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Fuel cell flow channel designed by an international student at School of Mechanical Engineering
Author:     Date: Thu Apr 18 00:00:00 CST 2019     Hits:6834

Correspondents: Ikechukwu Samuel Anyanwu, Daokuan Jiao, Yuze Hou

Mr. Ikechukwu Samuel Anyanwu, is a Nigerian by birth and currently a PhD student here at Energy and Power Department, School of Mechanical Engineering, Tianjin University. He enrolled for his doctoral studies in September 2016 under the supervision of Prof. Kui Jiao with sponsorship from the Chinese Government Scholarship (CSC). Currently, he is interested in water management in low temperature proton exchange membrane fuel cells with emphasis on two-phase flow dynamics in flow channels. Working on ways to accurately optimize and propose innovative sinusoidal-shaped flow channels.


So far, he has published one first-author SCI journal paper (International Journal of Hydrogen Energy) while the second paper is also under review in another journal. Additionally, he also has a novel invention for which he has applied for a patent too.

“The atmosphere in my research group is amazing and the teamwork is highly commendable. At every stage of my research progress, I had the privilege of working as a team with other students” said Ikechukwu.

He also said, “in fact, the School of Mechanical Engineering here at Tianjin University has an incredible synergy between international students, professors and research groupmates. The English language proficiency both by the professors and most Chinese groupmates is commendable, all of which makes it even more exhilarating and smooth working with. Hence, this is one perfect reason the school is a haven for research and productivity.” He is also deeply thankful to the Chinese government through the generous funding from the Chinese scholarship council (CSC) and the favorably learning atmosphere provided by Tianjin University.

Ikechukwu has so far learnt a handful of fuel cell design and programing skills which he believes would help his professional career not just here in China but beyond. Since learning is a continuous process, he intends to get the best out of his study years in China.

Since 2016, the School of Mechanical Engineering of Tianjin University started offering Mechanical Engineering Program in English for Master and PhD levels, and now almost 100 international students are studying in this school. With the hard working by the faculty and staff members, local and international students, the international graduate students are now becoming effective supplement to the research of School of Mechanical Engineering.


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