, (1区)
5.Xiubing Jing, Yani Xia, et. al, Preparation of superhydrophobic glass surface with high adhesion, Colloid Surface A 633 (2022) 127861 (2区)
6.Xiubing Jing, Zehui Zheng, et.al, Stability analysis in micro milling based on p‑leader multifractal method, J Manuf Processes 77 (2022) 495–507 (2区)
7.Xiubing Jing, Qilei Zhai, et.al, Wettability and frictional properties on zirconia surfaces irradiated by femtosecond laser, Colloid and Surface A, 2022, 654(1):130198 (2区)
8.Xiubing Jing, Bowen Song, et.al, Mathematical modeling and experimental verification of surface roughness in micro-end-milling, Int J Adv Manuf Techn. 2022, 20(1) (3区)
9.Yani Xia, Xiubing Jing*, et.al, A comparative study of direct laser ablation and laser-induced plasma-assisted ablation on glass surface, Infrared Phys Techn 115 (2021) 103737 (2区)
10.Xiubing Jing, Rongyu Lv, et. al, A novel run-out model based on spatial tool position for micro-milling force prediction, J Manuf Processes 68 (2021) 739–749 (2区)
11.Xiubing Jing, Yanling Tian, et. al, Modelling and experimental analysis of the effects of run out, minimum chip thickness and elastic recovery on the cutting force in micro-end-milling, Int J Mech Sci 176 (2020) (1区)
12.Xiubing Jing, Zihao Pu, et. al, Nanosecond laser induced microstructure features and effects thereof on the wettability in zirconia, Ceram Int 46 (2020) 24173–24182 (1区)
13.Zihao Pu, Dawei Zhang, Xiubing Jing*, Fabrication of super-hydrophobic and highly oleophobic Ti-6Al-4 V surfaces by a hybrid method, Materials Research Bulletin 130 (2020) 110915 (2区)
14.Zihao Pu, Xiubing Jing*, et.al, Wettability modification of zirconia by laser surface texturing and silanization, Int J Appl Ceram Technol. 2020;00:1–11. (3区)
15.ChengJuan Yang, Xiubing Jing*, et.al, Fabrication of controllable wettability of crystalline silicon surfaces by laser surface texturing and silanization, Appl Surf Sci 497, 2019, 143805 (1区)

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