姓名: 汪健生
英文名: Jiansheng Wang
职称: 教授、博导
职务: 专业: 工程热物理
所在机构: 中低温热能高效利用教育部重点实验室 个人主页:
邮箱: jsw@tju.edu.cn 办公地点: 天津大学北洋园校区34-238
传真: 办公电话:
主要学历: 1980.9~1984.9 天津大学热能工程系内燃机专业,获工学学士学位 
1989.9~1992.3 天津大学热能工程系工程热物理专业,获工学硕士学位 
1992.3~1995.3 天津大学力学系流体力学专业,获工学博士学位

主要学术经历: 1984.9~1986.4 机械部工程机械研究所 
1986.5~1989.7 江苏理工大学流体工程研究中心 
1995.7~1997.9 天津大学动力机械与工程热物理博士后流动站 
1997.9~至今 天津大学机械学院热能工程系 

主要研究方向: 1. 流动减阻与强化传热
2. 纳微尺度流动传热
3. 柔性体流固耦合传热机理 
4. 地热能提取及转换技术 
5. 高效传热元件

主要讲授课程: 1. 工程热力学 (本科生) 
2. 传热传质学 (本科生)
3. 燃烧学 (本科生)
4. 计算传热学前沿进展(本科生)
5. 热能工程实验 (研究生)
6. 热工基础理论 (研究生)
7. 热工设备法规体系 (研究生)

主要学术兼职: 河北省热科学与能源清洁利用技术重点实验室学术委员会主任 
Physics of Fluids, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, Journal of Molecular Liquids, Applied Thermal Engineering, Aerospace Science and Technology, Applied Energy, Energy, Energy Conversion and Management, Engineering Applications of Computational Fluid Mechanics,机械工程学报,太阳能学报,化工学报,化工进展,计算力学学报,应用力学学报等期刊审稿人。

主要学术成就: 1.提出了湍流拟序结构的稳定机制,通过主动或被动控制方法,对近壁区速度条带结构进行干预,其中包括:提高慢速条纹流速,协调快慢速条纹结构的流动一致性;利用设置在边界层特定区域内小/微尺度扰流元所产生的尾迹,限制低速条纹的抬升,阻滞边界层外区高动量流体的下扫。由此有效改善与提高了湍流拟序结构的稳定性,降低了近壁区的湍流生产率,从而降低了雷诺应力,实现了湍流减阻。

主要科研项目: 主持(负责人)项目: 
1. 干热岩发电及综合利用技术方案与经济性评价,国家重点研发计划,2019~2023,项目经费:379万元。
2. 微尺度扰流元尾流用于强化传热及流阻抑制机理的研究,天津市自然科学基金重点项目,2017~2020,项目经费:20万元。
3. 干热岩发电及综合评价关键技术研究, 国家“863”项目, 2012~2014,项目经费: 528万元 。
4. 废弃石油井改造地热井关键技术研发与应用, 天津市科技支撑计划重点项目, 2009~2011,项目经费: 80万。
5. 滨海新区地热资源可循环利用技术开发与规范研究,天津市科技发展计划项目,2008~2010,项目经费:30万元。
6. 港口清洁能源及地源热泵技术应用, 交通部项目。 
7. 温控系统热设计研究, 空间机电研究所项目。
8. 湍流相干结构被动控制用于强化传热与流动减阻的研究,国家自然科学基金项目。 
9. 吸收式太阳能制冷器, 企业委托项目。 
10. 热量表性能检测装置, 企业委托项目

