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Name: Qinglong Tang
Gender: Male
Talent plan: National High-level Talents
Professional title: Professor
Institution: State Key Laboratory of Engines Specialty: Energy and Power Engineering
Email: Personal website:
Tel: +86 15900359894 Fax: +86(0)22 27383362
Office: Building34, Room A106, Tianjin University (Peiyang Yuan Campus)
Education: 2012-09 to 2017-06, Power Machinery and Engineering, Tianjin University, Ph.D.
2009-09 to 2012-01, Power Engineering, Tianjin University, M.Eng.
2005-09 to 2009-07, Thermal Energy and Power Engineering, Shandong University of Technology, B.S.

Academic experience: 2023-06 to now, Researcher, Tianjin University
2022-08 to 2023-06, Associate Professor, Tianjin University
2017-09 to 2022-06, Postdoctoral Fellow, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology

Research interest: 1. High-efficiency and clean combustion theory and technology of the low- and zero-carbon engines;
2. Laser diagnostics of the turbulence combustion and pollutant emissions;
3. New ignition and combustion-assistance technologies;
4. Supersonic combustion and control;

Teaching: Fundamentals of thermal energy and power machinery, Undergraduate course

Academic position: Chairman of the “Turbulent Combustion” session of the 13th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion;
Reviewer of several top journals, such as Combustion and Flame, Proceedings of the Combustion Institute, Fuel, Applied Thermal Engineering, Applied Energy, etc.;
Member of the Combustion Institute;
Member of the Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE);

Academic achievement: National High-level Talents Program, 2022
Young Investigator Award, 12th Asia-Pacific Conference on Combustion, 2020
Natural Science Prize, First Prize (Fifth Rank), China Society of Internal Combustion Engines (CSICE), 2023

Research projects: 1. National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC), High-efficiency, low-carbon and clean combustion theories and technologies of internal combustion engines, 2023-2025, 3.0 million CNY, project leader;
2. Peiyang Talent Program, Tianjin University, 2022-2025, 1.5 million CNY, project leader;
3. NSFC, Youth Science Foundation Project, Fundamental research on the high-efficiency and stable combustion of
the ammonia pre-chamber engine, 2023-2025, 300 thousand CNY, project leader;
4. University-enterprise cooperation project, Soot measurement in the tail gas of a 520 mm-bore marine engine using LII technique, 2022, project leader;
5. University-enterprise cooperation project, Saudi Aramco, Fuelcom 2: Partially premixed combustion and super knock combustion research, 2016-2019, 3 million USD, major project participant;
6. University-enterprise cooperation project, Saudi Aramco, Fuelcom 3: high-pressure combustion and pre-chamber combustion research, 2019-2022, 3.5 million USD, major project participant;
7. King Abdullah University of Science and Technology, Competitive Research Grants: engine knock project, 2019-2022, 1.0 million USD, major project participant;

Selected publications: 1.Qinglong Tang*; Bengt Johansson; A review on combustion rate control, spray-wall impingement, and CO/UHC formation of the gasoline compression ignition engines. In: Kalghatgi G., Agarwal A.K., Goyal H., Houidi M.B. (eds) Gasoline Compression Ignition Technology, Chapter 4. Energy, Environment, and Sustainability, Springer, 2022.
2.Qinglong Tang, Ramgopal Sampath, Priybrat Sharma, Manuel Echeverri Marquez, Emre Cenker, Gaetano Magnotti*, Study on the effects of narrow-throat pre-chamber geometry on the pre-chamber jet velocity using dual formaldehyde PLIF imaging, Combustion and Flame 240 (2022).
3.Qinglong Tang, Ramgopal Sampath*, Manuel Echeverri Marquez, Priybrat Sharma, Ponnya Hlaing, Moez Ben Houidi, Emre Cenker, Junseok Chang, Gaetano Magnotti, Bengt Johansson, Optical diagnostics on the pre-chamber jet and main chamber ignition in the active pre-chamber combustion (PCC), Combustion and Flame 228 (2021) 218-235.
4.Qinglong Tang, Xinlei Liu*, Vallinayagam Raman, Hao Shi, Junseok Chang, Hong G. Im, Bengt Johansson, Effects of fuel trapping in piston crevice on unburned hydrocarbon emissions in early-injection compression ignition engines, Combustion and Flame 231 (2021).
5.Qinglong Tang, Haifeng Liu*, Xingwang Ran, Mingkun Li, Mingfa Yao, Effects of direct-injection fuel types and proportion on late-injection reactivity controlled compression ignition, Combustion and Flame 211 (2020) 445-455.
6.Qinglong Tang, Haifeng Liu*, Mingkun Li, Mingfa Yao, Zhongshan Li, Study on ignition and flame development in gasoline partially premixed combustion using multiple optical diagnostics, Combustion and Flame 177 (2017) 98-108.
7.Qinglong Tang, Hao Shi, Kalim Uddeen, Priybrat Sharma, Mingfa Yao, James W. G. Turner, Gaetano Magnotti*, Study of engine knocking combustion using simultaneous high-speed shadowgraph and natural flame luminosity imaging, Applied Thermal Engineering 235 (2023).
8.Kalim Uddeen, Qinglong Tang*, Hao Shi, James Turner, Performance and emission analysis of ammonia-ethanol and ammonia-methane dual-fuel combustion in a spark-ignition engine: An optical study, Fuel 358 (2024).
9.Kalim Uddeen, Qinglong Tang*, Hao Shi, Gaetano Magnotti, James Turner, A novel multiple spark ignition strategy to achieve pure ammonia combustion in an optical spark-ignition engine, Fuel 349 (2023).
10.Linhui Huang, Qinglong Tang*, Jiuling Sun, Mingfa Yao, Numerical study of the effects of excess air ratio on passive pre-chamber jet performance and ignition mechanism, Applied Thermal Engineering 234 (2023).
11.Hao Shi, Qinglong Tang*, Kalim Uddeen, Gaetano Magnotti, James Turner, Optical diagnostics and multi-point pressure sensing on the knocking combustion with multiple spark ignition, Combustion and Flame 236 (2022).
12.Haifeng Liu, Qinglong Tang*, Zhi Yang, Xingwang Ran, Chao Geng, Beiling Chen, Mingfa Yao*, A comparative study on partially premixed combustion (PPC) and reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) in an optical engine, P Combust Inst 37 (2019) 4759-4766.
13.Haifeng Liu, Qinglong Tang*, Xingwang Ran, Xinghui Fang, Mingfa Yao*, Optical diagnostics on the reactivity controlled compression ignition (RCCI) with micro direct-injection strategy, P Combust Inst 37 (2019) 4767-4775.
14.Vallinayagam Raman, Qinglong Tang*, Yanzhao An, Hao Shi, Priybrat Sharma, Gaetano Magnotti, Junseok Chang, Bengt Johansson, Impact of spray-wall interaction on the in-cylinder spatial unburned hydrocarbon distribution of a gasoline partially premixed combustion engine, Combustion and Flame 215 (2020) 157-168.
15.Qinglong Tang, Haifeng Liu*, Mingkun Li, Mingfa Yao, Optical study of spray-wall impingement impact on early-injection gasoline partially premixed combustion at low engine load, Applied Energy 185 (2017) 708-719.
Qinglong Tang, Haifeng Liu*, Mingkun Li, Chao Geng, Mingfa Yao, Multiple optical diagnostics on effect of fuel stratification degree on reactivity controlled compression ignition, Fuel 202 (2017) 688-698.

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