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Name: Pei Yiqiang
Gender: Male
Talent plan:
Professional title: Associate Professor
Institution: State Key Laboratory of Engines Specialty: Energy and Power Engineering(internal combustion engine)
Email: Personal website:
Tel: 008613802192203 Fax:
Office: State Key Laboratory of Engines
Education: 1987.9~1991.7 Luoyang Institute of Technology, internal combustion engine , bachelor's degree
1997.9~2000.7 Tianjin University, Energy and Power Engineering, master's degree
2000.9~2004.3 Tianjin University ,Energy and Power Engineering, doctor's degree

Academic experience: 2004.4~2006.3 Postdoctoral fellow, State Key Laboratory of Engines, Tianjin University
2006.4~present Associate professor, State Key Laboratory of Engines, Tianjin University
2009.3~2009.5 Visiting Scholar of Brunel University, UK
2014.7~2015.1 visiting Scholar of University of Hertfordshire r

Research interest: Combustion and emission control of internal combustion engines
Efficient and clean combustion of alternative fuels for internal combustion engines
Research on fuel spray of internal combustion engines

Teaching: Postgraduate course "Internal Combustion Engine Experimental Technology and Experimental Standards"

Academic position: Evaluation experts of National Natural Science Foundation of China,Member of Society of Automotive Engineers(SAE),Member of the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME).
Committee member of Test Technology Branch of Chinese Society for internal combustion engines
secretary-general of Energy saving and Emission purification branch of Chinese Society for internal combustion engines
Secretary General of editorial Board of Chinese Society for internal combustion engines

Academic achievement: In 2010, won the second Prize of National Technological Invention (ranking the second)
In 2009, won the first prize of Tianjin Technological Invention (ranked the fourth)
In 2009, won the Second Prize of The Ministry of Education for Technological Inventions (ranked the third)
In 2011, won the Shi Shaoxi Talent Award
In 2005, won the second prize of Tianjin Technological Invention (ranked the third)

Research projects: From 2006 to 2011, chief Scientist secretary and academic backbone of project 973 "Basic Research on the combustion technology of a new generation of internal combustion engines with Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition and low temperature combustion.

From 2015 to 2017, Tianjin University Sub-project leader of national support plan "Development and Industrial Application of High-efficiency Clean Pressurized Direct injection Gasoline Engine",

From 2013 to 2015, Tianjin University Sub-project leader of national 863 Project "Research on advanced Turbocharged Direct-injection Gasoline Engine For intermediate Cars"

From 2010 to 2012, project leader of National Natural Science Foundation of China project” Research on the formation mechanism and emission characteristics of particles in the In-cylinder direct injection (GDI) combustion mode of gasoline Engine”.

From 2010 to 2012, project leader of National Natural Science Foundation of China project, "Study on the formation mechanism, Evolution process and physical and chemical properties of particles in diesel engine with homogeneous Charge pressure combustion.

From 2007 to 2010, core member of the Key project of The National Natural Science Foundation of China, "Several key issues in advanced Internal combustion engine Combustion and control Theory"
Form 2007 to 2009, deputy leader of the National High-tech Research and Development Plan (863 Plan) project "research and development of CNG engine products for medium duty trucks",

Form 2007 to 2008, project leader of Postdoctoral Science Foundation project, "Research on the Improvement strategy of low temperature reactivity of SCR Catalytic System and its Coupling Optimization with Diesel Engine",.
In recent years, as the project leader of researches on engine combustion, emission control and clean and efficient combustion of alternative fuels, etc,cooperated with changan Auto, GAC group, Tianjin LOVOL, Dongfeng Chaoyang diesel manufacture, Yunnei Group and Chengdu Weite.

Selected publications: 1.Zhou J, Pei Y, Qin J, et al. Characteristics of Near-nozzle Spray Development from a Fouled GDI Injector[J]. Fuel, 2018, 219:17-29.
2.Zuo Z, Pei Y, Qin J, et al. Impact of dissociated Methanol addition on premixed Toluene reference fuel-air mixtures in a constant-volume chamber[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2018, 43: 6745-6755.
3.Li X, Pei Y, Qin J, et al. Effect of ultra-high injection pressure up to 50 MPa on macroscopic spray characteristics of a multi-hole gasoline direct injection injector fueled with ethanol [J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part D: Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2017: 0954407017726720.
4.Liu Y, Pei Y, Peng Z, et al. Spray development and droplet characteristics of high temperature single-hole gasoline spray[J]. Fuel, 2017, 191: 97-105.
5.Pei Y, Qin J, Li X, et al. Experimental investigation on free and impingement spray fueled with methanol, ethanol, isooctane, TRF and gasoline[J]. Fuel, 2017, 208: 174-183.
6.Zuo Z, Pei Y, Qin J, et al. Laminar Burning, Combustion and Emission Characteristics of Premixed Methane- Dissociated Methanol-Air Mixtures, SAE paper 2017, 2017-01-1289.
7.An Y, Pei Y, Qin J, et al. Development of a PAH (polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon) formation model for gasoline surrogates and its application for GDI (gasoline direct injection) engine CFD (computational fluid dynamics) simulation[J]. Energy, 2016, 94: 367-379.
8.An Y, Li X, Teng S, et al. Development of a soot particle model with PAHs as precursors through simulations and experiments[J]. Fuel, 2016, 179: 246-257.
9.An Y, Pei Y, Qin J, et al. Kinetic modeling of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons formation process for gasoline surrogate fuels[J]. Energy conversion and management, 2015, 100: 249-261.
10.Pei Y Q, Qin J, Pan S Z. Experimental study on the particulate matter emission characteristics for a direct-injection gasoline engine[J]. Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers Part D Journal of Automobile Engineering, 2014, 228(6):604-616.
11.Chen Z, Wang X, Pei Y, et al. Experimental investigation of the performance and emissions of diesel engines by a novel emulsified diesel fuel[J]. Energy Conversion & Management, 2015, 95:334-341.
12.Li Y, Pei Y, Qin J, et al. Exhaust Gas Recirculation, Late Intake Valve Closure and High Compression Ratio for Fuel Economy Improvement in a MPI Gasoline Engine[J]. Sae Technical Papers, 2014, 1(7):1240-50.
13.Qin J, Li X, Pei Y. Effects of Combustion Parameters and Lubricating Oil on Particulate Matter Emissions from a Turbo-Charged GDI Engine Fueled with Methanol/Gasoline Blends[J]. Sae Technical Papers, 2014, 2014.
14.Pan S Z, Pei Y Q, Song C L, et al. Particle number and size distributions from gasoline engine[J]. Journal of Combustion Science & Technology, 2012, 18(2):181-185.
15.Yu D, Pei Y Q, Pan S Z, et al. A Study of Particle Size Distribution from a Low Temperature Combustion Heavy-Duty Diesel Engine[J]. Applied Mechanics & Materials, 2011, 130-134:2379-2382.

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