代表性论著: 一作/通讯:
[1] Effect of streamwise vortex induced by streamwise grooves on drag reduction and heat transfer performance, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 186 (2023) 108117
[2] Optimal integration of solar collectors to Carnot battery system with regenerators, Energy Conversion and Management 277 (2023) 116625
[3] The investigation on a hot dry rock compressed air energy storage system, Energy Conversion and Management 291 (2023) 117274
[4] Performance analysis of pinnate horizontal well in enhanced geothermal system, Applied Thermal Engineering 201 (2022) 117799
[5] Investigation on flow and heat transfer in rectangular cross-section sinusoidal channels, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 176 (2022) 107490
[6] Numerical investigation on flow behavior and heat transfer feature of flexible wings located at the bottom of a two-dimensional channel, Applied Thermal Engineering 206 (2022) 118112
[7] Performance optimization of pinnate horizontal well in geothermal energy utilization with orthogonal test, Applied Thermal Engineering 209 (2022) 118321
[8] The passive control on flow and heat transfer with streamwise micro grooves, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 135 (2022) 106065
[9] Flow behavior and heat transfer in a rectangular channel with miniature riblets, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 135 (2022) 106049
[10] Numerical investigation on power generation performance of enhanced geothermal system with horizontal well, Applied Energy 325 (2022) 119865
[11] Focusing on geothermal heat extraction and utilization system: Scheme optimization and coupling coordination degree analysis, Energy Conversion and Management 270 (2022) 116182
[12] Influence of non-uniform thermal boundary on flow and heat transfer characteristics in rectangular channel, Phys. Fluids 34, 115105 (2022)
[13] Compatibility investigation and techno-economic performance optimization of whole geothermal power generation system, Applied Energy 328 (2022) 120165
[14] The influence of wall properties on convective heat transfer in isothermal nanochannel, Journal of Molecular Liquids, 324 (2021) 115100
[15] Influence of nanostructure morphology on the heat transfer and flow characteristics in nanochannel, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 165 (2021) 106927
[16] Thermodynamic performance of subcritical double-pressure organic Rankine cycles driven by geothermal energy, Applied Thermal Engineering, 195 (2021) 117162
[17] Coupling mechanism of double-stage ORC based on hot dry rock utilization, Case Studies in Thermal Engineering 28 (2021) 101619
[18] Thermodynamic performance analysis of horizontal ‘8’ cycle, Energy Conversion and Management 249 (2021) 114855
[19] Investigation on start-up and thermal performance of the single-loop pulsating heat pipe with variable diameter, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 180 (2021) 121811
[20] The role of fracture networks randomness in thermal utilization of enhanced geothermal system, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2021) 105414
[21] Role of wall-fluid interaction and rough morphology in heat and momentum exchange in nanochannel, Applied Energy 298 (2021) 117183
[22] The impacting mechanism of surface properties on flow and heat transfer features in nanochannel, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 176 (2021) 121441
[23] Investigation on a submarine reverse osmosis system assisted with the ocean thermal energy, Desalination and Water Treatment, 231 (2021) 81–100
[24] The flow and heat transfer characteristics in a rectangular channel with miniature cuboid dimples, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer 126 (2021) 105474
[25] Flow field characteristic and heat transfer performance in a channel with miniature square filament, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 163 (2020) 120433
[26] The effects of surface topography and non-uniform wettability on fluid flow and interface slip in rough nanochannel, Journal of Molecular Liquids 301 (2020) 112460
[27] Heat transfer and flow characteristics in a rectangular channel with miniature cuboid vortex generators in various arrangement, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 153 (2020) 106335
[28] Heat transfer and flow characteristics in a rectangular channel with miniature square column in aligned and staggered arrangements, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 155 (2020) 106413
[29] Flow field characteristic and heat transfer performance in a channel with miniature square filament, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 163 (2020) 120433
[30] The influence of effective slip surface on flow and heat transfer characteristics in a channel, International Journal of Thermal Sciences 156 (2020) 106436
[31] Heat transfer and flow characteristics in a rectangular channel with small scale vortex generators, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 138 (2019) 208–225
[32] Investigation on the performance of closed-loop pulsating heat pipe with Surfactant, Applied Thermal Engineering 160 (2019) 113998
[33] Numerical simulation of pool boiling with special heated surfaces, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer 130 (2019) 460–468
[34] The features of CLPHP with partial horizontal structure, Applied Thermal Engineering 133 (2018) 682–689
[35] Optimization on pinch point temperature difference of ORC system based on AHP-Entropy method, Energy 141 (2017) 97-107
[36] The Numerical Investigation of Flow and Heat Transfer Characteristics of flow past a Slit-Cylinder, SCIENCE CHINA Technological Science, 2017, doi: 10.1007/s11431-016-0375-8 
[37] Features of flow past square cylinder with a perforated plate, Transactions of Tianjin University, 2016, 22(6): 544-554 
[38] Features of flow past a circular cylinder with a slit, SCIENTIA IRANICA, 2016,23(5):2097-2112 
[39] The heat transfer optimization of conical fin by shape modification, Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2016 (24): 972-978 
[40] Numerical and experimental investigation of pulsating heat pipes with corrugated configuration, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2016, 102(5): 158-166 
[41] Heat transfer and flow characteristics of a rectangular channel with a small circular cylinder having slit-vent vortex generator, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2016, 104:158-171 
[42] Effects of the evaporator and condenser length on the performance of pulsating heat pipes, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2015, 91: 1018-1025 
[43] Heat and fluid flow characteristics of a rectangular channel with a small diameter circular cylinder as vortex generator, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 2015, 92: 1-15 
[44] Flow and heat transfer characteristics in a channel having furrowed wall based on sinusoidal wave, Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 2015, 32(11):2187-2203 
[45] Heat transfer and flow characteristics in a channel with one corrugated wall, SCIENCE CHINA-TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2014, 57(11): 2177-2189 
[46] Thermal performance of pulsating heat pipes with different heating patterns, Applied Thermal Engineering, 2014, 64(1-2): 209-212 
[47] Active control of circular cylinder flow by affiliated rotating cylinders, SCIENCE CHINA TECHNOLOGICAL SCIENCES, 2013, 56(5): 1186-1197 
[48] Heat transfer enhancement through control of added perturbation velocity in flow field, Energy Conversion and Management, 2013, Vol.70: 194-201
[49] Flow and heat transfer characteristics in a channel periodically fitted with blocks and inclined plates, Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2011, Vol. 66-68, 299-306
[50] 多孔介质储层内的流动和换热特性分析, 化工进展, https://doi.org/10.16085/j.issn.1000-6613.2020-1833
[51] 微型矩形凹槽的长方体通道的减阻和传热特性, 应用力学学报,2023,40(1): 211-217
[52] 利用地热能的双压有机朗肯循环性能分析, 太阳能学报,2022,43(9):437-443
[53] 海洋温差能辅助潜艇反渗透海水淡化系统研究,太阳能学报,2021,42(10):394-398
[54] 带有柔性薄板三维方柱流固耦合的数值模拟研究,计算力学学报,2017,34(1):117-129
[55] 窄点温差匹配对ORC系统性能的影响,太阳能学报,2017,53(8):158-165
[56] 小尺度圆柱涡流发生器的传热与流动特性,机械工程学报,2015,51(8):204-212
[57] 湍流边界层内钝体扰流的流动与传热特性, 机械工程学报,2015,51(24):168-176
[58] 三维槽道的周期性层流流动与传热,化工学报,2013,64(5):1541-1548
[59] 凹槽表面的流动与传热特性,化工学报,2013,64(6):1948-1958
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[61] 不同工作因数下方波冲击射流的换热特性,化工学报,2013,64(7):2428-2435
[62] 往复式斯特林发动机回热器特性,机械工程学报,2013,49(8):151-157
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