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Gaining Multi-cultural experience and expanding Global Vision ——TJU-UCI Winter Camp
Author:     Date: Tue Feb 12 00:00:00 CST 2019     Hits:6924

At 9:30 am, February 11, 2019, led by international affairs secretary Miss Liang, 21 students from School of Mechanical Engineering of Tianjin University officially started a two-week tour in the University of California, Irvine (UCI).


Upon entering the campus, students were warmly received by Miss Wu and Mr. Anis. Miss Wu introduced the history of UCI. UCI, founded in 1965, is a young and energetic university with three Nobel Laureates, ranking in the top ten of national public universities. Surrounded by high-tech enterprises such as Microsoft, Qualcomm and Broadcom, UCI graduates have a promising future. Next, Miss Jean Bennet from the graduate admission office of engineering department introduced UCI's subject distribution and master and PhD programs, and gave detailed answers to questions raised by TJU students. Students from different majors asked teachers about program selection and graduation requirements.


In the afternoon, Mr. Anis and TJU exchange PhD student Guobin Zhang led the students to audit the Control Systems course taught by Prof. Kassus from UCI. The students enjoyed the class atmosphere and interaction. A nearly one-hour professional course made the students enjoy English teaching and review basic knowledge.

After the course, Mr. Zhu who is assistant of Miss Wu led the students to visit the campus and a bookstore. A volunteer from UCI told us many stories of UCI campus. The students were divided into groups according to their majors and played a funny game to explore the history and culture of UCI. They have a deeper understanding and experience of American college campus.


Finally, under the guidance of Mr. Anis, the students had a taste of American food in a hamburger restaurant and shared their feelings together.

In the next few days, students will go to the engineering labs of UCI to do the hands-on projects, and have the chance to communicate with local students.

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